Hello Friend,
I know we are well into April, but for us in Pennsylvania it feels like spring is taking it’s good old time. In the past week we’ve had warm and sunny days and then cold and rainy (even snowy!) days. But the flowers are slowly starting to bloom and the rain is just a sign of more to come.
I love this time of year, don’t you?
Whenever Spring rolls around, I always feel SO ready for a fresh new start. I want to clean and declutter my home, read refreshing books, and spend time out in the sunshine.
In celebration of spring, and fresh new starts, I want to share some book recommendations that are fitting for this time of year. These are all books that I have read and enjoyed and I think you might just love them too!
6 Refreshing Books for Spring
Flourish: Live Loved. Live Fearless. Live Free. by Margaret Feinberg
This is one of my favorite devotional books… I’ve even written an entire blog post about it! Personally, I’ve already been through this book three times! Now, I don’t recommend using this devotional book as a replacement for time in the Word of God, but if you’re looking for a little something to add to your devotional time, this may be just the book for you. This isn’t the deepest devotional book you will find on the market, but if you’re looking for some basic truths from God’s Word that will encourage you to grow and flourish, then give this book a try. This is a 52 week devotional book, but I prefer to go through it one day at a time instead (which will get you through the book in about 2-3 months depending on your pace).
Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life by Lara Casey
The gardening analogies and the encouragement to live intentionally, make this book the perfect one to pick up and read during springtime. This book is all about cultivating the things in life that matter and value to YOU (and ultimately, as Christians, we should value the things that God values!). If springtime has you in the mood to start living more intentionally with your time, your habits, and ultimately your life, then this may be the perfect book for you!
Refresh: Embracing a Grace-Paces Life in a World of Endless Demands by Shona Murray
Did wintertime leave you feeling weary? Overwhelmed? In need of refreshment?
If your busy life has you feeling stressed out and weary, then I would highly encourage you to read this book! Most of us are living very busy (sometimes frazzled) lives that leave little time for rest or refreshment. In this book, Shona Murray talks about how she hit rock bottom and learned to make changes so that she could find time for both rest and refreshment – physically, spiritually, mentally. etc. If you’ve ever experienced depression on any level, this book may also be a good fit for you, as the author shares her experiences with depression as well. This is one of those books that is good to pick up and read again from time to time!
Creating a Beautiful Life: A Woman’s Guide to Good-Better-Best Decision Making by Elizabeth George
If you’ve followed my blog for awhile, then you know I LOVE books by Elizabeth George. There’s just something about her writing that I connect with so well. This one is excellent if you need help making wise decisions. I also love the overarching theme of creating a beautiful life – something we all desire to have. Some topics covered in this book include, getting a jump on your day, living like Jesus, making the most of your time, practicing priorities and more!
Finding True Rest in a Busy Life by Shaunti Feldhahn
If you only have time for a tiny amount of reading here and there, then this book may be perfect for you! I am currently reading through this little gem right now and each chapter is challenging, encouraging, and refreshing. Each chapter contains a lot in regards to rest and refreshment even while living a busy life. There’s also some room at the end of each chapter for writing out some thoughts you gleaned from the chapter. This little book is lovely and just a refreshing read for anyone who leads a busy life!
If the warm weather of springtime has you itching to clean your home, then you will love this book. Hands down, it’s one of my favorite cleaning books (and I’ve actually read quite a few!). This book makes a clean home feel simple and attainable. It may also provide just the motivation you need to get cleaning this spring! It may sound boring to read a book about cleaning, but the way this book is written and laid out, it’s quite interesting. Chapter three even contains a 7-Day Simply Clean KickpStart which is perfect if you just don’t know where to begin!
I Would LOVE to Know
Do you have any book recommendations that are perfect for springtime? Share them in the comments below!
Happy Reading!

Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter 💗💛😊
Rebecca of Sunnybrooke Farm,by Kate Wiggin,The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett,A Children’s Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson,Anne Of Green Gable,Lucy Maud MontgomeryThe Strawberry Girl,by Lois Lenski, Season Books by Tasha Tudor,Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit and company,Under The Lilacs Louisa May Alcott.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn