Hey Friends!
I don’t know about you – but my husband and I love to curl up and watch a good movie every so often. Once the weather cools down outside, we find ourselves indoors more often and at-home movie nights are a common date-night for us!
Before deputation took us on the road again, my husband and I decided to give PureFlix a try for 30 days. We know other families that also enjoy PureFlix for cleaner, family-friendly movies they can all watch together.
PureFlix is a Christian movie company (similar to Netflix) that offers movies and shows that are cleaner and more family-friendly than most of the movies out there today. You may have seen some of the popular PureFlix movies (such as God’s Not Dead) or you may have heard about their monthly subscription plan which makes their movies available to their subscribers (again – like Netflix).
Thankfully, PureFlix has a FREE 30 day trial that you can start (and cancel) at any time. Figuring we had nothing to lose we decided to give it a try!
We’ve seen lots of PureFlix movies in the past and got to enjoy some new ones during our free 30 day trial. Since I know that many of you are looking for clean movies to enjoy from time to time, I thought it would be fun to share our favorite PureFlix movies with all of you!
Disclaimer: Just because I mention a movie in this post, does not mean that we 100% agree with or condone everything in that movie (or any other movie on PureFlix for that matter!). Often times, we may not agree with certain doctrinal positions or lifestyle standards portrayed in a certain movie (such as dress, music, contemporary worship, and other standards).
Also, please know that PureFlix has indeed sponsored this post, but all words, thoughts, opinions, and reviews are solely my own opinion. ๐
Our Favorite Movies from PureFlix

This is probably one of our top favorite movies found on PureFlix. The first time we saw this one, I felt like so many scenes caught me totally off guard. It was not a predictable movie in the least. We were so “into it” by the end that we were both crying (and let me tell you, that is rare for my hubby!). ๐
I also really appreciated the spiritual message this movie contained. The theme throughout was “if you truly love the Lord, what are you going to do about it?”. Will you show that love to others and point them to Christ? Will you let Christ’s death on the cross impact your life in such a way that other people’s live are changed?
Disclaimer: Because of some intense scenes and mature content (like gangs, cancer, and death) I would not recommend this movie for children. It’s much more appropriate for older teens and adults and could easily spark some great discussions!

This is a sweet movie about courtship. The story follows the life a young woman who’s searching for love and keeps failing to find a suitable mate through the traditional dating process. Eventually, through some heart-to-heart chats with her parents, she begins to learn about the concept of courtship. In a whirlwind of events, God brings her a godly young man (and a courtship) into her life.
Once again, this a movie that could spark some very interesting conversations as a family. Courtship vs. dating is a hot topic in churches today and many people don’t really know what they believe concerning either side.
Although not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imagination, because of our own courtship, we appreciated the message this movie had to share.
Want to Read About Our Courtship? You can read all about it (in parts):
- Our Story: How We Met
- Our Story: Building a Friendship
- Our Story: Courtship
- Our Story: Engagement
- Our Wedding Day

All about the biblical story of Ruth, this movie takes it’s viewers back in time to take a close up look at the story of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz. We watched this movie back when I was studying the story of Ruth, so I appreciated getting a visual perspective. For the most part, this movie closely followed the biblical account – of course dialogue and certain scenes were added for the sake of the movie.
If you love watching animated stories based on biblical accounts OR if you love learning about the women of the Bible, then you will appreciate this movie about Ruth!

This is the newest favorite that we discovered from PureFlix. During the 30 day free trial, my husband and I were having one of our at-home date nights and decided on a whim to watch this one. We were so glad we did!
I am David is based on a book by the same name. The story follows the journey of a little boy during World War II who makes an escape from a Nazi Concentration Camp on a special mission with important documents he must not lose. We were both so unprepared for the outcome of this movie, but it about broke my heart and put it back together all in the same movie. Isn’t that the best kind of movie though? I love it when a film tugs at your heart strings in that way.
There is more I could say about this movie, but I’ll let you watch it and find out on your own! Some young children may be too sensitive for this movie but I think older children and teens would appreciate it as well. Now I just can’t wait to get my hands on the book and see which one is better! ๐

If you love Hallmark movies (but want to watch a sweet love story that’s NOT from Hallmark) you will enjoy this sweet coffee shop love story! I asked my husband what PureFlix movies he liked from our 30 day free trial and this is the one he mentioned!
We certainly don’t advocate for “Hallmark style relationships” – because frankly, that’s not how real relationships work. However, sweet love stories like this are the perfect kind of move for…. you guessed it… date nights. ๐
And so many more…
As I was going through PureFlix trying to decide which movies to share with all of you, I realized there are a lot more movies available on PureFlix than I first thought! (There are quite a few more movies available for the paid subscription than the free trial!) There are so many other good movies (some much better than the ones above) that I could mention on this list… but there’s just not enough room to do that. I’ll let you explore the PureFlix options for yourself. ๐
Interested in the Free Trial?
The free 30-day trial was super easy – and you can painlessly cancel at the end of the 30 days if you decide that PureFlix isn’t for you. It’s not something that my husband and I would pay for on a monthly basis (as least not right now) but it may be something we’ll consider once we have older children in the home.
You can still give it a try for free – you have nothing to lose!
Click here to start your 30 day free trial with PureFlix.
Final Thoughts
If you are eighteen or younger, I would definitely encourage you to start a free trial with your parents – it’s important for families to be together when watching and discussing new movies.
For parents, I would encourage you to take advantage of PureFlix’s rating and reviewing system – they give info about each movie’s content. Just because a movie is offered by PureFlix doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for the whole family OR that it’s doctrinally sound.
As with anything, make sure you compare what you read and watch with Scripture, to find out what the Bible really says. ๐

With that being said… I’m really curious to know…
- Have you ever heard of PureFlix before?
- Have you ever done the free trial?
- What’s YOUR favorite PureFlix movie?
I would love to know, so please share in the comments below! Oh, and enjoy the free trial if you decide to give it a try!
Until Next Time,

I have known PureFlix to have a lot of good Christian films and Iโve heard from many friends of ours who have said they really like it.I have seen Princess Cut and I really enjoyed it!
They really do have a lot of great movies available! Of course, some are better than others ๐ We thought Princess Cut was a really neat movie!
I think I may have heard of PureFlix before through a friend of a friend. I never checked it out, though. Most of the films I watch are older ones that are public domain. It’s so hard to find modern films that are alright to watch. Even a some of the Christian ones are not 100% okay. Thanks for sharing these reviews. I think your film standards are very similar to mine.
Yes, I totally know what you mean! And not every movie on PureFlix fits our personal movies standards either… But they have a wide variety that certainly provides better options for families!
Princess Cut is one of our family favorites!
I have never heard of any of these movies! Will have to look into some of these!โฅ๏ธ
Let me know if you do!
I have never heard of PureFlix before!
So are any of these movies good???
Is PrincessCut good??? I’ve never heard of this movie or PureFlixbefore.
My family and I just watched Princess Cut last night, thanks to you, Rebecca. We throughly enjoyed it! I think it is one of the sweatest movies on a courtship that I’ve seen! There is another movie on a courtship, it’s a lot harder movie, but it’s still sweat. It’s called Old Fashioned. Any way, just wanted to say thanks reccomending it!
Yaay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it ๐ and thanks for recommending the other one, I’ll have to look into it!
I always love your honest reviews, Rebekah! I have been wanting to see the movie Princess Cut ever since you recommended it a while back! I really trust your judgment, so if it’s a movie you say is good, I’m interested in watching it ๐
I hope you get a chance to watch it sometime! It’s not a perfect movie – but we enjoyed it ๐