PRAY is my one word for 2016. I have been trying to study prayer and actually spend more time praying. I’ve been learning so much already… and it’s only March! The other week I was listening to the audio book of Before Amen by Max Lucado. When I reached one of the beginning chapters, I heard one thing that has already changed the way I talk to God.. and I know it can change the way you pray as well.
One Thing That Will Change the Way You Pray
When the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him about prayer (Matthew 6), He gave them a sample of the way we should pray (known as The Lord’s Prayer). One of the very first things we see is that God is our Father.
“…therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven.” Matthew 6:9 (emphasis mine)
To put it another way, He is our “Heavenly Dad”. To me there is something extremely comforting about the name “dad.” It’s personal and only applies to one person… my dad.
Just knowing the God is my Heavenly Father (He is my Heavenly Dad) can totally change the way I view Him and the way I pray to Him.
Because God is My Heavenly Father I KNOW
- He cares about me
- He loves me
- He wants the very best for me
- He is looking out for me
- He wants to spend time with me
- He wants to comfort me when I’m sad or in trouble
- He will punish me when I do wrong (but He is not a tyrant)
- He cares about my relationships
- He will guide me
- …and so much more!
Just as my earthly father loves me, God loves me even more.
If you don’t have a very good relationship with your dad, your view of God could possibly be tainted. Just know this: if you have been saved into the family of God, then God IS your Heavenly Father, He is your Dad and He is a perfect Father. You can talk to Him at anytime. He wants to hear from you and loves to comfort and help you.
This one thought is already changing the way I pray. I hope that you will consider this and allow it to change the way you talk to Him. Go to Him remembering that He is your Dad… not just any Dad, but a perfect One.
I Would Love to Know
Do you think that knowing God as a perfect Father will change the way you talk to Him?
Feel free to leave your answer in the comments below. I ♥ hearing from my readers!

Yes! It definitely changes the way I feel about talking to Him! It’s so beautiful and personal. 🙂 Nice post!
I’m glad you feel that way too! ♥
Rebekah, this post really encouraged me! This is actually something that has been on my mind lately; how our perspective of who God is can so greatly impact our relationship with Him, for better or for worse. Thank you for this reminder! What a powerful truth– God is my Father!
Sarah, I am so thankful that this post encouraged you! What we think and know about God affects everything we do. This is one truth we can cling to everyday, all through life: If we have been born again we are safe in our Father’s arms! ♥
Thank you for reading this post and sharing!
Great post Becky! This post is such an encouragement with excellent points! I am looking so forward to more posts to come this month! 🙂
Great thoughts! I was reading Psalm 139 this morning and “how precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God” and trying to let that truth sink in! I’ll be completely honest, I’ve been struggling with something lately and have prayed and prayed about it and not only is the situation not getting any better, but I feel so alone trying to handle it on my own, because I don’t feel any guidance or wisdom right now. It’s tough! I just keep praying that God will help me with it, and I’m trying to just hang in there and trust that God will help me with it sometime, eventually.
Just hang in there, Elizabeth! God will prove Himself faithful, even if it takes awhile! Praying for you! ♥
Praying for you tonight as well, my sister in Christ. Keep looking up…
Job 23:10
Thank you so much, Rebekah and Emily!!
You are welcome, Elizabeth! I hope you are having a better day today! ❤️
Beautiful post Rebekah.. I was actually teaching younger teens in my church how to talk to God last Sunday.. seeing Him as a father and perfect one at that…
These are more clues for me from this post to enlighten them more next week…God bless you…
Thank you, Sarah! I am glad this post was helpful… I hope your lesson goes well! 🙂
Lovely thoughts, Rebekah! 🙂
Thank you, Tashia! ❤️
Great post! 🙂 I call my earthly father Daddy, (Or Mr. Papa when I’m trying to get his attention, lol!) But God is who I call Father. To me, there’s something really special about calling Him Father, something reverent and yet really close, too. It’s very true how your perception of God impacts your relationship. This past year I have definitely begun looking to God more as my Father, as well as Lord and God as I had been primarily thinking of Him as. Thank you for the post! 🙂
Hi Victoria, thanks for sharing! I like the name Mr. Papa 🙂 haha!
Yes!! Our view of God changes everything… I’m so glad you realize that as well. Calling God, “Father” helps me so much!
Keep praying to your Father! ❤️
I ❤ this!! Thank you for sharing!
Aw, thank YOU, Ashley! ❤️
This is a really good post, I enjoyed reading it! 🙂 I too call my earthly father Daddy and Heavenly Father who I call God.
I really enjoy reading your posts … 🙂
Thank you Rosalyn, you are always such an encouragement to me! ❤️
I love that God relates to us in so many different ways – Father being one of my favorite! It’s a beautiful picture, isn’t it? Trustworthy, loving, listener, provider, comforter, etc.
Thanks for sharing this with us at 100 Happy Days! I’m choosing to feature this post this week for the linkup, so stop by on Thursday to grab your button & link up again. 🙂
Much love!
Alison [Life of Scoop]
Hi Alison,
Thank you so much for your sweet comment… And for featuring my post! I love joining the link ups… Thank you!!!
Hi Rebekah!
I’m so glad that I found my way to your site once again. I’m so glad that you link up so that I can occasionally stop over and chat for a bit! :o) I love the encouragement that you’ve given here. I do believe that understanding that God is a perfect father can change the way we relate to him. I’m so glad that I have a good relationship with with my earthly father – and I’ve always viewed our heavenly Father in even a better light.
Thanks for sharing your heart and linking up with 100 happy days.
Have a blessed weekend!
Welcome Home Ministry
Knowing God as a Father really makes a difference for me. Maybe I start to understand it better now that I am a parent as well and know how much love one can have for their children.
Thank you for this reminder.
I am sure being a mom probably does help your understanding of this truth! Thank you for sharing!