Hey Friends,
This is the fourth (and final) part of our love story. Of course, our story is still being written as we go through married life together – and let me just say, it’s been a wonderful journey so far! If you are new here, be sure to go back and read the first three parts of our love story (linked below) and then come back here to read that final part! ♥
- Our Story: How We Met {Part One}
- Our Story: Building a Friendship {Part Two}
- Our Story: Courtship {Part Three}
When I first began sharing our story I only intended it to be two parts – and then it turned into four?! It’s amazing how much about our love story came back to me as I began to tell it. I hope you’ve enjoyed following along!
Before we get started, I just want to let you all know that I am hosting a book giveaway and a Bible Study challenge on my instagram @more_radiance. So be sure to hop on over there to join in on the fun!
Okay, now for the final part that you’ve all been waiting for! ♥
Our Story: Engagement {Part Four}
Winter 2017
As January turned into February, I was definitely falling in love with Adam. Before our courtship, I was a little concerned because I didn’t have a lot of “romantic feelings” for Adam – beyond enjoying our growing friendship.
What I’ve learned is that our world has it so backwards. We should follow God’s leading and sound wisdom – not our heart. I knew that God was the one who had brought our paths together and even though I didn’t have a lot of romantic feelings for Adam at the time, I took a step of faith by agreeing to a courtship. As Adam pursued me that winter it didn’t take long for God to give me those “romantic feelings” that I had desired!
Adam was incredibly sweet in the way he pursued me during our courtship. Before we began courting he was very careful about saying sweet things and getting too involved with my emotions… but once we started courting he became the sweetest, most romantic guy ever. It was quite a wonderful surprise! ♥
We went on dates about once a week and we saw each other a few days a week at work and at church.
Once February was in full swing, I started getting a little suspicious about a proposal. I knew Adam had met a couple times with my parents and I assumed he had asked them for permission to marry me.
Valentine’s Day came and we had a wonderful date. I cooked a special dinner for the two of us, we exchanged cards and gifts, and had a really fabulous evening. During our dinner Adam said “I love you” for the first time. I remember feeling all warm and fuzzy inside after our wonderful date, knowing that I was truly loved. ♥
Valentine’s Day was on a Tuesday. Adam and I had another date on Friday (which was our typical date night) and on Saturday his family had invited my parents and I up to their home for dinner (or so I thought).
February 18, 2017
Once Saturday rolled around, I was a little suspicious but I thought it might be too early for a proposal. So, we went to Adam’s home, and once we arrived, we all stood around just talking for the longest time. Finally, we made our way outside and Adam soon asked me if I would like to go for a walk. It was a beautiful day for February. I agreed to a little walk, so we starting heading down towards the creek at the edge of their property. Before I knew it, everyone else had disappeared inside. All of sudden my heart started beating really fast and I started getting nervous – I thought that something must be up.
We continued to walk along the edge of the creek, just talking and enjoying each other’s company. It was one of the warmest days in February but there was still just a little bit of snow on the ground. As we talked, I started to relax. I soon thought, “oh, he must not be planning to propose.” We finally ended up on the large rock on the edge of their yard. Sitting on the rock you can see the creek and overlook the surrounding fields and tree farms. It’s beautiful spot. ♥
As we sat there, Adam began to tell me how much he loved me. Before I knew it he was fumbling with his coat pocket and pulling out a little black ring box. I’m sure my mouth probably dropped open as he opened up the little box and asked me to be his wife. Of course I said, “Yes!”
He slid the ring on my finger and we just sat there for several moments. I couldn’t believe I was actually engaged! It was such a surreal moment to look down at my hand, which held a beautiful engagement ring, knowing that I had just agreed to be Adam’s wife. I was getting married!
After awhile, our parents joined us outside to congratulate us, give us hugs, and take pictures. Such sweet moments! ♥
Once we went indoors I discovered that Adam had even more surprises planned! He gave me a lovely bouquet of red roses and led me down to the basement. What I discovered downstairs was a beautifully decorated room with a table set for two. Surrounding the room were balloons, white lights, flowers, and pictures of the two of us. His mom had cooked us a delicious meal with two main dishes and delicious sides and his sister Ashley served us our meal. I felt so spoiled! We ended our meal with fancy, chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.
After our meal, Adam surprised me yet again by singing a beautiful song that he had re-written just for me! The song, “Lord Make Us One” is like a prayer asking God to unite us as one. (He sung the song again during our wedding ceremony seven months later). That song will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Leaving their home that night, I was on cloud nine. The next day was Sunday and we had so much fun sharing the news of our engagement with my church family. ♥
Within a week we decided on our wedding date, September 16th, 2017, which gave me about seven months to plan our wedding.
Needless to say, Adam and I were married seven months later and we’ve been loving married life ever since!
During our engagement, I wrote several posts that shared my thoughts and feeling about engagement and how we were preparing for marriage. You can go back and read these special posts by clicking the links below!
- Engagement: What It’s Like From My Perspective
- Engagement: What It’s Life From His Perspective
- Preparing for Marriage, Not Just a Wedding
Looking back on our love story, it seems just about perfect. However, that doesn’t mean we didn’t have some bumps in the road. The summer before we got married, Adam did another pastoral internship at the church where we are currently attending. It was hard to have a long-distance relationship -yet again. Of course, we made it through that summer and God blessed us with a beautiful wedding and a wonderful first year!
If you want to read more about our love story, you can see photos and read about our wedding day right here and you can also read my thoughts after one month of marriage, and my thoughts after one year of marriage! ♥
Now, before you go, let me just share some encouragement for those of you still waiting for your “prince charming”.
- Enjoy today. Don’t waste your days and week pining away for your future husband. Enjoy your life now. Life is not going to begin when you meet your spouse, your live has already begun. Use your single years to grow in the Lord, serve Him, and use your time wisely. It’s time you will you never get back.
- Stay focused on God’s plan. It’s so easy to get distracted by someone or something that is not God’s Will for your life. Pray through every potential opportunity and relationship that presents itself. You want to follow God’s will for your life and nothing else!
- Pray for your future husband. There’s nothing wrong with praying for (or about) your future husband. I have a post written about that right here. Just remember that God may or may not have a future husband waiting for you in your future. It’s wrong to expect God to give you a husband. Marriage is not God’s plan for everyone. Hold your dreams in an open hand and trust that God knows best whether marriage is in your future or not.
- Pray for yourself. Pray that God would mold you into the person He wants you to be. Too many people focus on finding the right person instead of being the right person. Don’t forget to be learning, growing, and becoming the person that God wants you to be!
I have more blog posts about singleness and relationships which you can find right here. ♥
Thank you for following along and reading all about our love story! I hope it was a blessing to you!
Until Next Time,

What a beautiful love story! I am so glad God brought you two together. I love the idea of a special dinner together…it sounds beautiful. He definitely gets brownie points for the chocolate-covered strawberries!
I am still waiting + praying for my Prince Charming, but I trust that God will provide in His perfect timing. He is such a good Father to us.
Yes, he did a great job – and the chocolate covered strawberries were delicious. ♥ You are right. God is good – with or without a beautiful love story, His plan for each of our lives is unique and beautiful! Thanks for reading our story!
Truly inspiring! What a lovely story and an encouragement to wait for God’s will!
I never got the email for this post so I’m finally just now reading it! This is so sweet, though. I love how you took your time and didn’t rush into things. Thanks for doing these posts!