Hey Friends,
This month’s book list is all about books on modesty!
Since many of you have been requesting more about modesty… May is Modesty Month here on the blog! This is the first “official” modesty post of the month.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a hug selection of great books on modesty out there… but there are some, and today I am going to be sharing my favorites. These books (and a few more) are included in the recommended reading list in my Radiant Modesty E-Book.
>>> Have you bought your copy of Radiant Modesty? You can do that right here!
Now let’s start talking about books!
My Favorite Books on Modesty
Dressing For The Lord by David Cloud
Honestly, I have not read this book from cover to cover (yet). But it’s one of those books that I love to just pick up and read like a magazine. However, I am well on my way to reading through the whole thing. π
I must say, this is probably the best book on modesty that I have found!
This book contains a lot of the standards and biblical convictions that I grew up hearing from my parents and pastor. It not only teaches what I have been taught (plus more!) it also helped to solidify why I believe what I believe. It also further entrenched in my mind that what I was taught as a child still holds true.
This book goes pretty deep (in an interesting way) and brings to light a lot of the perverted agendas of the fashion industry. This book has made me so much more aware of how far our culture (and Christians!) have come from the biblical standards of modesty.
Dressing for the Lord, has been a good reminder and an eye opener for me, and I would highly recommend it! If you choose to read this book, please do so with an open heart and mind. β₯
Modesty: More than a Change Of Clothes by Martha Peace and Kent Keller
This is a new book on my Kindle shelf. I’ve known about Martha Peace for a long time, so when I was searching for modest books on Amazon, I was really excited to find this one.
(Amazon has this book for $2.99 on Kindle!)
This book is written from both a woman’s and a man’s perspective (Kent Keller is a pastor), so I really appreciated hearing the two perspectives. This book talks a lot about the heart, and how that comes into play with the clothing we wear. Not a whole lot of specific guidelines for modesty are given, but a lot of the heart issues are discussed which is helpful and so important!
Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty by Dannah Gresh
This is a small little book on modesty that I read many years ago. I really enjoyed reading this book as it gave me a different perspective on modesty.
Dannah Gresh looks at modesty from a less conservative perspective, so for me, that was different but good. Even though my personal modesty standards differ from the things shared in this book, I still learned a lot from it. Sometimes it’s good and helpful to hear the perspectives of other Christians even if they aren’t in the same “camp” as ourselves.
A funny thing I distinctly remember from this book – Dannah shares a personal story about her dad making her change her shoes because they were too sexy. As a young girl she couldn’t believe that shoes could be sexy!
{I used to think most shoes were harmless as well… but believe it or not girls, some shoes can be sexy too!}
You’ll have to read this book to hear the whole story. π
This book is a bit blunt about some issues (as most books on modesty are) but is a good eye-opener, especially for those who have not heard much about modesty at all. If you’ve learned and read very little about modesty – this would be a good book for you!
Radiant Modesty by Yours Truly π
Okay ladies, of course I couldn’t write this list and leave out my own book on modesty! My E-Book, Radiant Modesty: Embracing God’s Design for the Clothing We Wear covers many basic (and not so basic) topics concerning modesty. Here are some of the topics included in my E-Book:
- Why Does Modesty Matter?
- What Does Modesty Look Like?
- How Immodesty Affects Men
- Modesty Through the Seasons
- What About Legalism?
- What About Makeup?
And much more!
Sadly, many girls are growing up not knowing why modesty really matters… neither do they realize that modesty is something to be valued and enjoyed.
Growing up, dressing modestly was sometimes frustrating and challenging, but now it’s something I appreciate and enjoy. Many of the things I talk about in my E-Book are things I’ve been learning for a long time, and things I wish I would have known when I was younger.
>>> If you want to learn more about modesty you will definitely want to check out my new E-Book. You can purchase your copy here!
Order Your Copy of the Radiant Modesty E-Book!
Final Thoughts
There you go, my friend! Those are my favorite books about modesty. In my Radiant Modesty E-Book I share a few more good books on this topic. But as I said, the books on this list are my favorites! π
If you have any favorite books on the topic of modesty, please share them in the comments!
(P.S. Here is a pinterest pin for you to keep track of these books!)

Thank you so much for this post! I’m always looking for more resources on modesty! It’s funny, my favorite resource was actually a list of guidelines a lady gave us a few years ago. It was so helpful knowing exact things to watch out for! She even gave advice for modesty entering and exiting a vehicle! Very helpful. Her name is Darlene Neely. If you go to their website (just type in the neely team ) I’m sure she probably still has the list.
Awesome – I hope it was helpful! I will have to look up that list… it sounds incredibly helpful! π
Please, give a link of the list!
If you scroll your cursor over the list, you can pin it, save it to facebook, or tweet it βΊ
For my search problem about modesty I found it helpful plz help me more for this work
Thank you Rebekah, I will have to look into getting some of these books.
I can relate, I used to get frustrated trying to dress modestly (because it does take a lot of effort), but now I really enjoy it. There are still some things that are challenging, just because certain things are getting harder to find. But realizing how important it is to follow God’s commands on modesty and how much it helps our brothers in Christ makes it worth any little bit of work.βΊοΈ
Hope it is more like spring weather where you live now.
Yes! It’s getting even harder to find some things – like good denim skirts and modest dresses. But whenever I manage to find something, it’s such a huge blessing from the Lord! When we choose to honor the Lord with the way we dress, He will bless us for it. He always provides what we need! And you are right – it is worth it!
Yes, it’s actually getting quite hot where I live π
Thank You for this list of books on Modesty. God Bless.
You are welcome! β€
One of my favorite books on modest dressing is “What in the World Should I Wear?” by Cathy Corle. A new (to me) one that I just aquired and thought was excellent is “Dress-The Heart of the Matter” by Shirley M. Starr and Lori L. Waltmeyer. Both books give several Scripture references that they base their writings on.
Is dressing for the LORD legalistic or does it address the heart??
Hey! I like your question. That depends on where the focus is. If how one dresses is for the appearance of godliness to earn salvation, then yes that would be legalistic. Legalistic is another way of saying self-righteous. A believer should walk in righteousness because that is what pleases the Lord. A self-righteous person might do the same “righteousness,” but the heart is for self and not God.
The desire to dress modestly should come from a heart that loves God and wants to include God in one’s decisions in life. How one dresses is very much a heart issue because it reflects the attitudes that are in the heart. While the Bible does not give a list of rules to follow regarding modesty, there are many principles that we, as ladies, can adopt out of a desire to glorify God in every area of each our own life. Modesty can be used wrongly as a form of godliness… but then it’s not really modest because the heart is not modest, but self-seeking.
A good Bible study on the harlot (who does not love God, but rejects him) would show that we, as Christians who should desire to glorify God with our life, would hopefully not wish to dress as a harlot seeking sexual seduction with our outfits.
Whatever our personal standard is before the Lord, how we choose to dress, or talk, or conduct ourselves, or build friendships, etc should come out of a desire to point to Jesus Christ rather than self. Works do not save us. Works are what God calls believers to do to show forth what has happened within us already.
Hopefully this is helpful. May you make your choices, not on rules, but on what thus saith the Lord. Ask the Lord how he would choose you to dress. The holy Spirit of God desires to grow us and walk with us if we would allow him into our daily living.
I was talking about the a book. I understand legalism.
Thanks for the reply Miss Samantha. I wanted to know if the book
“Dressing for the Lord” is legalistic like does the author Mr. david cloud talk about modesty from the heart????