Hi Friends!
Christmas is in three days! I have been looking forward to Christmas for months! You know what I love just as much as Christmastime? The excitement of a brand new year! Can you believe 2017 is only 10 days away? Wow! Looking back from January till now, the year went so incredibly fast.
At the beginning of the year, I posted a list of 150 goals I wanted to complete. Looking over that list now I am not sure if I should laugh or cry. So many things are uncrossed and uncompleted. If I focus on what I didn’t accomplish, it’s a bit discouraging. However, so many good things happened regardless. Even if I did not reach some goals completely, I still l made more progress than if I hadn’t set any goals at all (it’s all in how you look at things). 😉
A lot of things came up this year that I didn’t plan – like spending my summer as a camp counselor. God also opened up a lot of other ministry opportunities for me. Overall it’s been a great year full of fun, and lessons learned -with very few trials or hard times between (thank the Lord!).
Some of you requested that I share about my year so I am going to do just that! Following is a list of the events that took place in my year starting with New Year’s Eve all the way up until now. Some months weren’t very exciting and were very… routine. But here’s a peek at my year and what all happened.
Twenty-Sixteen | My Year in Review
January – May
I rung in the New Year with some of my best friends at church – playing Pit all the way up until midnight! It’s how I’ve rung in the New Year for the past couple of years… it sure gets the year started in a very loud way but… it’s too fun!
Early in the morning on New Year’s Day I introduced my new blog design! I was so excited to have a new WordPress theme and a whole new design.The days leading up to January 1st were busy with tinkering around on my site getting ready to introduce the new look! I still love it – although I might be a bit biased. 😉
New Year’s Day was spent with my parents and some friends. It was a really fun day of yummy food, market-shopping, games, and lots of laughing.
I hosted a hot chocolate party for a group of friends. Included in our party was an amazing young woman on her way to the mission field. She was (and has been) a very inspirational role model for me. Her zeal and passion for the Lord was (and is!) so contagious.
Spent a snowy weekend at a teen retreat. I was kitchen worker (a very important job! 😉 ) I was able to spend many hours chatting and sharing with two ladies whom I deeply respect and admire. Looking back, those hours in the kitchen, cooking and sharing with those two “Titus 2” women was such a blessing!
I began caring for a super cute baby girl. This sweet little baby brought so much fun and joy to my life! It only worked out for me to watch her for a few months but we all loved her!
Visited the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg with my siblings. We had hoped to visit Harper’s Ferry, VA instead, but the day was a total wash-out. It takes a lot of planning and re-scheduling for the four of us to do stuff together so we decided to go to the museum (which was closer to home and indoors!). It was still pretty great even though we had all been there before.
Discovered my Spiritual Gift – it’s exhortation!
June and July
Spent all of June and July serving as a camp counselor -what a life changing experience! I was able to make new friends, meet new people, and spend day after day under the preaching of God’s Word. Serving in the various aspects of camp ministry definitely stretched me and taught me a lot. Being away from home for two months was a first – I am a homebody so I wasn’t sure if I would like being away…. but, I loved it!
>>> Click here to read more about my summer.
To be honest… one of the best parts of my summer was Saturday night phone calls from a very special friend. 😉
August – November
I spent most of August trying to adjust to “non-camp-life”. Coming back home from camp felt sooo weird and it took awhile for me to get back into the routine of things. I guess I don’t re-adjust to things as well (or as quickly) as I originally thought. 🙂
I also had fun getting back into my blogging routine. Speaking of the blog…
I reached 2,000 email subscribers (my goal was 1,000!). Not to mention a lot of my Pinterest images were getting re-pinned over and over again all summer long (they still are!). My email list began growing steadily back in the spring and even while I was away at camp my blog was growing. When I was away at camp I missed blogging a lot (I pre-scheduled all my summer posts and emails). It was exciting to come back to blogging and then reach 2,000 subscribers.
My parents and I went on a little trip…. to visit my special friend, Adam, at college. We went hiking, attended church together, chatted for hours, played games, etc. etc. I also got to sit in on his college classes, and met his friends and professors. It was such a fun trip!
I began teaching a teen girls’ Sunday School class the second week in September. I absolutely love this class and the sweet girls I have the privilege to teach. There is something so fulfilling about teaching this small class of pre-teen and teenage girls!!
Visited Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia with my siblings. It was on this trip we began to get a bit more serious about handing out tracts and being mindful of the lost souls around us. (More about this later).
My little guy started talking! I was so happy when Will (the little boy I babysit) started saying words. Of course, he is learning “no!” a little too well. 🙂 However, hearing him say “Gekkah” (for Bekah) and “Aaaaaaaum” (for Adam) makes me smile. And hearing “I uhhhhvvv ewwwww” (I love you) just melts my heart!
Turned twenty years old. I never felt so special and loved on one of my birthdays. The day was full of sweet birthday wishes from friends and family, lovely surprises, phone calls, and… my first bouquet of red roses (20 of them!). Thanks, Adam! ♥
Went out to eat with my siblings and God opened a door. One evening my siblings and I decided to go out for some supper and we were able to talk to our waitress and invite her to church. She ended up visiting the very next Sunday and even came over to our home for lunch. Through the experience God taught me the importance of reaching out and befriending others for the sake of sharing the Gospel. You never know what God can do with a little light shining in a dark place. Since that evening God has give me more opportunities to reach out and minister to some young women who are searching. I hope and pray that someday soon I will see each one led to Christ – or simply drawn closer to Him if they are already born-again believers.
October 29th, I began a courtship! I fussed about all the photos that were taken that evening, but now I wouldn’t trade them for the world. 🙂 Looking back over my year – this is one evening I don’t want to forget! We went out to a formal restaurant with both of our parents. Before eating, our dads each shared their perspective on our relationship and gave us their blessing to begin a courtship. Then all of us put our hands in the center of the table and our dads prayed for us (this was so special!). Adam then asked me to begin a courtship with him and after I said “yes!” he gave me a beautiful Infinity Bracelet. Looking back, I am so thankful for our special evening, our parents’ love and support, and most of all – I am so thankful for the wonderful young man God brought into my life! ♥
Attended a week-long Biblical counseling conference. I learned a TON of new information and came home with lots of reading to do! Hmm… 2017’s reading goal?
I began a Bible/book study with a young friend of mine. We’ve gotten to meet two times so far… and we just began going through one of my favorite books, The Secrets of a Happy Heart by Debi Pryde!
This month I was able to get together with a couple of close friends to catch up. It’s so much fun to share what God has been doing in our lives this year, and it’s exciting to chat about the future and all that is still unknown but totally in God’s hands!
I have also been busy with… tying up loose ends and unfinished projects, finishing my reading goal, getting ready for Christmas and planning my goals for next year! And of course I’m thrilled to have my Special Someone home from college!! ♥
“Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.” Psalm 115:1
So What’s Next?
Now that 2017 is almost upon us you’re probably wondering what’s next for me and this blog. Well… I’ll be sharing all about that in the New Year! 🙂
How About You?
- What are the highlights of your year?
- What was your top favorite memory?
I can’t wait to hear all about your year! Please share in the comments below OR shoot me an email at rebekahjoy{at}moreradiance.com!
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It sounds like you had a great year!! And oh my goodness! I definitely suspected that, but am glad to officially hear it! That is so exciting!
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! Yup, it’s official 😉
I loved reading about your year!! You should not worry about not completing all of your goals – you had a wonderfully profitable year! Your time at camp sounds like it was wonderful, I’m sure that you are such a blessing in the teen girls lives doing the Sunday school with them as well as the separate Bible study with your other friend! I just learned all about Harpers Ferry in my college history class so that is neat that you got to go there! Babysitting the littles and watching them grow up/start talking is a precious thing to behold. And congratulations on your courtship!! So did you meet Adam at the camp? The 20 red roses is the SWEETEST!!!:D
My favorite happening from this year is that the Lord brought a special someone into my life as well!<3
Blessings to you sweet girl! Thank you for sharing about your year!!
Thanks, Ashley… I’m glad you enjoyed reading my post! Yes, camp was awesome! I hope you get to visit Harper’s Ferry someday – it’s such a neat (and quaint) little town.
I actually met Adam the summer before. He was an intern at our church and my dad is the assistant pastor – so yeah, it’s really neat how God brought us together! Oh yeah, the roses were great – I was totally surprised! I saved most of them by drying them.
Are you serious?! That is so exciting! – I am so happy for you, girl! 🙂
This was my favorite blog post! I was waiting for this! I’m SO thankful for your friendship, Rebekah, and I’m so glad we got to become closer friends this summer. I’m so excited to see where God’s leading you right now 🙂
P.S. I laughed out loud about your Saturday evening phone calls. I remember those very well 😉
I am so thankful for you too! This past summer was the best – you were an amazing “sister counselor”. I am super excited about the things God is doing in your life as well! 🙂
P.S. Haha! I will never forget the grins you gave me during those phone calls!
Sounds like a lovely year! And congratulations on your courtship 😉
Thank you so much, Justine! ♥
So exciting about your courtship! Congratulations! Sounds like a very wonderful, productive year despite not completing all your goals. What camp did you counsel at? I also worked at a camp this summer. It was definitely my highlight. It was an amazing experience. I made awesome friends and grew a lot in my relationship with the Lord.
Looking forward to all your posts in the coming year!
Thank you for all the encouragement,
Thank you, Abby! Yes, it was a great year… and now I know how to set better goals for next year!! 😉
It was a really small camp called Servant’s Heart. Really? That’s great!! What was that camp called?
That’s so cool! I worked at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp.
My what an exciting year!! 🙂 I can’t believe you have so many subscribers. How encouraging!
Hm…highlights of my year? Being able to visit friends and family in the States for a few weeks, graduating from school, and seeing the Lord work through friendships with unsaved people. A top favorite memory would be when all my siblings (25 to 3 years old) went shopping together and on the way back home all my younger siblings started singing Postman Pats theme song right on cue and at the top of their voices. It was hilarious and makes us laugh thinking back to it :))
Haha! Love it ☺️ it must be fun having lots of siblings. That is so special to have fun memories with them. Thanks for sharing, Olivia!
Thank you so much for sharing your year! What a productive year! The other day I retrieved my New Year’s resolution for 2016 (It was only small), and I didn’t achieve nearly as much as I planned. I found, though, that it didn’t matter, because 2016 was different to how I’d expected it! Sure, there are things on that list which I would have loved to been able to tick off, but I don’t mind so much that things turned out differently. I actually enjoy seeing how the things I achieved this year were different to what I thought I’d achieve or wanted to achieve! I’m soon going to write a New Year’s resolution for 2017; not because I expect to achieve everything, but because I enjoy seeing at the end of the year what I did and didn’t achieve and how the year was so different to what I expected it to be. Just by reading this post, you have so many achievements to be proud of! It’s not so much what you didn’t achieve, but what you did, and I’m sure some of your priorities have changed over the year! <3
Hey Sarah, isn’t it amazing how the year always turns out different than we expected? It’s a good reminder that God usually has different things in mind for us! In a couple weeks you will have to share your New Year’s Resolution with us 🙂
Thanks for the sweet encouragement! ♥
It is amazing! 🙂 Yes, I will have to! Are you going to share your New Year’s Resolution for 2017 on your blog? 😀
Wow– 2,000 subscribers! That’s amazing! And also, congratulations on your courtship. May the Lord bless it richly. 🙂
I know exactly what you mean about things totally unexpected cropping up in a year. My 2016 has taken me for a wild ride very different from what I had thought it would be like, but God always shows Himself strong. 🙂 Some of my highlights from this year would be: Publishing my second book, visitors from America (3 different times!), meeting lots of new friends and unsaved people to pray for in many different ways, and more. There is truly much to be thankful about! 🙂