Hello Friends,
Today, I am excited to share another Titus Two Tuesday interview with you! It’s always such a blessing to hear from other Christian ladies and I hope today’s post from Sarah Schurman is a blessing to you!
(If you missed January’s Titus Two Tuesday post, you can read it here.)
Read on to “meet” Sarah and glean some Titus Two wisdom and encouragement!
Titus Two Tuesday with Sarah Schurman
Meet Sarah
I am just an ordinary girl who is loved by an extraordinary God and I seek to love others the same way. I love to bake, read, do puzzles, watch Hallmark movies, and go shopping with my mom! Currently I work as a marketing and graphic designer for a kitchen and bath company as well as publish the “Sit Still my Daughter” magazine for Christian women.
What is your favorite passage of Scripture + why?
I have two:
“Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day.” Ruth 3:18
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40
Both of these verses had a great impact on me. In Matthew, those who had given just a cup of water to a stranger, or visited the sick were doing it to the Lord. This was such a great reminder to me that whatever I do in the Lord’s name is actually done to Him and for Him. I serve the Lord when I serve others. The passage in Ruth has also had a great influence on my life as I realized that I am a daughter of the King and I can sit still no matter how strong the storm because He is in control, He has impeccable character that cannot move or change. It has given me such peace and assurance during every season of life.
What does your typical “quiet time” or Bible study look like?
I love to journal, it has been my habit for over fifteen years. Over the last few years I have written down three sections in my journal: “A walk through the passage”, where I read through a passage slowly, then write down my thoughts of the events or words mentioned; “Truth for Me”, this is where I apply what was stated to myself, drawing out principles and commands for my own life; and finally, “Meditation”, I like to have one thought or summarizing statement that I can think about during the day from what I read in my quiet time.
What piece of advice or encouragement would you like to share with single young women?
Don’t settle, I know that it is easy to say yes to the first guy that asks, but just because they asked does not mean they are the one for you. I have had several friends who had the courage to break off an engagement or end a relationship because they had no peace. They didn’t know if that meant they would never marry but they were willing to trust the Lord. God did bring them someone later in their life and I can attest to the joy in their face as they said they were glad they waited.
Your season of singleness is not a curse, it is a blessing. Just because you are single does not mean you are of less value than someone who is in a relationship or married. You are valuable because you are made in the image of God and whether single or married you have a beautiful purpose designed by God that only you can fulfil. Use this time to grown in your relationship with the Lord and look to Him for your fulfillment.
How would you encourage other women to love the Lord with all their heart?
Spend time in His Word. We are told to be still and know that He is God, but that only comes from dwelling in the quiet place. In fact, this is the only way we can know Him. It takes work to block out the noise of the world, to still our hearts and focus on the Lord, but when we do, we will hear His still small voice speaking to us. When we truly know Him we cannot help but love Him. Let go of the world’s empty things, they only bring pleasure for a moment, but time spent with the Lord will reap eternal benefits.
What is your favorite thing about running a magazine and ministry for Christian women?
I love having the opportunity to share inspiring and encouraging stories from women around the world. Often we feel that our struggles are ours alone, that we are failures because we have a struggle with doubt or have a moment of discouragement. It helps to know that there are others who have faced a similar season and made it through. I love it when someone tells me that a particular article was exactly what they needed to hear or that it helped them in their walk with the Lord. That is the most rewarding feeling and makes it all worth it.
What’s your best homemaking or time management tip?
Write it down! I used to think, “Oh I can remember that” but as I got older I realized, I can’t and it made me feel overwhelmed as I tried to remember everything I needed to do. Buy an old fashioned planner and write down the things you need to get done this week. By writing it on paper, you have emptied your mind and don’t have to carry that load anymore or fear that you will forget something. Knowing what you need to do each week, breaking it down into manageable pieces throughout the week is a great way to success.
Tell us something the Lord has been teaching you lately:
Self-care and Self-discipline. In some ways these two things play into each other. We need to be self-disciplined in every area of our life whether that is how much we eat, how much time we spend on social media, or how often we say yes to everything. Boundaries and limits are not a bad things, they are meant to keep us safe. When we limit our food portions, we are making healthy choices for our body. When we set boundaries on how much time we spend on social media, we are making better choices for our time usage. When we say “no” to activities, we are choosing to spend time on something more needful. To say no is not a bad thing, but it is necessary at times. Jesus would go off by Himself in order to pray and renew His Spirit. We are made in His image and also need that self-care time where we let Him restore our soul.
Are there any books that have had a big impact on your life?
Captivating by John and Stasi Elderidge has a lot of amazing truths to share about the feminine heart. I don’t agree with everything but they did make some interesting points.
Beautiful Girlhood was a wonderful classic book by Mable Hale that impacted my teen years and challenged the choices I made.
Stay in the Castle by Jerry Ross was a wonderful booklet that encouraged me during my teen years to stay committed to God.
Miracle for Jen by Linda Barrick was a powerful challenge to my heart as I read about a girl who survived a car crash and while she had to learn to do almost everything, she still remembered her God and when she prayed she sounded like she did before the accident. Reading that book made me reassess my own walk with the Lord and my devotion to Him.
Any final piece of advice you would like to share with us?
Learn to sit still. I know it sounds basic but the world wants to distract us, even with good things. Satan knows that a distracted Christian will never be as effective as one who is tuned in with God. To sit still means to lay aside all the distractions, the phone, the radio, and learn to focus on Him. It takes discipline but the rewards are so worth it.
Final Thoughts (From Rebekah)
Well Friend, I hope you enjoyed today’s Titus Two Tuesday post with Sarah! I know my heart was encouraged by what she had to share! If you would to learn more about Sarah and her ministry (the Sit Still My Daughter Magazine) you can check out the links below:
Before you go, please leave a comment below to share something you learned from today’s post and to thank Sarah for her time and encouragement!
Until Next Time,