My Favorite Baby Items

Hey Mama,

I don’t know about you, but when I was pregnant, it was hard to know exactly what I would use once my baby arrived. We were blessed with a multitude of gifts from family and friends, but even after my baby arrived, I made frequent Amazon purchases for baby items that made my life with baby much smoother.

To help out my fellow mama-friends, I’ve put together an Amazon list of all the things I used for pregnancy, birth, and life with a new baby. (This page does contain affiliate links.)

This list will be especially helpful to you if…

  1. You’re trying to decide what to put on your registry
  2. You’re a first-time mama
  3. You just want to know what items will make your pregnancy, birth, and “life with baby” a little more smooth

Every mom and baby are different

My favorite baby items may not be the same things that you and your baby use and love. That’s okay! Not everything on my list was used over and over again, but all of them were at least used part of the time and were helpful to us in some way.

Click here to view my favorite baby items.

Interested in starting your own baby registry?

I used and loved Amazon for both my wedding registry and my baby registry. It was much simpler and easier to use than other registries… plus, a LOT of people shop on Amazon!

Click here, to start your own baby registry.

Have fun preparing for your little one! ♥

With Love,