My Cleaning Schedule and Daily Routines

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Hi Friends!

I’ve officially updated my cleaning schedule and homemaking routines! The following routines are fairly simple and very flexible, meaning I can switch the tasks around depending on the day and how my week is going. Whenever I feel like things are slipping out of control, I can refer back to these routines (I’m printing them out and putting them on the fridge!) to help get back on track.

I love reading about other cleaning schedules and routines… but it’s always important to do what works for you! I am sharing this post to give you an idea of how I’ve created a routine that fits my lifestyle, my home, and my family!

(Last week I shared Three Cleaning Routines for a Fresh and Tidy Home! – Be sure to check it out if you missed it!)

Let’s just jump into my new routines!

My (Updated) Cleaning Schedule and Homemaking Routines

These routines are very much like the ones I had set up before we moved… with a few slight adjustments!

Clean out the fridge
Go grocery shopping
Put all groceries away and organize pantry
Tidy up the house from the weekend

Prep food for the week ahead
Wipe down bathrooms
Empty all the trashcans
Do laundry

Work on blog posts
Update church website/Facebook page

Wash sheets and towels
Deep clean one area of the house

Deep clean bathrooms
Dust and sweep the house
Tidy the house and prep food as necessary

Sweep front porch and deck
Prepare the house for any weekend guests
Prep food and outfits for Sunday
Empty all trashcans

Write out meal plan and to-do list for the week ahead

How I Structure My Day (Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Routines)

My Morning Routine (7am-12pm)
Feed Daniel/give medicine
Make the bed
Eat breakfast/take supplements
Wash/put away dishes
Devotions (during Daniel’s first nap)
Work on cleaning tasks for the day

Afternoon Routine (12pm-6pm)
Complete any unfinished daily tasks
Work on blog/business/ministry tasks
Prep dinner
Clean up dinner dishes

My Evening Routine (6pm-11pm)
Put Daniel to bed (bathe, feed, give medicine)
Tidy the house
Shower/get ready for bed
Spend time with hubby

My daily routines might look slightly different depending on the day/week. Sometimes there are doctors appointments and of course there’s often church and other get-togethers in the evenings. That’s why my routines are made to be flexible.

The Inspiration Behind my Routines

Good cleaning schedules and daily routines are important because they WORK! So many of my favorite authors and bloggers encourage routines because they help our households (and our lives!) run smoothly. Here are just a few of the books/authors that recommend setting up routines and inspired me to create my own.

The Clean MamaSimply Clean is the book that first introduced me to a simple cleaning routine that has you working on one task every day. I do not follow this routine to a “T” but I have gotten a lot of ideas from this book and have slightly patterned my routines after the “one a day” concept. I just changed things around to work for me. (I talked about the Simply Clean cleaning method in last week’s post.)

Phylicia Masonheimer – Phylicia sings the praises of daily routines because she has been implementing them (successfully) for years. She can teach you how to do the same! She has a free email productivity course where she talks about the importance of routines and how to get started.

Large Family Logistics – One of my favorite books of all time, simply because it’s a GOLDMINE for homemakers. Kim Brenneman talks about the importance of a homemaking binder and how to focus on certain homemaking tasks each day of the week. She has special chapters dedicated to making a homemaking binder, crafting your morning and evening routines, laundry day, cleaning day, shopping day and more. This mom-of-nine has been such a big inspiration to me!

(Large Family Logistics is no longer in print but… It’s back under a new name! Home Management: Plain and Simple is the new and updated version of this book.)

Final Thoughts

Well, now you know my cleaning schedule and daily routines! I hope seeing these routines gives you and idea on how to create and structure your own routines. If you have any questions or comments… feel free to drop them below!

Until Next Time,

Rebekah Joy (2)

One thought on “My Cleaning Schedule and Daily Routines

  1. I love Large Family Logistics! We have one of the old copies, and I always loved looking through it for homemaking ideas. For some reason, I find that I need to update my routine ever month or two. If I settle into one routine for too long, it becomes boring and I don’t get much done. Loved seeing your routine, structure, and inspiration! I’m thinking it’s about time I pulled out my homemaking books again. 😉

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