I don’t know about you, but sometimes I over complicate my life. I’ve heard about simple living for a long time (from my mom!) but I am still learning what that means for me in my life. I have been learning some principles for simple living that I hope I can apply now and in the future. I’ve also read a very helpful book on the topic (which I will share with you at the end!). So without further ado here are 3 ways I’ve learned that we can simplify our life!
3 Ways A Young Woman Can Simplify Her Life
1) Learn to Say “No”
This one is so hard for me (and many others!). Whenever I am presented with a new opportunity or an added responsibility, my first response is usually “yes!! I can do that!”. It’s not until later that I realize I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, and my peace of mind is at stake. It’s important for us to learn to say no to some things in order to say yes to other (better) things. Saying no to something that’s not meant for us will help us find more time and energy for the things that bring us joy and most importantly, the things God really wants us to do. Let’s take new opportunities to God in prayer. We must ask God what He wants us to do and then wisely choose to say “no” to everything else.
Take Action: The next time you are presented with a new opportunity, ask God for wisdom. Graciously say “no” if you really don’t think a new opportunity is a priority God wants you to have.
“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient; all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” 1 Corinthians 10:23
2) Get Rid of Clutter
Excess always bogs us down. We own so many things we really don’t need (or even use). One of the surest and fastest ways to simplify is this: get rid of the clutter! We often keep things without realizing how little we use it and how much time and space it is taking away from our life. Let’s start getting rid of the clutter and excess today.
Take Action: Go through your possessions and honestly ask yourself how much you need and use each item. Wisely decide what you will keep, relocate, give away, or throw away.
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21
3) Choose To Be Content
In order to keep from accumulating excess clutter in the first place, we must learn to be content with what we already have. We need to cultivate wisdom, discretion, and contentment when shopping. Online shopping is especially dangerous because we can purchase new things in “one click”. Personally, I struggle with this when it comes to shopping for books and clothing. As a result of not making wiser purchases I find myself with books I won’t read for a very long time and clothing I only wear once in a blue moon. Maybe you struggle with other purchases. Too many Starbucks runs? A larger than necessary makeup collection (Oops, I forgot I struggle with this one as well! 😉 ) How about expensive technology you just have to own? Let’s identify the areas of our spending that we tend to overindulge. Let’s choose to cultivate contentment instead.
Take Action: Write down one or two areas of your spending that needs to be limited. Ask God to help you be content with what you already own. The next time you go shopping, pray and ask God to help you make wise, disciplined choices. Choose to be content and practice self-discipline.
“And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” Luke 12:15
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11
Why We Should Simplify
We are not going to have the desire to simplify without knowing why we should do it. In case you feel a little skeptical about saying “no”, getting rid of clutter, and cultivating contentment… here are a few things to consider:
- Simplifying will save us time and give us more time for things that really matter
- Simplifying will give us more space to breathe
- Simplifying will save us money so we have more to give
- Simplifying will give us more joy because we are choosing to focus on what really matters
A Book to Help You
Here is a book I’ve read on simple living that has helped me… it’s not written to young women in particular but I still learned a lot.
The More of Less by Joshua Becker – This book is about “Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own”. I did not agree with everything written in this book, however, this book did inspire me to write this post. It has also inspired me to go through my things, get rid of the clutter, and try to simplify my life as a result. If you want to learn more about minimalism and simplifying your life, you may find this book helpful. (I received a free copy of this book through blogging for books.)
I Would Love to Know
- Do you feel like you need to simplify your life?
- What do you need to say “no” to?
- Is there any clutter in your life that you need to remove?
I am in the process of simplifying my life as well. It’s going slowly, but surely. Little by little I’m getting rid of clutter and making room for the things that are more important to me. It was nice hearing about your experience.
Good for you!! Thanks for sharing, Victoria! 🙂
These are good ideas! I’ve noticed that you read and recommend a lot of books that you don’t agree with. So if you’re ever looking for more Biblical things (I only read KJV,) let me know! I am a reader too, I’ve got lots of things to recommend! Or I just turn to my Bible (I never want to discount that, I should turn to that first.) I only mention it because sometimes helping others along they need something that is flat out black and white (the Bible.) I know these books always have grey areas (of course man’s ideas do.) I have very few books that I’ve read growing up that are spot on correct. It’s funny how that works when humans try to put their own ideas in. Sometimes writers need to keep their personal opinions to themselves and just apply God’s Word 🙂 it’s so hard to find writers who do that, especially in books! Very frustrating! 🙂 But I like your ideas on simplifying for sure!
Yes, I only use the KJV Bible. When it comes to reading books, I love it if they are KJV only but I realize that’s not always possible. This book is written from a “Christian” perspective and I didn’t agree with all the applications he made using Scripture. However, his practical and minimalism advice helped me a LOT. I received a free copy of this book to write a review… I would recommend it to those wanting to learn more about the topic…. With the understanding that some of the information I do not agree with 100%. The above review is just my thoughts on a helpful (but not necessarily 100% Biblically accurate) book. 🙂 if you have some book recommendations I would love to check them out!! You can always email me at moreradiance @ gmail.com 🙂
Oh yes I get that it’s often not possible. I guess I personally feel like there isn’t a lot of spiritual growth in books that don’t apply the Bible properly, so I find myself turning back to my Bible anyway to apply it, because otherwise it’s kind of irrelevant to me. I can’t really say I personally do much reading anymore, (just my personal thoughts) I don’t want to find myself not being wise with my time. My reading time is The Lords time! 🙂 I look forward to being able to read through something freely, without picking out bits and pieces that could possibly be contorted into something I could use. The Bible is 9 chances out of 10 the only book that qualifies.
I understand 🙂 we all definitely need to make our decisions wisely and everyone will feel differently. The Bible is definitely the best guide we could ever read!!
Good post! Good Ideas!
Thank you!!!
Great post, Rebekah! 🙂
I especially used to struggle (and actually) with saying “no”. I always got a bad conscience when I wanted to say “no” to people because what they asked wasn’t bad or against sripture in itself (I figured: It’s not against God’s will so I should do it). I still have to learn that I don’t have to do everything people ask me or use every single opportunity to serve that comes around, but that I make priorities and do only those things which the Lord asks me to do. Cause when I try to do everything, I can’t do all those things really well and whole-heartedly; it’s just stressful and doesn’t honour God, either.
I used to be mad at my mum when she would say “Why are you doing this, you have to learn to say no” but now I think she’s right. I guess I’m too much of a Martha sometimes 😉
Yes! Learning to say “no” can be tough… I often feel bad about it too! Thanks for sharing… These things can be a struggle for all of us and it’s encouraging to know we aren’t alone! Just pray for wisdom concerning each new opportunity and He will give it to you!! (James 1:5).
Thank you, Rebekah! I really enjoyed this post, and I can totally relate! 🙂 I definitely struggle with saying no, so I’ve been trying to get in the habit of saying, “I’ll pray about it.” But I also find it very hard sometimes to be assured of God’s will; whether He wants me to say yes or no, you know? 🙂 I also am such a minimalist! I used to horde my possessions because I told myself that they were memories, but now I have frequent clean outs, and it gives me such peace of mind! XD Also, I have been learning to be content with what I have, and that really makes all the difference! 😀
Yes!! I can relate… Sometimes it is hard to know whether we should say yes… Or no. I guess that’s when we just do our best to make the wisest choice possible. That’s great that you are already learning how to be a minimalist… I think it’s a great way to live and I’ve been brainstorming how and when to put some of the things I have learned into practice!! 🙂
I enjoyed reading this post. Oh yes, clutter! I really need to do a really deep cleaning in my room. I have a problem about saving things that I don’t really need!
I’m glad you enjoyed it!! I think a lot of us have the same problem… I still have quite a few things I need to get rid of, even though I go through my things fairly often!
Yes to all three, the last two in particular! I love to read, but since living in England I have to be content in knowing that I can’t find all the books I could find in America. It also helps me realize the kind of books I do and don’t want to get. I read this post the other day that I’m definitely going to put in practice: http://apinchoffaith.com/130-things-you-can-throw-away/.
i find difficulty of changing and the most part that i hurt myself in the order of pleasing the others so i found this book so helpful and I know one thing that Jesus is the only way.