Hey Sweet Friend,
Today I want to talk about much-needed, and much forsaken topic in our culture…
How to Be a Lovely Lady.
Sadly, many girls are growing up not being taught how to be a lady. Our world is full of grown women that no longer know what it means to be a woman, or how to be a feminine and lovely lady. Feminine and ladylike behavior is becoming more and more rare.
So, today we are going to talk about some very basic practices you and I can apply to our lives to become a truly lovely lady. Many of these are just basic manners and good etiquette, but it’s worth being reminded of them all.
After you’re done reading this post, I want to hear your thoughts on the subject of being a lady!
How to Be a Lovely Lady
Spend Time in the Word
A young woman who chooses to spend time with the Lord, reading His Word each day, will be lovely inside and out. When we read the Bible, we learn what God has to say about true womanhood and femininity. God’s Word is our guidebook, and as Christian women we will benefit greatly from saturating our minds and hearts in the Word of God. ♥ If you want to be a truly lovely lady… spend time with the Lord in His Word!
Choose Joy
Choose to rejoice in the Lord. Joyfulness is a lovely characteristic that makes a woman truly beautiful. Choosing to be joyful in the Lord doesn’t mean we will never feel down or have a bad day. No, it means that in spite of it all the ups and downs of life, the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10). Joy in your heart and soul will give your face a lovely and beautiful countenance.
>>> Related Post: 7 Life-Changing Books About Joy
It seems as if so many young women don’t know how to smile anymore! Putting a smile on your face is a free way to improve your outward appearance…. and a genuine smile (not a fake one!) will make you look lovely!
Stay Neat and Clean
I’m sure you know this already… but proper hygiene is so important! Not only will help you look and smell better… it will help you feel better. Taking daily showers, using deodorant, brushing your teeth, getting hair trims when necessary (speaking of which, I need one myself!), and wearing neat and clean clothing are all part of being a lovely lady!
Smell Lovely
I’ve already mentioned daily showers and deodorant, but there a lots of other (simple) ways to smell lovely. Scented shampoos, scented body wash, perfume, and/or essential oils are all wonderful ways to add some scent to your persona. It never hurts to smell lovely (just be careful not to over-do it!)
Dress Appropriately
Learn how to dress appropriately for all occasions. We must all be careful to dress modestly, but the type of clothing we wear should vary… weddings, funerals, church services, play/leisure, and work, are all different occasions that call for different kinds of modest clothing. Learn to dress modestly and appropriately for each occasion.
>>> To learn more about modest and appropriate dress, grab your copy of my Radiant Modesty E-Book!
Look Like a Female
In a world where men are looking effeminate and women are donning all kinds of masculine styles, make sure your appearance is distinctly feminine. We should be careful to avoid manly looking hair cuts and masculine clothing styles. Make sure it’s obvious to the world that you are a feminine lady by the way you look.
Keep Your Makeup Natural
Too much makeup doesn’t look lovely on anyone (unless you’re a skilled makeup artist that knows how to make it look natural!). Use a light hand when it comes to makeup, and learn how to apply it conservatively, and naturally.
>>> Related Post: Beauty Tips for Christian Girls
Say Please and Thank You
Manners will forever be a vital aspect of loveliness. You cannot be a lovely woman without good manners. Simple things like saying “please” and “thank you” go a long way!
>>> Follow my Pinterest board How to Be a Lady for more tips on good manners and etiquette!
Learn the Art of Writing Thank You Notes
People love to feel appreciated. When someone gives you a gift, treats you to a meal, or makes a kind gesture, send them a thank you note in the mail. It’s always exciting to receive something in the mail, because most people choose to text or send a message via social media. Hand-written thank you notes are becoming a lost art.. don’t let that happen, learn to write and send your own thank you notes!
>>> Check out these gorgeous thank you cards!
Make Others Feel Special
A woman who makes others feel loved will be remembered and appreciated. Learn to be friendly, be kind, and show others that they are special and loved. Give others a genuine compliment, smile at someone who looks sad, and give a hug to someone who needs one. People will never forget how you made them feel. How can you make someone feel special today?
Remember Names
One of the best ways to make someone feel special, is to remember their name and use it. I must admit, I am not the best at this, but it is something we can learn to do, and we can get better at it. When you learn someone’s name, try to pick out something unique about them to attach with their name. Such as: Sarah has strawberry blonde hair, Rachel has brilliant blue eyes, and Hannah is an amazing violinist. Learning to attach a person’s name with something about their appearance or personality will help you remember their name and remember something unique about them that you be able to use later!
Be Considerate
This goes right back to having good manners and making people feel special… but be considerate of another person’s feelings. My mom used to tell us (my brothers and me) over and over again… “if someone doesn’t like something, don’t do it!” She had to say this so often because as siblings we often didn’t “get it”. However, it’s an old principle that’s worth remembering and applying.
The reverse is also true… if someone likes something… do it! Go and talk to that lonely girl, give flowers to the friend who loves them, and give a hug to the elderly lady who loves to receiving them. Consider the feelings of others, and then do something about it!
Show Respect
Unfortunately, many young people (young ladies included) do not know how to respect those in authority. Whether it’s your parents, teachers, grandparents, or other adults at church, learn to be respectful. Remember to say “Mr.” and “Mrs.” instead of calling an adult by their first name (unless they’ve asked you to use their first name). Saying “yes sir” and “yes ma’am” never hurts either.
(A quick side note here: I once worked at as a counselor at a Christian camp, and all the campers were required to use “Miss” and “Mr.”along with out first names – what a great way to teach kids to be respectful!)
Showing respect should not be disregarded or forgotten; it’s still important. It’s also another mark of truly lovely lady.
Let Your Personality Shine
Some girls are so shy they never let others see their amazing personality. I remember reading in this beauty book, that when a young women is in a group, she should smile and talk, and let her lovely personality shine. This can be really hard to do if you are naturally a quiet person. The key here is to focus on being a friendly person and find someone (or several people) that make you feel comfortable in their presence. Practice being friendly with them and let your own unique personality come out as you interact. Then gradually learn to talk and interact with others. Before you know it, you will naturally become a more outgoing person who isn’t afraid to be friendly and share her unique personality with others.
Don’t Be Stubborn
A stubborn woman is not a lovely woman.
There are times when we ought to be stubborn – like when we need to stand up for something that’s right, or when we need to stand up for someone. But most of the time, a woman who is stubborn and set in her ways will never have an air of loveliness about her. The Bible compares stubbornness to iniquity and idolatry (I Sam. 15:23)! Those two things are definitely not attributes of lovely lady!
Put Your Phone Away
I’m sure you’ve already noticed that our society is extremely attached to their phones. There is something addicting about that little device with a screen. However, if you find yourself in a group, or someone wants to engage you in conversation… put your phone away! I know this can be hard to do, but always remember that real-life connections with people are so much more important and valuable than connecting over a phone. So, choose to put your phone away!
Be Prompt
Running late isn’t just rude, it inconveniences other people, and it’s a poor testimony. Of course, we all run late occasionally – sometimes circumstances don’t allow us to be on time. But, as best as we are able, we should make it a habit to be prompt. This might mean getting up earlier, getting ready faster, or not stopping for coffee! But whatever it takes, discipline yourself to get ready early and be prompt!
Learn How to Be a Hostess
A lovely lady knows how to be a warm and welcoming hostess. Her home and the food she serves do not need to be perfect… the most important thing is that she makes her guests feel welcomed, at home, and comfortable. Hospitality is something else that’s becoming a lost art. You do not need to go all out – just learn how to open up your home and make people feel special. You don’t even need to serve a full meal, just coffee and dessert can be a blessing to a new (or old) friend.
Be Virtuous
Last but not least, what makes a woman truly lovely is her godly and virtuous heart. This comes when we spending time in the Word of God and allow Him to mold and shape us into women of godly character. The best secret for becoming a lovely woman, is to become a Christ-Like and virtuous woman!
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10
“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
Final Thoughts
There you go, my lovely friend. Those are 20 simple ways to be a truly lovely lady. I hope you will read over this list, think about each principle and make any necessary changes in your life.
Please don’t let feminine, and lady-like behavior die in our culture – choose to be different, choose to embrace femininity, and choose to be a lovely lady!
If you would like to read more about the topic of lady-like femininity, I would highly recommend Elizabeth Elliot’s classic book, Let Me Be A Woman. It’s a must-read for every woman!
Before You Go…
→ I want to hear your thoughts! What would YOU add to my list?
(Pssst. I created a little infographic for you! Save it to Pinterest and share it with your friends! Let’s encourage other girls to become a truly lovely lady ♥)

Hi Rebekah, thank you, this is a lovely and encouraging post. I pray God will use this to encourage all the girls and ladies who read it.☺️Spending time with God is defiantly the most important! So thankful that God has given us His Word to help guide us to be more like Him!
I’m a girly girl as they say, so I have a lot of fun picking out modest clothing and doing my make-up (which I try to keep natural and use very little). It does make me very sad when I see girls wearing too much make-up.😔 God has made us all fearfully and wonderfully, so we don’t need a lot of make-up. Did you ever hear of the quote “Joy is the best make-up”? It goes well with the Choose Joy part of this post.😉
I have been a very quiet person most of my life and am trying to find the balance of being outgoing but having a humble meek spirit as well. Do you have any advice for that?😌
An idea to give people joy and make them feel special is send them special quotes and verses just because. I also love going back to the post you wrote about 100 ways to bless people.
Hey Girl,
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, there is definitely a balance between being meek and quiet vs. outgoing and friendly. If a girl becomes too silly, too loud, or obnoxious, that is obviously not very meek and quiet! However, a young woman can be friendly, smile, chat, and make others feel warm and welcome without being overly boisterous, silly or loud. As we grow and mature in the Lord we can gradually learn that balance. It also helps to ask the advice of your mom or another godly lady. Or just watch the ladies interact at church – are they being overly loud and boisterous or do they show friendliness all while displaying a meek and quiet spirit? Watch and learn ♥
Thanks for sharing those ideas as well! 🙂
Thank you, this helped.😊 God bless!❤️
Also, I’m sorry I just realized that I misspelled definetly. I did not mean defiantly! Oops.
No problem… I didn’t even notice ☺
I am so glad to see a post about one of my favourite topics. Thank you so much, Rebekah! I am often reading something about femininity to keep myself inspired and motivated. It is so amazing to be lovely and girly.
I would add to your list: a lovely lady is always active, pays attention how she behaves around guys, manifests creativity, do her best at work/ school, she reads and develops her education, she pays attention to her weight…
I also like to inspire and encourage girls to be truly feminine.
Please post more articles on godly womanhood topic. I love your sweet writing style.
Please write a post about hobbies or activities or projects for ladies.
God bless you!
Hi Adriana, I’m so glad you liked this post! And you have some fabulous ideas – I never thought to add some of those to my list. Being careful how we act around young men is very important too. Thanks for sharing! And thank you for the requests… I will keep those in mind!
Thanks for posting, Rebekah! I agree with each of your points and I love this topic!
Glad you enjoy this topic too! ❤
So helpful! Thank you for the reminder!
Glad you found it helpful ❤
Thank You for writing such a reminder, your blog is such a blessing! I pray God helps us to be more and more like Jesus every day.
Love Elizabeth Elliot’s book, I’ve just read it recently for the first time and I have to admit it changed my view on a biblical womanhood and manhood (in a good way) and helped me to realize few things. Definitely recommended it to every woman too!
May you have a blessed week. 🙂
I’m glad you had the chance to read that book!
Thanks for reading and commenting… I love hearing from my readers!
This is seriously one of the best blog posts I have ever read! And by the way, great name 🙂
Glad to hear that! Aww thanks 😉
I can’t believe I haven’t read that book by Elisabeth Elliot yet! I need to! These are all great tips, Rebekah. I’m surprised by how many people that don’t know how to say thank you. It really is about the simplest thing you can do but yet it gets so overlooked!
How very true. It’s such a pity so many women don’t seem to care about being a feminine lady. It’s a delight to dress modestly and act ladylike. Also the scriptures are there to teach us how to behave. Thankyou Rebekka for this important encouragement for all who will listen with their hearts
You are so welcome!
I’m a lady but not lovely lol
there are things that i should change my lifestyle as a woman so i can be a lovely lady.
Thanks for this!
I love what I’m reading. It reminds me of when I was in high school and my principal taught a class called “Family Living”. I now have 4 children,3 are girls and it’s refreshing for me to read again the importance of being and young lady.
Virginia says: You precious words reminds me of when I was a little girl and my Grandmama would make sure I learned how to have manners, not only at the dinner table but also everyday. She taught me how to dress like a little lady with my white purse and gloves for Sunday school and how to be a lady just for everyday even with my apron whenever I was learning to help out in the kitchen.
Your words bring back such wonderful memories and I love it. Thank you so much.
Wow! I feell like it was written for me personally! Thank You!😁
It’s hard work being a vituoes woman. Good give grace
Great Job!
This is SO well written, and very true! The only other thing I could think of is a meek and quiet spirit! (Maybe you put that and I didn’t see it?) So many girls are “boisterous” and so very opinionated in a pushy way! It can be very unlady like!
This is so foreign in our culture today. This is an amazing way to encourage girls to be true ladies! Great job! I love reading your articles! Please keep it up! It’s such a blessing.
Thank you so much for this post!!! It is super encouraging! 🙂
I love this, my stepdaughter just turned 10 years old and I am always trying to instill many of these in her. We tell her that God wants us to take care if eachother. Recently we returned a lost wallet together and her Dad and I told her we did not accept a reward because that is not why we do the things. We did it because it was the right thing to do. And this is why God made us. And why it feels good to do the right thing and that is the best reward.
Really enjoyed this reading. I also agree so many things in our lives are changing. I enjoy my feminine side and I don’t apologize for it. Look forward to reading more articles.
I LOVE this and whore-heartedly believe in all of these points. However, in an age where beautiful is in all shapes and sizes… as it should be. I feel like modesty is something no longer practiced and it bothers me. I was raised on old fashioned beliefs, many of which you’ve mentioned and I see young(er) women dumbing down the femininity for a moment of fame. “Sex tapes got me famous” is not the way to present yourself as a lady on this world and should not be respected as such. Yet, the media sells it, children see the fame & fortune behind it and follow suit.
Personally, I’d much rather see a struggling actor or actress who works hard progress, yet sadly, all you will find is who can make a bigger “stage”.
Many of these should be taught in the home and I just don’t see that happening a lot anymore.
Thank you for your time.
What an incredible resource for young ladies. As an educator, I plan to utilize these thoughts to impart to some of my 5th grade girls – especially concerning femininity and modesty. Thank you so much for sharing and may the Lord bless you and your family.
Someone called me “lovely lady” today and I don’t think I’ve ever received a nicer compliment. I don’t see myself that way but I try to look the best I can and treat everyone with consideration and kindness, and being polite is in my nature. It made me want to cultivate those aspects of myself. Being ladylike or even “elegant” (not high class) is an art form. I enjoyed the article and all the comments and the scriptures as well. You can never be sure what kind of an impression you make on others so hearing such an affirmation can be encouraging. Like Mark Twain said I can live off a good compliment for a month or something like that~kindness begets kindness. Give love, get love. And love your neighbor as yourself. That’s a tough one sometimes!
Thank you for this wonderful post. You shared things I was taught as a young girl growing up. I now have a daughter who is part Mexican and I realize that I put so much emphasis on teaching her how to navigate life as a woman in America and to have thick skin because she would encounter racism eventually. I taught her how to cook basic meals and to do laundry with cleaning a home.
However, I didn’t teach her how to be a lady because I myself have forgotten how. So thank you for this refresher.