Have you ever wondered what you can do to quiet the noise in your life? Many of us lead busy, noisy lives (especially if you’re a mom!) and have a hard time quieting our heart and our thoughts so that we can focus on the Lord and what He may be trying to teach us. For instance, have you ever experienced any of the following?
- You find yourself craving moments of peace and quiet – but you never seem to find them.
- You read the Bible but nothing really sinks into your mind or heart.
- You try to pray, but you can’t stay focused for more than a minute or two.
- You feel as though God is far away – you struggle to hear His still small voice.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone! I feel this way many times – sometimes on a regular basis. We have a lot on our plates and lot of “noise” in our hearts, minds, and our lives!
Today, I want to share just a few simple tips that can help you quiet the noise in your life so you can better focus on the Lord, your family, and the priorities God has places in your life!
6 Ways to Quiet The Noise in Your Life
1. Be Still on a Daily Basis
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalms 46:10
Have you carved out a consistent time each day to be still before the Lord? To read His Word and pray? If you find yourself overwhelmed, this is the place to start!
When we have too much noise in our lives (and hearts, and minds!) we will have a hard time focusing on the Word of God, praying, or hearing the “still small voice” of God. We need to purposefully set aside some time each day to open the Word of God, be still before Him and talk to our Heavenly Father. The more we purpose to do this each day, the easier it becomes.
God’s Word (and prayer!) has such a calming, “quieting” effect on our lives. Don’t be surprised if you walk away from your time with God feeling more light, calm, and peaceful. God’s Word is powerful!
So, if you find yourself overwhelmed by the noise in your life – start by carving out a consistent time each day to “be still” before the Lord!
2. Turn Off Your Phone and Get Off of Social Media
This is a HUGE noisemaker in our modern-day lives. Social media has a way of wiring our brains to focus on short bursts of information at a time, but it keeps us too distracted to go deep or stay focused for a longer period of time. If this sounds like you, consider cutting back on your media consumption or completely cut it out for a time. You will be amazed at how much calmer and “quieter” your life will feel! Instead of becoming consumed with current events or the happenings in other people’s lives, your mind will be more clear to focus on your own wonderful life!
So, turn off your phone or delete some of your apps – and don’t be surprised when you find yourself more peaceful and contented as a result!
P.S. I’m not against social media entirely (I use it too!) – but I would encourage you to cut back for a time just to quiet your mind and heart. You might also consider setting some social media guidelines for yourself as well.
3. Turn off the TV
This is another prime noise maker in our lives. Many people like the TV on in the background just for the noise factor! If you’re having a hard time staying focused and getting quiet, try turning off “the tube” for awhile.
When my husband and I find ourselves watching too much TV in the evenings, we cut back or cut it out. This makes such a big difference!
Watching something (such as an edifying movie or show) CAN be relaxing, but when over indulge in TV (just like social media) it can create a lot of extra and unnecessary noise in our lives!
Try turning off your TV for awhile and eliminate that extra, unnecessary noise.
4. Get Up Earlier
You might be surprised to see this on my list. However, as a busy mama, sometimes the best time to enjoy some literal peace and quiet is early in the morning before the little ones (and even the hubby!) wake up!
This may not happen often, and it doesn’t need to, but if you find yourself craving a little extra peace and quiet, consider waking up a little earlier. There’s something so serene and peaceful about early mornings. When I manage to get up earlier than my husband and son (which doesn’t happen near as often as I would like – I am a night owl not an early bird!) I enjoy being alone in the kitchen or living room, putting away the previous night’s dishes, making myself a hot drink and enjoying my Bible or a good book. Getting up earlier gives me time to collect my thoughts and prepare my heart and mind for the day ahead.
I would encourage you to give this a try – discipline yourself to get up a little earlier and enjoy the natural peace and quiet that comes in the early morning.
5. Go Outside!
Nature, fresh air, and sunshine are such miracle workers, aren’t they? Nature has a way of grounding us and helping us clear our minds. We would all be wise to remember that the first man and woman were created to live in a garden – outside! Nature is God’s handiwork. The sun is good for our bodies. The fresh air can refresh our lungs and help to clear our minds! If your life feels extra noisy, make an effort to get outside. Go for a walk, a hike, or visit a favorite spot in nature. A quiet spot in nature is ideal but just being outside will be refreshing!
Set aside some time to get outside at least one time this week!
6. Journal Your Thoughts
When your mind feels overwhelmed with thoughts, worries, and concerns, try writing it all down in a journal or notebook. Organizing your thoughts and getting everything out on paper, can really help clear your mind and quiet the noise. A prayer journal is even better. Here are some journals you might consider:
Quiet the noise in your life by getting your thoughts on paper! You will feel refreshed once you do!
Bonus: Always Remember to PRAY!
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
“The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11
God is always awake, always ready and willing to hear from His children! When your life feels overwhelming and the noise too great, whisper (or shout!) a prayer to your Heavenly Father. Ask Him for peace and help in quieting your heart and life!
A Helpful Resource
I would HIGHLY recommend the series, Quieting a Noisy Soul by Jim Berg. This has been a life-changing and eye-opening study for so many people – myself included. The DVD series is an investment, but one I think you with find very worthwhile. The book, God is More Than Enough: Foundations for a Quiet Soul contains a lot of the same information from the DVD series and is a much smaller investment financially.

I Would Love to Hear from You!
I hope this post was an encouragement to you, my friend. If it was… please consider saving it to Pinterest or sharing with a friend. I would also love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Here are some questions for you to consider (feel free to answer in the comments):
- Do you ever feel like you have a noisy soul?
- What’s your favorite way to get quiet?
- Which of these tips would you like to try?
Until Next Time,

Thank you for this encouraging post, Rebekah! I find that breaks with less technology really are important to help you refocus your mind and heart. I was recently in a remote village in Mexico on a missions trip where I had very limited internet access. That time was such a blessing to me, and I came home refocused and motivated. It really is worth it to take those breaks!!
This I felt talked to me today as I read this encouraging calming peace filled devotion. Your posts are always an encouraging blessing and uplifting as well. Yes we need to spend more time with God daily and with a heart of gratitude. Since my two brain surgeries I’ve been spending more time in Gods Word and became a Chaplain.
Cutting down on social media is a great way for more quiet times. We do not watch much television, we prefer to read or do puzzles and crosswords and even coloring. Thank you for this informative post. God Bless. Have a Blessed week.
Joan, Marion and Marilyn,
I’ve been trying to work on the Jesus Prayer as a means of stillness, especially when I’m afraid or frustrated. I’ve found it’s a great way to re-center yourself on Christ. It’s also a good way to drown out the pointless chatter in your mind as well.