Hey Friends,
Today’s blog post is going to be a little random…
I usually write my blog posts out before-hand and schedule them, but today I am writing this post in real time and I have a lot of thoughts to share with you!
A Blogย Birthday Giveaway!
This week my blog turns 3 three years old! It’s hard to believe that I have been blogging for three years, but it’s even crazier to think about everything that has happened since I started this blog. If you have been here from the beginning, thanks for sticking with me! โฅ
At the beginning of this year, I realized that I have been blogging all this time and have never done a giveaway!
So, in honor of my blog’s three-year existence, I am going to be choosing three people to receive a free copy of my new E-Book, Radiant Modesty! You can read all about this new book by clicking below.
Because this is my first giveaway, I’m keeping things super simple.
What do you need to do to enter? It’s simple
1. Sign up for my email list. (If you’re already subscribed you can skip this!).
2. Leave a comment below telling me WHY you would like to win a free copy of this E-Book!
That’s it… easy-peasy. ๐
Feel free to share this post with your friends so that they can join this giveaway too!
The giveaway ends on Wednesday, May 23 at Noon, and the three giveaway winners will be announced in Thursday’s blog post (May 24th). I will also send the winners an email with a copy of their E-Book!
What are you waiting for? Enter the giveaway and then come back here for a little chat with me. ๐
Monday Mornings and Modesty
I don’t know about you… but by Monday mornings I’m worn out! My hubby works for four days and then gets a long weekend off. Because of this we usually have a lot planned on the weekends. Sundays are busy with church and choir practice, and I have yet to learn the art of taking a restful Sunday afternoon nap.
All that to say… most Monday mornings, all I feel like doing is crawling back into bed after breakfast.
Of course, sleeping in on Monday mornings means I wake up feeling really behind… and that’s not a good way to start off my week!
So, the past two Mondays I have been trying to start off my week in a positive way. This means getting a shower, drinking coffee, having my devotions, and doing anything else that makes me feel refreshed and ready for a new day and a new week.
This morning I chose to watch Elizabeth George’s DVD series on Loving God With All Your Mind. The episode I watched today was about pressing forward… forgetting the past and moving on. It was such a refreshing time as I watched this spiritually-edifying episode, sipped my coffee, and sketched out my to-do list for the week.
After that, I read my Bible, prayed, and finished up a chapter in Shaunti Feldhan’s book, For Women Only. In the chapter I was finishing, Shaunti was talking about the battle every man has to think pure thoughts in the immodest and immoral world we live in. She then proceeded to share some ways that we can help the men in our lives think pure thoughts. One of the things she mentioned has to do with modesty. She said…
“Champion modesty in yourself and others.”
To better understand this, I googled the word “champion”.
As a verb “champion” means to support and defend a cause. As a noun, it means to argue and fight for a cause.
Does this describe your attitude towards modesty? Are you a champion of modesty?
While men are responsible for the thoughts that they think… we as women are equally responsible to cloth ourselves in modest apparel. Neither gender is off the hook.
Will YOU be a champion of modesty in our immodest and immoral world?
Final Thoughts
Thanks for reading my ramblings about my Monday morning, and about modesty. I truly hope you will see the need to dress modestly, not just to help the men around us, but to please and honor the Lord!
If you want to learn more about modesty right now you can purchaseย a copy of my E-Book here. Or enter my giveaway for a chance to win a FREE copy!
Here are my previous posts about modesty from this month:
- My Favorite Books on Modesty
- The Radiant Modesty E-Book is Here!
- Three Reasons Why Modesty Matters Today
- How to Dress Modestly in the Summer
- 4 Reasons Why I Don’t Wear Pants
To enter the giveaway don’t forget to sign up for my email list and leave a comment below telling me WHY you want to win a free copy of my E-Book!
See you on Thursday!

Well, I have purchased a copy of your book, but I wouldn’t mind having a copy to gift to someone; )
I would love to have a copy of Radiant Modesty because I absolutely love modest fashion! I also am interested in several of the specific topics you address in the book. At this point in time, after several family birthdays, Mother’s day, and some other expenses, I need to limit my spending, so winning a copy would be such a blessing! Thank you for hosting this giveaway, Rebekah!
I would like to win a copy because I cannot buy it. I would love to read it and learn more on the subject. I also like your non-legalistic encouragement to dress modestly and would like to learn more ๐
Hi Rebekah,
I love you blog! I love how you take verses from the Bible to practically apply them to our lives. I also think modesty is so important and is lacking in our culture today. Women need resources(like your book) to help them in certain areas. I would love to read your book because I feel like you are a godly woman who I can learn from! God Bless.
I would like to win a copy of Radiant Modesty because I love your posts; they inspire me to be a radiant woman of faith! I would love to have more books and posts by you, so I hope you choose me! ๐ God Bless!
I would love to win a copy of Radiant Modesty because I want to read it! (Okay, that’s kind of obvious… :P) I’ve been excited about this e-book since I heard about it, and I love the posts that you have written about modesty. This is one of my favorite blogs, because I know everything will be founded on the Word of God and will encourage me in my walk with Christ. ๐ Thank you for this opportunity!
I would love to win a free copy of Radiant Modestly because I always love reading books like that as I find them encouraging and they also help me to want to dress and be modest. Also, I really admire how you dress so modestly and still not at all frumpy, and how you really seem to have a heart for the Lord, which makes me think that your book content will have a Biblical foundation.
I would like to win a copy because I have read a lot of books on modesty that came from a more worldly perspective than I now have, and I would like to hear more from a conservative view.
I would love to win a copy because:
-modesty is important to me
-I want to read it ๐
-I enjoy the topic of modesty/fashion
-Iโve been blessed by your blog/writing and would love to read more of your stuff!
Thank you for letting God use you. You are an encouragement to many!
I live in a family with a dozen daughters and would love to have the copy to read and share with all my sisters! Some of my younger sisters unfortunately have the wrong view of beauty and it would be so helpful to give a solid reasoning and help to show them how to start. In the end, thank-you for your blog, and all the encouraging content!
I would like to win a copy because I value modesty and want to learn more about it. I would be interested to see what you have to say about modesty that could help me and others.
Well I’d love a copy since I’ve NEVER read any books about modesty, and frankly I didn’t know they existed.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I would love to win your book because I’d love to read it and share it with my sister. I enjoy your modest fashion posts, as well as others on a couple different blogs I read, and would love to read your thoughts. ๐
Have a lovely week!
Ya! 3 years!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
I would like to win your book because I love modest fashion! ! Also, I’m on a budget, so winning this book would be amazing!
I believe as a daughter of the King, that we, as women should have Christ shine from us in whatever we do. Whether that be in beauty, kindness, compassion, or modesty. Modesty is especially important in today’s world. It is often brushed aside while the world tells us, “Do whatever you want! Modest isn’t important!” By reading your book I hope to help others understand the importance of dressing modestly ๐
Wow, three blogging years!!! May God bless you with inspiration and keep us inspired by you! ๐
I find your posts very lovely, encouraging, and creative. I am tired of the looong articles I find on other blogs and I think your writing style is so simple and fresh, and I can read it fast, take notes and meditate on it.
I would LOVE to win a free copy of Radiant Modesty because I like a lot your tools, your articles, I am sure I would learn a lot of your book.
It would be my first book about modesty and I wish to discover the beauty of godly femininity from your book.
God bless you! ๐
Dear Rebekah…
Oh, congratulations on three wonderful years of blogging! May the Lord continue to inspire your writing!
I only recently discovered your blog, but I have enjoyed what I’ve read thus far…. I decided to see if I could find the talk by Elizabeth George that you mentioned… I’ve got it on now!
I would love to receive a copy of your lovely book…I think it would be a sweet blessing to me, and to my five younger sisters…
Thank you for hosting a wonderful giveaway… Blessings and love in Christ,
That’s great! Did you find it on YouTube?
Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to read the book to have more reasons for dressing modestly to share with others!
I started reading your blog a few weeks ago and you really opened my mind and heart to God and being a better person and woman. I understand things better but i guess i still have lots to learn and that makes me feel excited now.I would love to receive a free copy of your book in order to continue with this journey. Even if i dont it wont stop me from going forward ๐ Thanks for the giveaway and congratz on the blog ๐
OH yay! I was hoping you’d do a giveaway sometime!! ๐ I would love to win a copy of your Radiant Modesty e-book! What a great post!
I would love to win a copy of your book because I’m a stay at home momma of two little girls and I would love to be able to pass down the building blocks for dressing modestly so they can keep it with them for their whole lives and I know it would help me feel good and it would help them feel good also. God bless!
Thank you for your encouraging blog, Rebekah! I would really love to receive a copy of your e-book Radiant Modesty! For the past five years, I have been teaching a small discipleship group for young girls, most of whom are in the public school. Your book would be a great resource for me to teach them about biblical femininity and modesty, topics which truly need to be discussed today. I would appreciate having your book as another tool as I mentor these precious girls. Thank you, and may God continue to bless your ministry on this blog!
I would love to have a copy of your book because I recently came back to my walk with Christ after 10 years away and I’m re-evalutating how I live, dress, and carry myself as a woman. I also have a young daughter (she’s 9) and I could use some material to give me ideas about how to talk to her about modesty without shaming her. Thank you for all you! I love your blog!
I would be pleased as punch to receive a free copy of your ebook on modesty, because I am constantly searching for more ways to deepen my understanding of biblical principles, including modesty. Your writing is always encouraging and challenging to me, and I would especially enjoy the ebook because I might be able to share it with my younger sisters. Thank you for the opportunity!
Hi Rebekah,
Congratulations on your blogs third birthday! That’s awesome.
I would like a copy of your E-book because I’m not able to purchase it right now, enjoy studying the topic of modesty, and would love to hear your thoughts on it. Although I believe everyone should study the topic of modesty for themselves from the bible, and pray to ask God to lead them in this area. It is always nice to hear other people’s convictions. Thank you for your continual hard work that you put into your blog.
Hey, Rebekah!
Reading your posts on modesty and one of the modesty books you suggested has really caused me think to think a lot upon modesty. I would love to broaden my knowledge on this topic by reading your E-book about modesty. It sounds interesting and inspiring!
Thank you for all your hard work!
Hi Miss Rebekah,
I’m a young girl from Germany (please don’t judge me about the mistakes i’ll make, i’m still learning english at college) and I’m still on my journey of dressing modestly. I’m growing up in a christian family but for my parents dressing modestly is not very important and they don’t really support me in doing so. I hope after reading your E-book I would be able to explain them why it is important to me to dress modestly and I hope to get encouraged to do so even without their support. All the articles about modesty that you’ve already published have helped me so much! Thank you! I also hope to get an inspiration how to dress modestly because here in Germany it’s very difficult to buy modest clothes. I would like to win an E-book because my parents would never allow me to buy it and it’s difficult because of the different currencies (โฌ vs. $). I’m really encouraged by your blog, Rebekah, and I love your style of writing! Greetings from Germany!
Please don’t misunderstand me, my parents are really wonderful parents and they encourage and support me a lot in my journey with Christ but they don’t care about modesty.
Hey Andrea, no worries… I understand! ๐
I would love a copy of Radiant Modesty, because modesty is something I struggle with. I have not grown up in a conserative Christian family, and am trying to follow Godโs will in my life. (My family is Christian) Even though modesty is just one aspect of my life that I am trying to change for God, I am hoping this book will help. I really loving reading your blog, because of the Godly advice, yet non judgemental way you give if.
I would love a copy of “Radiance Modesty”. Thank You for the giveaway.
Thank You for the opportunity to win this lovely book.
The name should say Joan.
Congratulations on your blogiversary. Thank You for this generous giveaway.
I would like to have this book. Iโve just read about it in the past few weeks. I teach a teen girlโs class. Iโm always looking for materials for my girls. Sometimes itโs good for them to see itโs not just this โold ladyโ telling them of proper biblical standards but many people believe & practice this & why they do. It would be a blessing to share this with my sweet girls.
Hi Rebecca,
I would love a free copy of your book for me and my five sisters to read.
We are recently learning more about modesty, and I would love to see what you have to say. I much prefer a modesty book by a woman than a man! ๐
God bless you for your blogging ministry.
Oh Rebekah I just found your blog and I am loving it!
So sad I came late for the giveaway of your book.
Is there a chance for a …second giveaway?!?!?
I don’t have a job now so I need to take care of every penny I spent.
Anyway, I will keep checking the knowledge you are sharing in your blog.
And about Mondays, I feel the same!
Anybody loving Monday mornings here or are they only in the fake motivational posts everywhere?
Aww I am so glad! Sorry you missed the giveaway! I will definitely do more in the future. ๐