Hey Friend,
It’s almost May! I always think of May as such a beautiful month. Everything seems to bloom in May and the weather is (usually) warm but not too hot!
Because it’s almost May, and that means hot weather is soon coming… I decided to make May, Modesty Month here on the blog. Most of this month’s upcoming blog posts will be focusing on the subject of modesty… and the best part? Drum roll please…
My E-Book is going to be launched NEXT MONDAY!
I am so excited! Even though I already have a Devotional and Bible Study Kit on the Blog Store, this is my very first E-Book to share with all of you! Did I mention that I am so excited!? 😉
My E-Book is up for pre-order in the shop, so you can be one of the first to get a copy + receive 20%!
Okay, now back to today’s post…
Because May is going to be Modesty Month, today’s monthly to do list is going to have several to-do’s related to modesty. I hope you all will join me on this one!
At the end of this post I want to hear how April went for all of you…. and I’ll be sharing my perspective on my month as well. 🙂 Can’t wait to hear from all of you!
May To-Do List {Monthly Goals}
Study the Book of Isaiah
Okay, if you’re probably wondering “why Isaiah?”.
Even though it’s a rather deep, prophetical book, several of my favorite verses and passages come from this book of the Bible. I love all the references to plants, and growth, and salvation. Isaiah is just a gold-mine with Biblical truths.
The theme of Isaiah is salvation, but there is so much more we can learn while reading this book too! If you choose to study this book with me, here are some tips:
Read 2 Chapters Each Day – Isaiah has 66 chapters total, so you will need to read at least 2 chapters each day. If you have extra time one day, read a 3rd chapter so you can read through the book in one month.
Use a Study Bible – This is a rather deep book. So I am going to be reading Isaiah with my study Bible. If you have study Bible that you use and love, I would recommend using it this month.
Read a Commentary – I am probably not going to read a book/commentary along with my study (this time) but if you would like a study book to aid you, check out this one.
Jot Down What You Learn – Use a journal or notebook to jot down the things that you learn as you read!
I hope you will join me in reading Isaiah this month!
Read a Book About Modesty
This month let’s all read a book on the topic of Modesty. Next week I will be sharing my favorites, plus you’ll want to preorder a copy of my Radiant Modesty E-Book! 😉
For my personal modesty reading, I am going to be finishing up this book.
Enjoy Fresh Flowers
A friend from church brought me flowers the other week, and they have been such a joy! They are bright orange Gerber Daisies and they add so much cheer to our living room. The sight of them has inspired me to get more plants and flowers for our little home. Unfortunately, I am a terrible plant lady, but I hope I can learn to nurture and love my plants.
This month I want to encourage you to enjoy fresh flowers too. Whether that means going flower-picking in a field of wild flowers, planting some outside, or going out to buy them… I want you to take the time to enjoy fresh flowers this month. There’s nothing like a cheery little flower. ♥
Plan Your Summer
Are you getting excited about Summer? I’m certainly getting excited!
I have all kinds of plans, ideas, and adventures floating around in my mind. Some things are already scheduled… and others are just ideas. But most of them are fun ideas I want to do with my hubby, with family, and with friends. Activities like… stargazing, hiking, working in the garden, hanging out with cousins, and so much more!
Before the end of this month, let’s make a a list of all the things we plan to do this summer. I will share my list sometime in June… and that’s when I’ll want to hear all about your plans as well! 🙂
Get Together with a Friend
I don’t know about you… but I have several friends I’ve been wanting to get together with soon.
Whether it’s for coffee, brunch, shopping, or something else, let’s make plans with a friend sometime this month and then make it happen. Friends are such treasures, it’s important that we nourish those relationships and make time for one another.
Plan Your Outfits the Night Before
With warmer weather ahead, that means it’s going to be harder for us to choose modest outfits – especially for certain activities. So let’s make it a habit to plan our outfits ahead of time, especially the night before!
When we plan our outfits ahead of time – we are less likely to make a poor outfit decision. It’s easier to wear something modest if we’ve had time to plan it out the day before.
In my upcoming E-Book, I share ideas and tips for warm-weather modesty, including a special “modest outfit checklist” which you will be able to download very soon – for free!
Do Some Modest Sewing
I have several pieces of clothing at home that need to be altered. Most of them are thrift store finds that I want to “update” and alter so they fit me better. I have a really pretty purple dress that I plan on turning into a maxi skirt… as well as a couple skirts I want to hem.
How about you? Do you love thrift shopping? Do you have some clothing that needs altered so it fits better, or looks more modest? Consider learning how to alter it yourself, or pay to have someone do it for you. If you don’t want to alter anything, try making something completely new such as this maxi skirt.
It’s amazing what we can do with a sewing machine and just a little creativity!
Remember Mom on Mother’s Day
In case you’ve forgotten, Mother’s Day is happening this month! Don’t forget to remember and celebrate your mom this Mother’s Day. You don’t need to do anything fancy or extravagant… just make sure to let your mom know that she’s loved and appreciated!
Enjoy Each Day
Lately, it’s as if I blink, and it’s already a new month. The months are flying by way too fast for my liking. This month, I want us treasure and enjoy each day that God gives us. The days and weeks go so fast, let’s stop a little bit every day to enjoy it. Let’s also remember to ask the Lord how we can make the most out of each and every day that comes this month.
And don’t forget to enjoy today!
Flourish… Modestly!
This month, I want all of us to flourish in everything we do. Let’s flourish, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. But let’s also flourish modestly! Let’s choose to clothe ourselves in modest apparel, and behave ourselves modestly and becomingly… like a lady.
This month, let’s flourish…. but flourish modestly!
My Thoughts on April
Our month went very fast, although I feel like it’s been a productive month in spite of the busyness. God answered a huge prayer for us, and provided a new job that’s perfect for our needs.
As I’ve already mentioned, the Radiant Modesty E-Book is going to be “launched” next Monday! Much of my month was spent writing, editing, designing, and getting it ready. I am so excited to share it with all of you next week!
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to all of my spring cleaning… but I have been making some cleaning progress here and there. We just moved in last September so our house isn’t in need of a major Spring cleaning, just the basics.
This month hubby and I had some wonderful ministry opportunities… which were a lot of fun and a huge blessing. We got to attend a special dinner to help our favorite summer camp, and we got to participate in some new ministries at church… not to mention attending a mission’s conference and a special church service with family!
Remember all the talk about joy last month? Well I am incredibly grateful for the joy that the Lord gives us! With that joy comes strength and energy as we depend on Him! The joy of the Lord is your strength! (Neh. 8:10).
Before You Go…
What do you think about this month’s to-do list?
How was your month of April? 🙂
P.S. I created a pretty “pin” to hep you remember this month’s to do list!

How exciting that your e-book is almost here!! Thank you for all the time and energy you put into it, Rebekah! <3 I'm sure it will bless many girls! Just curious, are you a skirts-only girl or do you wear pants as well?
Bringing flowers inside is definitely a beautiful way to invite spring inside! My youngest brother will come in often from outdoors with blooms he has found and give them to me and my mom. *heart melts* <3
I don't think I have any clothing to re-purpose or need to sew or anything right now, but I do hope on going through my wardrobe at some point.
In May I also want to make sure I upload two videos for YouTube, finish my book on prayer (for real this time), spend a lot of time being purposefully selfless and kind, and enjoy every moment. Right now my life is changing quickly due to getting my ACT scores in (rest-of-high-school and college planning ), turning 16, getting my license, and more (and I'll be old enough to wear makeup and get my ears pierced… eek!! I haven't made up my mind about either yet xD). I want to enjoy every moment of this process though.
Thank you Grace! I am very excited to share it with all of you! Haha, I don’t think I have ever been asked that question before… but I am a skirts-only girl 🙂 I just believe that they are the most feminine and modest option out there for us ladies. I also believe they are the closest thing to the Bible’s standards of modesty. But I will talk more about that in my book and in upcoming blog posts in May. Just because I believe that doesn’t mean I don’t get along with my sisters-in-Christ who do wear pants – because the majority of my friends do! Skirts-only is just my personal standard and preference 🙂
Yes, you are definitely in the midst of a busy and changing time in your life – but enjoy it and embrace it all. It will go fast and you will learn a lot. Makeup and earrings are a lot of fun, but you have plenty of time to ease into that too! Have fun!
Rebekah Joy
April was a very productive month!
I had made a goal to memorize Mary’s Song in Luke 1 and am happy to report that I did!
I had hoped to read five books this month, but I only finished one, but we’ve been very busy with ministry, so I’m not complaining!
Also, my mom and I completed edits on my fourth book (third in a series) and it is now with my beta-readers and editor! Very excited! We are looking forward to a late May-mid June release, depending on schedules!
May goals for me are:
1. Study Psalms and complete Proverbs “Women” study
2. Read five books (Some of these are Bible study books)
3. Get outside more!
4. Practice German and ASL every day.
5. Complete my spring cleaning.
6. Make corrections to my book as I get them back from my proofers
7. Get in the kitchen more
8. Start a new Crochet project
9. Design Book Cover
10. Read your new eBook! (I already pre-ordered)
…among other things 🙂 May is always a busy month for us. I’m also looking forward to my birthday this month! Can’t wait to see what God has in store!
Sounds like you have an exciting and busy month ahead of you – but it all sounds so exciting! Thanks for pre-ordering! You will get a copy of it on Monday and can start reading then 🙂
That’s exciting that you will be launching another book as well. It’s such a fun process isn’t it? I hope all your goals + plans go well… and I hope that they all get accomplished. But just have fun in the process 🙂
Rebekah Joy
These are some very nice goals for May, Rebekah! I would love to study Isaiah sometime in the future. I’ve already decided to study the book of Proverbs.😊
I know this might be a silly question, but how do you get an e-book? I’ve never gotten one before and would really love to get yours. I love the topic of modesty of the inside and the outside! Also, I’m very happy it is modesty month, ever since I heard you were going to do it I’ve been super excited! By any chance are you going to go over what you wear for working out, hiking, activities, etc? I always have trouble with that. Or I should probably just be patient and find out.😉
April and May are usually very busy for me and my family, so I definitely need to remember to slow down and enjoy every day. Hope and pray you have a blessed month.💕
Hi Micayla,
That’s not a silly question at all! Most Ebooks are fairly simple. For mine, all you need to do is purchase the book and then download it onto your device. Because it’s a download you can read it on your computer, iPad, or phone… you can transfer it to all your devices. I hope that makes sense!
I actually did not plan on sharing what I wear for various activities… but I might just add that to the EBook or a blog post.
Hope you have a Happy May!
I’ve been working on studying Isaiah since the beginning of the year…lt’s deep!!
I’ve already planned my summer…I’m going to Tanzania on a 6 week missions trip, which is going to be AMAZING! 🙂
This to-do list is great, Rebekah!
Hi Bethany, that’s awesome! I hope you have a great trip… I’m sure you will learn a lot ☺