Hello Friends,
I am so excited for a brand new month! If February was the month for Doctor visits and appointments, then March was the month for church conferences and meetings. I counted, and I was in eight different churches this past month and three different states! Needless to say, we spent a lot of time in the car.
It seems that each month that comes our way is a busy one – I think I’m finally admitting that our whole life is just busy! However, I am grateful for the opportunities God gives us!
Let’s jump into the March Review.
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March Highlights:
Some highlights from our month:
- Daniel’s Cast is Off! – In February, Daniel fractured his leg and subsequently had a cast for three weeks. The cast came off in early March and I’m happy to share that he is (almost) walking normally again. It’s taken some time for him to adjust to walking without the cast.
- Family Trip to West Virginia – My family took a fun trip to West Virginia for a few days. It was a refreshing time in the mountains making memories with family. None of us were quite ready to come home, but we will cherish the memories.
- Joyful Heart Ladies Conference – It was a joy to attend this ladies conference again as well as teach one of the workshops for young ladies. The entire day was a huge blessing and encouragement to my heart. The speaker that day has also been involved in church planting with her husband, so I especially enjoyed listening to her sessions!
- Church Meetings and Conferences – Several local churches near us (and some far away) were hosting conferences this past month. We also had a couple supporting churches that asked my husband to come and share an update. It was fun meeting new people and seeing old friends and acquaintances this past month!
- Witnessing Opportunities – My husband and I both had some unique witnessing opportunities this past month. Please pray for us and our ministry here in PA, that we would be bold with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and see souls saved and growing in the Lord!
March Reads:
These are the books I read this month – I didn’t finish as many as usual!
The Joy of a Disciplined Life by Debi Pryde
Self discipline is something I am always working on – or at least trying to work on! 😉 Debi Pryde is a great author, so when I spotted this little booklet at a Ladies Conference, I grabbed it! This little book was definitely a blessing and encouragement to me in regards to this topic. (I wasn’t able to find a link to this book online, and I have not seen it on Goodreads either.)
The Transformed Wife by Lori Alexander
I’ve loosely followed Lori’s content for several years. She’s a controversial one for sure, but for the most part, I believe that what she teaches in regards to biblical womanhood is very good! I’ve been wanting to read this book for quite sometime, and finally got around to purchasing a copy. Basically, the message behind the book is very good! Unfortunately, the author’s “voice” and “tone” could really use some refining. She comes across as a bit arrogant and a woman who knows-it-all in regards to marriage. However, I was able to look past that and I rather enjoyed the book. The book is targeted more for women in difficult marriages, but I still learned quite a bit. The book was both interesting and encouraging! It was neat to hear from a woman who DID have a difficult marriage but, by God’s grace was able to overcome that and is now happily married! I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads.
Please remember that just because I read a book does not mean I recommend it wholeheartedly. Read any book with discernment and always compare what you read to the perfect standard of God’s Holy Word!
March Goals:
I use the Powersheets Intentional Goal Planner to plan and keep track of my monthly and yearly goals.
Two of the “big” goals I completed this month were ministry related. My husband and I worked together to create a quarterly newsletter that will go out into our community. This is an extension of our church ministry and we are really excited to how the Lord uses this outreach! The second (really important) goal for March was finishing up my notes for the workshop I taught at the ladies conference. It was a fun project for me to do!
March Favorites:
Here are a few favorite things from the month of March:
Honey Face Wash – just this month I started washing my face with honey, just honey! I have been loving it too! My skin feels moisturized and looks so much clearer already. You can easily google all the benefits of washing your face with honey (and I would encourage you to look into it!) but in the meantime, just know that it’s AMAZING and I highly recommend! 😉
Healthy Gelatin Gummies – I have been making these for my family for the past several months now and we LOVE them. It’s the perfect snack to grab and go because it has a balanced mix of protein and carbs. My husband and I both love them… and they are kid-friendly too! In the past, I have used the Gelatin from Trim Healthy Mama, but I recently switched over to Perfect Supplements Grass-Fed Gelatin. To make: I sprinkle 1/4 cup gelatin on top of 4 cups organic fruit juice. Allow the gelatin to “bloom” and then heat and stir. Once the mixture it combined and hot, I pour into two small glass containers and refrigerate until firm. It’s basically jello – but we call them gummies. Super easy and yummy! 😉
God is More than Enough (Book) – I started re-reading this book, and WOW, it’s so good. Just what I needed to read and be reminded of this past month. I haven’t finished the book yet (I am taking my time going through it) but you’ll likely hear more about this book again soon!
I Would Love to Know
- Do you have a favorite memory from January?
- Did you read any good books?
- Did you accomplish any goals?
- Are there any favorite things you’ve been loving?
Until Next Time,
So glad that Daniel’s leg has healed. We are trying or attempting to cut down on social media. It can be habit forming. We enjoy reading. Our favorites are historical novels,Amish,mysteries, biographies and lives of Saints. We look forward to your e-mails. Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Joyous Easter.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn