Are you in a season of waiting? Waiting for a relationship? A new job? An answer to prayer? Most of us are waiting on God for something. I decided to go back through my archives and pull out an old post that was published over a year ago (October 6, 2015 -to be exact!). I hope you will enjoy reading my thoughts and these tips… on with the post…
I’m convinced that I will always be waiting for something. For the past few years I feel like it’s been one wait after another. Waiting for a job, a birthday, direction, or just the next step in this crazy journey called life. You would think I would have gained more patience by now. Maybe I have, but one thing I’ve learned for sure is that waiting is hard and it’s a big part of life.
Just the other week I was reading through Psalm 27 and came upon this familiar gem…
Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: ♥ wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14
Courage and strength. Just the two things I needed that day. But how exactly do I wait on the Lord? In the past several months I’ve learned that waiting periods can be very good times for action. The kind of action that brings us closer to God and closer to His will for our lives. Are you in a time of waiting? It’s very likely that you are… So here is what we can do.
What to Do When You are Waiting on God
Spend more time in God’s Word
Nothing should encourage our hearts like the Word of God. Whatever we need in our waiting -strength, courage, patience, joy, peace, or grace (and the list goes on!). While we wait, we can find strength and help in God’s Word.
Pray fervently
I struggle with prayer. A lot. However, it’s often in the midst of waiting that I turn my heart to God in prayer. My mom and I have been spending more time in prayer together and it’s amazing to see God working through those prayers. While we wait, we can (and must!) pray.
Spend time learning
We can learn so much through waiting if we are diligent not to waste these times. We should consider and try to determine what God may want to teach us in our particular season of waiting. Lately, I believe God wants to teach me more about faith and prayer. Whatever you think God may be trying to teach you, take some extra time to study and learn. Find verses that you can apply. Talk to other Christians about what God has taught them. Ask God to allow His Spirit to teach you. Let’s use our times of waiting to learn as much as we can.
Evaluate your priorities
Many times when I’m waiting I find myself evaluating a lot of things… especially my time. Do I really put the most important things first? Am I learning what God wants me to learn? Am I doing what He wants me to do? While we wait, we can evaluate our priorities. We must make sure we are putting God first and making His priorities our priorities.
Busy yourself with serving
We can use waiting times to serve God. We can serve Him at church, at home (by serving our family), and we can serve Him by spending time praising Him. Service is worship. Let’s busy ourselves by serving and worshiping God.
Keep a journal
It’s amazing to read back over my journal entries to see how God has answered prayers and what He has taught me while waiting. So, let’s spend some of this time writing our prayers, recording our questions, our doubts, and our fears. Then we can look back in wonder as God teaches us new truths and answers our prayers. Let’s record our journey through the wait.
God will use this time in your life IF you will let Him. Choose to…
Pray. Wait. Trust.
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So, are you waiting on God right now? What do you think God may be trying to teach you? I love hearing from my readers so feel free to leave a comment below!
(Hey, before you go, be sure to sign up for my free weekly devotional and check out this awesome list of Books for Christian Women!)
See you next week!

I remember reading this a while back, but it was good to read again! I definitely need this in my life right now 😉
I hope this was helpful, Elizabeth!! ☺️
This really hit home . I feel like I have been waiting for drastic changes in my life for forever . Thank you for these tips . I will keep administering these actions as I continue to trust God and have faith in his doings .
Yes, keep trusting in the Lord!! Remember Proverbs 3:5-6 ☺️
I think I already knew this, and its something we all have heard many times but sometimes we all just need someone to help us remember how to stay in the path of the Lord. And right now it was exactly what I needed to see, cause I want to do the right thing with this guy I like, but it’s not good enough with my good intention, I have to pray wait and trust Him, as a decision every morning before starting the day. So thanks!
Yes! When it comes to serious things like that… Many times it’s best to wait and pray!!
Rebekah! This is just the post I needed. I do not know if what I am waiting for will ever happen, and it is difficult sometimes. It is so encouraging to read the Word, pray, learn, serve, and journal during these times full of unknowns – I am always reminded that God has my future under control and that His plan is a hundred thousand times better than mine ever could be!
Thank you for another very timely post!
I’m so glad this post came at the right time for you!! Keep on the right path…. Always be willing to do things God’s way!