3 Ways a Young Woman Can Simplify Her Life
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I over complicate my life. I’ve heard about simple living for a long time (from my mom!) but I am still learning what…
8 Things Young Women Must Become Before Marriage
What kind of women do we need to become before marriage? The last post I published was 8 Things to Look for in a Future Husband. While the future marriage…
8 Things to Look for in a Future Husband
What should a young woman look for in a future husband? This post has been asked for, and talked about, but I’m little nervous about sharing this. Why? Because this…
11 Things to Pray for Your Future Husband
How Should You Pray for Your Future Husband? To be honest, I haven’t always prayed for my future husband, but in the last few weeks I have begun praying for him…
8 Ways to Renew Your Spirit
Do you know how to renew your Spirit? Do you ever feel run down, depressed, tired, or just plain weary? It is so common to get worn out and fall…
One Thing That Will Change the Way You Pray
PRAY is my one word for 2016. I have been trying to study prayer and actually spend more time praying. I’ve been learning so much already… and it’s only March!…
31 Prompts for Your Prayer Time + a Challenge
Have you ever used writing prompts? My friend and I were using some this past Monday night when I realized I should make some prompts to use in my…
4 Women of the Bible Every Young Woman Should Study
I love studying the women of the Bible. My Sunday School teachers in high school taught us many lessons on the women of the Bible, and I think it’s natural…
4 Things You Need in Your Relationship with Christ
“But it is good for me to draw near to God…” Psalm 73:28 Do you have a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ? With two days until Valentine’s Day “love is…
10 Ways a Young Woman Can Saturate Her Life with Scripture
Hey Friends, I don’t know about you… but I absolutely love reading a good book. However, a joyful and radiant life is one that is saturated in God’s Word. The Bible…