3 Reasons Why I’m Still Using Powersheets

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3 Reasons Why I'm Still Using the Powersheets Goal Planner | Intentional Living | How to Set Goals | Planners

Hey Friends,

This past week, Cultivate What Matters just launched the 2022 Powersheets Goal Planners! I just got mine in the mail last week and I am so excited. This will be my FOURTH year using a Powersheets Goal Planner and I still haven’t grown tired of the process – they help me so much and are just plain FUN.

I thought I would take the time to share a little bit more about the Powersheets Goal Planner and why I love them so much – plus why I am still using them! I’ve always loved goal-setting and I’m a planner at heart, so the Goal Setting system of Powersheets works incredibly well for me. However, Powersheets were originally created for people who don’t “like” setting goals… Powersheets makes the process fun.

This goal setting planner also helps you stay on track with what matters most when things go awry (hello, 2020 and 2021!). Life has been crazy for all of us these past couple years, and we’ve been dealt some very unexpected things. If you’re ready for a fresh start in 2022 and want to be more focus and intentional no matter what the coming year holds, then Powersheets may be just the thing for you!

Keep reading to find out why I use and love the Powersheets goal planner!

Disclaimer: This post does contain some affiliate links. This means if you click on a link and make a purchase I will receive a very small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog in this way!

3 Reasons Why I’m Still Using the Powersheets Goal Planner

1. They Are Fun!

This is probably the first and foremost reason why I use the Powersheets goal planner every year. They make the goal setting process so much FUN! I love sitting down at the beginning of the year to do the prepwork (the first part of the Powersheets process) to really dig dip and figure out where my focus should be for the coming year and what goals I should set. Beyond that, I look forward to the end of each month when I get to fill out the follow-up page and plan for my upcoming month. Typically I find a cozy spot, grab a drink and a snack, turn on some music and get to work. 

Taking the time to intentionally plan my goals is fun and do-able thanks to Powersheets. In the 3+ years I’ve been using them, I’ve never missed a month – that says something!

2. They Help Me Focus

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… Powersheets help me focus. With all the many things going on in life, I need to be able to sit down and figure out what should be a priority, and what can be set aside… Powersheets help me do just that.

At the beginning of the year, and every new season after that, Powersheets helps me evaluate each key area of my life (health, relationships, finances, personal growth, work, etc.) to visually see how things are going in each category. By evaluating these key areas of my life I get a better idea of what needs to improve and where my focus needs to be in the coming weeks/months.

Powersheets focuses on these 8 key areas:

  • Health + Wellness
  • Focal Relationship (for me it’s my husband!)
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Finances
  • Work + Learning
  • Spiritual + Personal Growth
  • Recreation

After some thought and evaluation, Powersheets walk me through the steps needed to set some goals in these areas, As a result, I know where my focus needs to be each month.

3. They Help Me Finish

I’m not perfect at setting goals – some months I complete almost all my goals, other months I only complete a few. But thanks to Powersheets, I finish more of my goals than I would otherwise. The monthly tending lists that hold my list of goals for the month is a visual reminder of what needs to be done and what I want to work on little by little. 

It’s the best feeling in the world to finish a goal and cross it off your list! 

My 2022 Powersheets Goal Planner

Common Questions About Powersheets:

What exactly is Powersheets?

Powersheets is a goal-setting workbook to help you live an intentional year and life. It’s not the same as a regular planner as this one is strictly for setting goals. It’s very interactive – there are questions and fun, colorful pages to work though to help you figure out what matters most to YOU and how to go about accomplishing your unique goals and plans.

Can you use it as a weekly planner?

No, Powersheets is not designed to be used as your weekly planner. Powersheets work well when you use it alongside a good daily/weekly planner that can house your schedule and to-do list.  Powersheets are meant to be used at the beginning of the year, at the beginning of each new season and at the beginning (and end) of each month. 

How much do they cost?

$62 for one yearly Powersheets planner.

Are they worth the price?

For me? Absolutely! If you look at the cost monthly it’s only $5 a month! However, if the price makes you nervous and you’re not sure you want to make the investment, you could try the 6 months undated Powersheets which are cheaper and can be used during any month/year. They will probably arrive in the shop right around the new year!

Do they ever go on sale? 

Usually, at the end of the year, you might be able to get a discount. Unfortunately, they start selling out of various covers pretty early… but there’s usually a few left by the end of the year.

Can I get a look at the inside?

Yes! Cultivate What Matters has a video that you can view to get an inside look at a Powersheets Planner! Click here and scroll to the middle of the page for the video.

Powersheets Tools I Use and Love:

While Powersheets are an amazing tool – there’s a few other items I love to use in conjunction with them. None of these items are necessary, but they make the process extra fun for me!

Stickers! – The yearly Powersheets goal setting planner already comes with a beautiful sheet of colorful stickers! However, I sometimes buy stickers elsewhere to use inside the pages, but this year I grabbed one of their Goal Setting Sticker Books.

Good Pens – I love a good pen, especially when using my planners. My favorite are the paper mate flair felt tip pens!

Wildcard Pages – I bought a pack of wildcard pages to use this year, and I still have enough leftover to continue using next year. They are really nice to fill out and hang in a visible spot, OR tape inside any empty pages of your planner. My favorite wildcard page is the “Goals at a Glance” page (which I have hanging on my bulletin board!)

Cultivate: A Grace-Fillled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life  – I like to read or peruse this book at the beginning of the year… just as a reminder of the various things that I should be cultivating in my life and how to go about it. It gets me in the goal-setting/personal growth mindset real quick – and it’s just such a lovely book! It was one of my top favorite reads in 2019. You can grab a copy here. 

Once again, none of these “extra” items are necessary – they are just a few things I use and love alongside my own Powersheets. Cultivate What Matters has a host of fun  and helpful tools to go along with your yearly Powersheets, so you can pick and choose what you like best or skip them completely!

Want to Learn More?

Click here to visit the Cultivate What Matters shop.

Click here to view all six Powersheets Goal Planners and take a look inside!

Also, feel free to drop a comment below if you have any questions! I would love to know if you’ve ever heard of Powersheets before OR if you’ve ever tried them out for yourself! Let me know in the comments.

Until Next Time,

Rebekah Joy (2)

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