I’m actually looking forward to Valentines Day even though I’m single. Some girls may feel left out because they don’t have a boyfriend. However, Valentine’s Day should mean so much more than just romance. Valentine’s Day was created in celebration of love, and love isn’t always just romance. True love goes so much deeper.
This Valentine’s Day, if you are single, why not have your own celebration? There doesn’t have to be a bit of romance in order for you to have a special and meaningful day.
Things To Do On Valentine’s Day as a Single Christian Girl
1) Write a letter of love and gratitude
Write a letter to your best friend who’s always been there. Or one for your parents who always cheer you on. What about that older or younger sibling who means more to you than they know? Take a few minutes to tell someone how much you really love and appreciate them.
2) Spend time with close (single) friends
You aren’t the only one without a significant other. Get together with a group of friends (or just one) and plan something crazy fun. My friends and I love going skating, going to amusements parks and playing competitive games. Why not make some plans with some of your single friends… you can have a blast together.
3. Spend time with family
There’s no love quite like that of a family. One of my favorite memories of Valentine’s Day is when I went out to dinner with my parents. We had a lot of fun and I still remember having a huge blonde moment while we were out (it involves chocolate!) 😉 Don’t be afraid to spend time this Valentine’s Day with your family. They love you more than anyone else, so why not show your family that you appreciate their company?
4) Spend some quiet time alone with your Savior
We always want to get away with the people we love the most. Why not set aside time for the One who loves you above all else? He wants to spend time with You more than you know. This Valentine’s Day get alone with Jesus and spend some time talking with Him.
5) Curl up with a good book
Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to curl up with some warm, blankets, a hot drink, and good book. Don’t just fill your mind with love stories and romance novels. Take the time to read something that will inspire you, encourage you, or teach you something new.
>>> Check out my BIG list of great books for Christian Women!
6) Call a family member
Do you have family members that are far away, lonely, or elderly? Give one of them a call. It could be a couple minutes to say high or a good 20 minutes to catch up on each other’s lives. Use this special day to catch up with a family member and show them you care.
7) Send someone flowers (secretly)
Imagine the fun of receiving a surprise bouquet of flowers from an anonymous friend! You could send flowers to your mom, your best friend, an elderly lady/widow, or someone who has made a special impact on your life.
8) Babysit
Whether you volunteer or get a paid babysitting job, many couples will need a sitter on Valentine’s Day. If you don’t have a regular “sitting job”, try volunteering to babysit for a family that can’t afford a sitter. You might just make some new little friends. 🙂
9) Watch an inspirational movie
It’s an amazing feeling to relax and watch a movie that inspires you. If you stay at home on Valentine’s Day, why not watch something that speaks to your heart? These are my favorite inspirational and “heart-touching” movies:
- October Baby (one of my top favorites!)
- Facing the Giants
- Fireproof (this has a great love story!)
- Courageous
- War Room
- The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry (you’ll find a sweet childhood love story in this one!)
What’s your favorite inspirational movie? Let me know in the comments!
10) Make a “husband list”
Since it is Valentine’s Day… why not sit down a make a list a “requirements” and “non-negotiables.” Now this list should not be so unreasonable than no man can measure up… however, it is important to know what you will be looking for in a future husband. If you are a Christian some things that should find it’s way to your list would be: 1. He must be a growing Christian 2. He should not have an uncontrollable anger problem and so on…
>>> Related Post: 8 Things to Look for in a Future Husband
11) Make a list of goals for your “single season”
Now’s the time to make things happen. Being single is a blessing in many ways. You have more time, more spending money, and less responsibilities. Take some time to make a list of the things you want to accomplish. Make your plans and then do them! You will be so glad you did.
12. Remember: there is Someone to fill the void and loneliness
If you find yourself feeling lonely and empty, remember that this “hole” in your heart can only be filled by One Person. God wants to fill that place in your heart. He is the only One that will truly satisfy you and your longings. He wants to replace the feelings of loneliness with a sense of His presence and His joy. He will…. if you let Him!
>>> Related Post: 5 Things Every Girl Must Know This Valentine’s Day
There You Have It
I hope you do at least one of the ideas on this list. I truly hope each one of you has an amazing Valentine’s Day. Single or not… please don’t forget to spend some time with your Savior. He loves you and wants to spend time with you!
I Would Love to Know
- What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
- Which one of these ideas are you the most excited to try?
- If you are single, do you struggle with loneliness on Valentine’s Day?

I love this post! This is my thought too. That even though you mainly hear and see people focusing on couples around Valentine’s, it’s all about love! So I love to take this time to really focus on my love for my Savior and His love for me. Also, to think about my future husband. He’s out there somewhere, and he’s having to see everyone get engaged and celebrating this holiday as well. So pray for him!(I already pray for him regularly, but this time especially) Also, I will be writing him a letter, that he can open someday!
Those are some really great thoughts… And you’re right, my future husband could be out their struggling (possibly) or perhaps feeling lonely. I haven’t gotten into a regular habit of praying for my future husband (yet) but I love the idea!!
Well if it makes you feel any better, it took me a long time to finally get into the habit!
Haha 🙂 yes, that does make me feel a little better. There is a book about praying for your future husband… have you read it?
I haven’t!
Thanks for this post!! I really like the idea you gave of spending time with God. I go through different times of loneliness, but sometimes I think that has more to do because we are missionaries and not because I’m still single 🙂 On Valentines we’ve always done a special meal as a family…heart-shaped food items and the like. I’ve never really felt that sad on Valentines Day. It’s not much different for me than any other day.
I love it that you have a family tradition on Valentine’s Day… That is such a neat idea!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Valentines’ day has always been a family celebration at my home. 🙂 I enjoy the holiday because it’s a chance for me to show how I love my friends and family. I liked your list, there are a lot of good ideas on it. 🙂
I’m sure the idea isn’t original, but a couple of years ago I sent my girl friends a Valentine’s Day message with a few verses I’d chosen about God’s love. The response of one of my friends ran along the lines of this post! 😉
She was grateful because, being a few years older, she realized even more keenly how singles often feel left-out or somehow lacking on Valentine’s Day–sad because, really, celebrating love (especially our Savior’s) is something everyone could participate in. (I guess part of the problem is how commercialized the holiday has become? Everyone’s exposed to the ads for sales on jewelry and chocolate!) 😀
Anyway… your post has served as an early reminder for me to begin preparing the little something for this year! (My chance to combine encouragement with graphic design…👍🏼) Thank you for taking on this topic!
That’s a great idea… I might just have to do that myself! I was just reading in a book that we often don’t realize how much God loves us -even though we see it so many times in Scripture!
I really wish Valentine’s Day could be more about love and less about romance and relationships. Commercialization definitely doesn’t help!
Let me know how your little something goes this year… I would love to hear about it! 🙂
I think that’s a great idea, Emily!
This is an awesome post! I kind of felt the same way around Valentine’s Day. Then one time I decided to research what Valentine’s Day even meant, and I found that it rooted back to a Roman Festival fertility celebration. It made it much easier for me to feel better, and not so left out LOL. I like your ideas. I’ll definitly do devotion time, probably read a good book and watch a movie. Great list!!! I appreciate these ideas!
I have to admit I’m curious now, Megan, because I thought that the holiday honors the martyr Valentine. Yet the results of your research do make sense considering Cupid is a symbol of the holiday. Maybe Valentine’s name was something the Roman church superimposed over the pre-existing (pagan) fertility festival??? (How convoluted things get sometimes!) 😋
Since the day is there though and everyone will be talking about love anyway, I believe we can seize the opportunity to celebrate the love we ARE privileged to receive and reciprocate: Christ’s love, our family’s love, our friends’ love… Nothing wrong with not having a husband’s love yet! 😊
It could Emily! I’m not sure. It had something to do with Rome, a pope celebrated it on the 15th with a festival to celebrate fertility, and then he declared it to be celebrated on the 14th instead. There could be several reasons that made it what it isays today 😂
Maybe I should add “Research the History of Valentine’s Day” to my list! 🙂 Now I am very curious as well!
You are sooo right… we should be thankful for the love we are so blessed to receive and return! 🙂
I’m glad you were able to get some ideas from this list 🙂
I should really research the history of Valentine’s Day (more in-depth). I know about St. Valentine and the story behind his be-heading (gross, I know!). But that’s about it. I don’t know a whole lot about the fertility festival. Sounds very… interesting!
Thanks so much for leaving a comment – I love hearing from you!
Hey girls, this is the link I found on this topic. It has almost all of the reasons Valentine’s day has been jumbled into one holiday. I thought it was odd…but it’s also interesting. http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day
That was really interesting! I heard those stories about St. Valentine (from Adventures in Odyssey) 🙂 But the roman festival was new to me. Thanks for sharing the link! 🙂
Thanks Megan!! That article helped make some connections. (Nothing like sitting back and learning from a thorough article that someone else unburied, haha! 😄) I truly appreciate your following up.
Rebekah, AIO is responsible for some of my historical information too… a homeschooler’s trait? 😂
Haha! Yes is must be a homeschooler trait. I can’t imagine life without Odyssey! 🙂
I love this point you’ve brought up how a Valentines Day love doesn’t have to be romantic! It’s such a great idea to spend time with family and friends and to just show your love to people. I didn’t really think much of Valentines Day since I’m not in a relationship and I didn’t think that day applied to me, but now that you’ve brought this up, I think it’s a fantastic idea! 😀
I hope you will still celebrate (wether you have a significant other or not)!
I hope you got some ideas from this post… And I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!! 🙂
Love it! I’m planing on writing notes to my friends and family and surprising my family with little gifts.
Oh that’s such a fun idea! Have fun ❤️