Hello Friends,
The Christmas season is finally here again – can you believe it? We just got our tree over the weekend and I have been enjoying it SO MUCH. I was telling my husband the other night, that I spend so much more time in our living room when the tree is up… I want to enjoy it as much as possible because December always goes by so quickly!
November was a lovely month as well. We enjoyed a special Pie and Praise service at church and had a great Thanksgiving with family. Looking back over the month, I can hardly remember what happened – but I know it was a good month.
Because I did very little reading in October, I made sure to set aside more time in the evenings for reading so I could catch up in November. The evenings are the best time of day for me to read because I know most of my responsibilities are done for the day and my busy son is in bed. I managed to finish 5 different books this month! I’m excited to tell you about them!
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November Reads: What I’m Reading Month by Month
Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman
This is a child-training book that I began reading several months ago… I read through it rather slowly but finally finished it this past month. Considering the topic, this book was an enjoyable read. The author had a lot of humor and funny stories that she added to lighten things up. The first few chapters had me laughing quite a bit! The information in this book was very practical and biblical – she used lots of Scripture and backed everything up with the Word of God. This is definitely a book that I want to read again and reference as needed. This book is more applicable for parents of children beyond the toddler stage. The author talked a lot about getting to the heart of the issue and teaching your child what the Bible has to say about behavior, as well as teaching them how to solve various problems on their own. This was not quite fitting for a mama in the toddler stage (like me), but it was still very good and provided lots of food for thought. I will be referencing this book again as my son gets older.
A note regarding Bible Versions – While this book was very helpful and Scriptural, please note that most of the Bible verses were taken from the NIV, not the KJV.
I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
The Warsaw Orphan by Kelly Rimmer
Wow. What a story! I loved this one. Kelly Rimmer pieces together such a beautiful and heart-wrenching story from the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland during World War II. (Have you noticed that I LOVE World War II stories?!?). There was also a love story in the book but it was very sweet – nothing inappropriate. The book was quite the whirlwind as a LOT took place from beginning to end. The reader gets to see what life was like for the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto as well as life for the Polish people on the outside of the ghetto. The characters were excellently crafted (it was neat to see them grow and mature throughout the duration of the story) and focused on a young girl, Emilia, and a young man, Roman who both tell their side of the story. The book may have read better if it was broken up into two parts (it was very long). However, I still enjoyed it very much.
Content Warning – While the love story was very sweet and innocent, there were other mature themes in the book. The death, starvation, and desperation in the story felt very real. Also included in the story was a (non-detailed) rape scene, a pregnancy and birth, talk of circumcision (because of the Jewish faith), and some language (which was the biggest disappointment for me). Overall, the story just felt like a very real and raw depiction of World War II.
P.S. This book is actually a sequel! The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer comes first. However, because the book focuses on completely different characters, they can be read apart from one another. I did not realize this before reading the story!
I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads.
Won by Love by Norma Jean McCorvey
This book was the story of Norma Jean McCorvey – also know as Jane Roe from Roe v. Wade (the infamous court case that legalized abortion in all 50 states). While I have known about Roe v. Wade for a long time, I never really heard about the people and stories behind it. Let’s just say that this book was a major eye-opener! Basically, Jane Roe’s entire case (and the legalization of abortion) was based on a lie. Another incredible aspect of the story is that Norma McCorvey later became a Christian and joined the Pro-Life movement – WOW! Not only did I learn more about abortion (and how it was legalized) I was also reminded of the importance of praying for and loving on people we deem as “unredeemable”. There’s no sinner on earth that God cannot redeem! I would highly recommend this book if you’d like to learn more about the life of Norma Jean McCorvey and Roe v. Wade.
I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
The Walls are Talking by Abby Johnson
Yes, another book about abortion. I’ve been reading several books regarding this topic because I realized several months ago how little I’ve read about abortion. As Christians, I think we need to be more informed about this topic. One of the reasons why abortion is so widely accepted is because people just don’t know much about it – and that really needs to change! This book gives an ugly, inside look at abortion from people who used to work in the abortion industry. The stories were not pleasant to read – they made me cringe (and cry!). However, this is one of those must-read books that people need to read in order to have their eyes opened to the awful truth. While I understand that the stories inside this books are the worst of the worst, we must understand that there’s nothing pretty about taking a life.
Content Warning: If you have a weak stomach or a sensitive heart, this book may not be for you.
I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads.
Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue by Kathryn R. Simpson
This was a very helpful and informative book for me in regards to women’s heath and hormones. While I have read several books about hormones, this one was very specific to the adrenals and cortisol. Since weaning my son, I’ve realized how much these past few years have taken a toll on my body – from traveling, pregnancy, birth, heart surgeries, moving, starting a church, and more. My body is just weary. This book provided the science behind adrenal issues as well as practical steps to combat high/low cortisol issues and adrenal fatigue. Thyroid function was also addressed. I had just begun making some of the lifestyle changes recommended in this book, so it was encouraging to read this information and know that I am on the right track. The author also provides a lot of insight regarding testing, questions to ask your doctor, herbs/supplements to take, and more. If you have been struggling with hormones, or if you suspect any issues with your adrenals, I would highly recommend this book as a starting point!
I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads.
Every single book has something in common…
It just occurred to me that every single book on this list came to my bookshelves by way of ThriftBooks!
You know I LOVE that website and it has become my go-to place for finding specific second-hand books. You’ve heard me talk about ThriftBooks on previous posts, so I won’t rehash everything, but if you would like to give them a try, they are running lots of holiday deals this time of year. You can still buy $30 worth of books and get a FREE book credit if you’re a new member.
2021 Reading Goal
We have one month left in the year and I only need to read ONE more book to reach my 2021 reading goal! This will be the first year (in several years) that I will actually meet my reading goal for the year.
How is your reading goal coming along for 2021? Will you meet your goal?
The amount of books you read doesn’t matter nearly as much as the quality of the books – and the fact that you are LEARNING. That is the most important, please remember that!
Also, if you enjoyed this post, you can catch up on the other posts in this series:
- January Reads
- February Reads
- March Reads
- April Reads
- May Reads
- June Reads
- July Reads
- August Reads
- September Reads
- October Reads
Until Next Time,