Hello Friends,
I know many of you have told me how excited you are to find out if we are having a boy or a girl! Obviously, Adam and I were super anxious to know as well. Originally, Adam wanted to be surprised, but he got curious and wanted to find out baby’s gender too! 😉
Well, last week I finally had my big ultrasound and…I

We are beyond thrilled that the Lord is blessing us with a little boy. There is a serious dearth in godly men today, and we hope and pray we can raise our son to be a godly man who loves the Lord with all his heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).
In many ways, as a mama-to-be, I feel an even greater sense of responsibility in raising a son. In my mind, a girl would be easier! There’s a lot involved in raising a son to be a godly leader and man of character. I have a lot to learn but I now by God’s grace He will equip me to be the mama I need to be for my little boy.
Now for some common baby questions I’ve been getting asked…
What did we think we were having?
Boys are pretty dominant in my husband’s side of the family. While that doesn’t always hold true for the next generation, we both thought we would probably have a boy! However, we would have been surprised and thrilled with a baby girl too. 😉
Plans for Baby’s nursery?
Navy blue with some neutral shades of brown and grey are the colors I keep going back to again and again. I also plan to incorporate some woodland animals such as deer, rabbits, foxes, etc. We still don’t know if we will move before baby or after baby, so I plan to just get to work on our spare room anyways… I don’t plant to do anything drastic (mostly some cosmetics and furniture placement) so if we end up moving, it will be easy to transfer to the next house!
Do you have a baby registry?
I’ve been working on some simple baby registries through Amazon and Walmart. We used Amazon for our wedding registry and I loved it – so I decided to use it again for baby. You’ll get a small taste of my baby and nursery style through my registries.
Do you have names picked out for baby?
Yes! We had both a girl name and boy named already picked out. I plan to share baby’s name on the blog sometime soon – just not quite yet. 😉
Are you feeling baby move yet?
Yes! I don’t feel him every day, but I do feel his little kicks from time to time. During the first part of our ultrasound baby was very active! Adam thinks we might have a future soccer player on our hands. 😉 It’s always exciting to feel baby move – just further proof of the little life growing inside me!

Special Thanks…
I want to give a thank you and a shout out to our cousin Gwen for becoming my un-official blog photographer. She took these fun “gender reveal” photos for us and did an amazing job. Now I have some darling photos to put in our baby’s nursery and our family photo album. I’m learning how special it is to have photos as a keepsake – especially during this season of pregnancy. Life is such a gift and it ought to be celebrated. Now I have these special photos to look back on in years to come! I will treasure them always!

Outfit Details…
I often get asked where I find modest clothing – more specifically modest dresses, so I want to share about the blue dress I’m wearing in our pictures.
Many of you know that I love Neesees Dresses for modest church (and some casual) dresses. Well recently, Neesees Dresses was kind enough to send me two dresses of my choice to share with all of you. This dress is my favorite of the two… it’s the Cleo Dress in blue. It was a complete coincidence that this dress worked perfectly for our photo shoot (which was a spontaneous thing!).
While this dress is NOT a maternity dress, it has an elastic waistband that I’ve been able to work with during this first half of my pregnancy. It won’t be long until my baby bump is too big to make this dress work, but it was a great dress for the spring and summer months!
Here are some other random sizing details for those who are interested:
- Size: I’m wearing a size small.
- Length: This dress covers my knees while standing and sitting. The actual length for the small is 41″.
- The Sleeves: The sleeves are one of my favorite features! I love how full and modest they are! The sleeve length is 8″.
One of the things I love about Neesees Dresses is their frequent sales and clearance events. If you keep an eye on their sales and discounts you can snag some pretty great deals! 😉

Current Pregnancy Favorites…
There is so much else I would love to share with all of you – such as the books I have been reading (and want to read!) before baby is born, what I’m doing differently now that I’m pregnant, and what I am doing to prepare for labor and delivery, etc…. however, that’s all way too much for just one blog post, so I’ll close with a few of my current pregnancy favorites!
The Mama Natural Pregnancy Book – I’m still LOVING this pregnancy book. Each chapter is full of so many tips and helpful info that applies to the current stage of my pregnancy. I also love the natural perspective the author shares – although she usually gives all the different options and perspectives as well.
Thieves Oil – With all our traveling, I am doing my best to stay healthy. Thieves essential oil has been my go-to germ fighter. If I feel any sickness coming on, I simply mix a drop or two of thieves oil with coconut oil and rub it on my feet, neck, and wrists before bed. I usually put on a pair of socks too! So far I’ve been able to ward off a cold and stay healthy so far.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – I bought this giant bag of this tea on Amazon for just $11. It’s such a large bag it will probably last me for TWO pregnancies! Drinking this tea on a (almost) daily basis has become one of my favorite pregnancy habits. The pregnancy health benefits of this tea are amazing, it helps to tone the uterus in preparation for birth. Not to mention, this tea tastes super yummy! I’ve been making the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Orange Cooler from Mama Natural – even my husband loves it!
You can find several Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Recipes right here.
Coconut Oil – This has been my moisturizer of choice for the dry skin I’ve been experiencing lately. It’s also wonderful to use on my belly when I feel itchy – because that’s definitely a real thing during pregnancy! I’m thankful for an all-natural moisturizer that’s safe for both me and baby!

Joey Midi Skirt from Inheritco – This skirt has been wonderful as a maternity skirt. While it’s not designed for maternity, the wide elastic waistband has made this a very comfortable skirt for this season in my life!
I have this skirt in Navy Blue and I love how it coordinates with quite a few of my tops. This skirt has definitely become one of my go-to’s.
This picture was snapped right after we made it to Virginia during our travels last month – so please forgive the travel wrinkles in my outfit! 😉 Yes, it’s a super comfy skirt, even for traveling!
Final Thoughts…
Phew! That was a lot to share – thanks for bearing with me! There will be more pregnancy posts and updates in upcoming months but that’s certainly enough for now! I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you have sent me sweet messages and for those of you who are praying for us in this busy season of our lives. We appreciate so much!
Stay tuned for new posts coming next week!
With Love,

I was actually wondering how the dress thing worked out, like if you went out and bought one really quickly or if you already had it! That is so neat how that worked out, and how you have a cousin who was able to take the pics for you 😉
Yeah – I’m not the kind of person to go out and buy a brand new outfit just for pictures haha! I try to use what I have 😊 It just so happens that I wear a LOT of blue already!
Thank you!
Congratulations! I’m almost always on team boy, so I super excited for you! My family dominates with girls, so yeah…XD Of course, I’m always excited no matter what the baby is, lol! I just love babies!
Thank you, Ryana! We are very excited. 😊 Boys and girls are both wonderful!
Congratulations! Our baby is a girl and we are very excited!♥️😊😊
Congratulations, Cindy! ❤️ Hope all is going well for you!
Thank you!
I thought for sure that your baby was going to be a girl. We have a name picked out for our baby too.♥️
I can’t wait to hear what you name your little one!
Thank you! O will tell you soon!
Ahh! Congrats! <3 So excited for you and your hubby!
Little boys are adorable- almost cuter than baby girls sometimes haha. xD
Thank you, Hadassah! We are really excited! Yes, I agree – little boys are pretty cute 😉 although I feel the same about little girls too! ❤️
Ooooh!!! Congrats!!!! 🙂
Thank you!
Oh my goodness, how exciting, Rebekah! Yes, you are right – there is a great amount of responsibility that goes into raising not only a boy, but a Godly man! However, I’ve always thought boys were easier – no drama, no tears, no hidden problems – I’d rather have blood than tears any day! You are absolutely beautiful in this stage of your life and I’m glad things seem to be going well for you! I hope the rest of your pregnancy continues to go well!
That is true – there does seem to be a lot more drama with girls 😉
Thank you, Aria. You are too kind! ❤️
Aww. You are doing the same color scheme/ theme we did for Jackson! If we have a girl my plan is to incorporate a peach color with the existing ones in the nursery.
Oh that’s so neat! You will have to send me some pics so I can steal some ideas off of you 😉 Peach sounds really pretty for a girl!
That is soo exciting!! Thank you for sharing! I am praying for you and baby! <3
Thank you so much, Leona! I appreciate the prayers! ❤️
Congratulations! I can’t wait for my baby to be born!♥️😊
Thank you! I’m sure you’re excited! ♥
I actually have that same dress you have! Except it’s in pink. I wore it to my ultrasound. Lately my baby has been very active. My husband is praying that she’s a girly girl! By the way I love your dress!
It’s such a comfortable dress! I’m sad to be putting it away for the Spring/Summer months (even then I might not be able to wear it for a while because it’s not exactly nursing friendly – oh well!). I have seen this same dress in several patterns and colors – it’s such a feminine style too – I’m glad you have one as well!
Congratulations!!Im so happy for you! I love babies!!❤️❤️
Thank you! ❤️ We can’t wait!
I love your dress!It is very cute!
you look so happy you and adam will make good parents
Thank you! ❤️
It’s been so many years since there has been a baby boy in my family that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a baby boy! Lots of blue, green, and brown is what I remember best. (And all that cute cooing. 🙂 ) The last four were girls in my family. Like Aria said, there’s more drama with girls. One great thing about the oldest child being a boy is that he can be an amazing protector of his younger siblings. It’s a real blessing to have an older brother!
Gwen is such an awesome photographer! I love the creativity in the photos. Your dress looks beautiful too.
Raspberry leaf tea is nice to have throughout the year. Sometimes I like it fresh and hot; other times I prefer it iced.
I’ll be praying for you and your hubby and baby. So thrilled to hear it’s a boy! My friend is expecting a boy too. 🙂
Yes, we are excited that our future children (Lord willing of course!) will have an older brother. Especially if the Lord gives us any daughters – I think it’s good for them to have at least one big brother 😊
Yes, Gwen always does such a great job!
Over the summer I’ve been enjoying my tea iced… But now that the weather is getting cooler it’s nice to have a hot cup of tea!
Thank you so much for your prayers! ❤️
Yay Rebekah! I’m so excited for you and Adam and can’t wait to meet your little baby boy!!!
Awww thank you, Allison! We can’t wait either. It will be so much fun to bring him to church after he’s born!
Congratulations Rebekah and Adam. A little boy is precious but then again so are little girls. You look lovely. We will keep you and your baby boy in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and yours. Can’t wait to hear the name you and Adam have chosen.
Marilyn and Marion
Can’t wait to meet your baby boy and find out what his name is!!!
Me too! ❤️ I will probably share his name soon!
Congratulations, Rebekah! I love these photos- you look glowing and gorgeous. How sweet that God provided the perfect blue dress for you, too. That’s awesome!
Praying for health + strength for you!
God bless,
Thank you, Claudine!! I appreciate the prayers! ❤️
Awww…congratulations!!!♥️ I know you must be excited for your little boy to get here. Our family welcomed my brother’s first baby into the world last week… it was a little girl… Elizabeth Joy! We are so excited and blessed beyond measure. She is so perfect and precious.♥️
May God bless you with a safe delivery and a healthy baby!!
My sister had a baby girl today. Her name is Priscilla Hannah Faith. She is so cute but very tiny! We al live her though!♥️
Awww congratulations!! I’m sure she is precious! ❤️