Hello Friends,
June was a busy month for us – packed with lots of fun summer events, ministries, and a wedding. I did my best to sneak in reading when I could – thanks to some surprisingly empty afternoons and some long drives in the car, I managed to stay on track of my reading in spite of some very busy weeks! My husband and I have also been carving out time in the evenings to read together and that has gone a LONG way in helping me fit in more reading. He’s a reader just like me and I’m grateful for the quiet evenings we get to spend together enjoying the Word of God and good books!
Now, let’s get jump into those June Reads…
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June Reads: What I’m Reading Month by Month
On Becoming Pre-Toddler Wise by Garry Ezzo
My son Daniel is in the pre-toddler stage right now, so this book was incredibly helpful (and applicable) for me! Babywise and Babywise II were also helpful during the baby stage and I’m grateful that the series continues. The nutrition information and practical training advice were especially helpful to me. I’ve integrated “pack n’ play” time and baby sign language into our daily routines and they both work great for us! Overall, this book gave me the direction and encouragement I needed for the (often) unpredictable pre-toddler stage! I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
(I plan to read the next book, Toddler Wise in just a couple months – or sooner!)
A 14 Day Romance Challenge by Sharon Jaynes
This was a sweet little book for married women – it’s pretty short so I read most of it in one day. Each chapter contained some encouragement for wives and finished with little things you could do to romance your husband. Sharon Jaynes is a great author so I enjoyed reading this little book… it would go well if you read it alongside her original book, Becoming the Woman of His Dreams. I will add once again that this is most definitely a book for married women! There were also some helpful lists and resources in the back with even more ideas that you can do for your husband. I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
You can find more books by Sharon Jaynes right here.
The Set Apart Woman by Leslie Ludy
This was one of my favorite books from last month. I’ve had this book on my shelf for awhile now, and picked it up on a whim… it ended up being JUST the book I needed. Each chapter was convicting and contained truths I needed to hear. The topics included: time with God, prayer, humility, faithfulness, and more. I would highly recommend this book to any woman who wants to take her walk with God to a deeper level. I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
P.S. Don’t you love it when God leads you to pick up at just the time you need it?
Mops, Muffins, and Motherhood by Nancy Martin
This book was a compilation of tips and advice from Mennonite mothers. I’m not Mennonite myself, but I have read a lot fo helpful material from conservative, Mennonite authors… this one included. While this book is primarily written for M.O.M.s (Moms of Many) I think just about any homemaker would find this book applicable in some way. There were many different topics covered including (but not limited to): your walk with God, marriage, cleaning, meal prep, laundry, preparing for a move, having company, and more! Each chapter contained bullet lists of tips that were contributed by various moms. I read with a yellow highlighter so I could underline my favorite tips for future reference. There were also lists and charts in the pack of the book that can be printed for personal use. Definitely a helpful homemaking/motherhood book that I would recommend to others! I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
Shadows of the White City by Jocelyn Green
Last year I decided to read the first book in this series called Veiled in Smoke – a novel set during the great Chicago Fire. The second book in the series, Shadows of the White City, just came out this year and I was excited to read it. I ended up enjoying the story even more than I expected! This book had just the right combination of mystery and love story (without being overly sappy). The added bits and pieces about the Chicago World’s Fair was also quite fascinating – I learned some things I never knew before! There were aspects of the story that didn’t feel 100% believable but overall, it was an intriguing book that was hard to put down! I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads.
There’s a 3rd book in the making called Drawn by the Current – it’s already on my list!
How to Handle 1,000 Things at Once by Don Aslett
I realize the title of this book sounds a little crazy – and it is! However, this book has lot of helpful time and home management tips for everyone, including homemakers. This was my second time reading this book (I read it again because I felt I needed a refresh on the content!). Don Aslett is an older author who’s primarily known for his cleaning books, although his book How to Have a 48 Hour Day and this one are definitely my two favorites. Some of his other books are on my to-read list too! If you need some help in the “management” department, this book may be just for you! I gave this book 3 stars on Goodreads.
The Turquoise Table by Kristen Schell
This was a shorter, inspirational read that I fit in at the very end of the month. I found this book at Ollie’s when I was out shopping with a friend and the beautiful color and subtitle definitely caught my attention – it was worth buying! The message behind the book meant a lot to me, the author encourages her readers to get outside and cultivate community right where you live. Since my husband and I live in a new (to us) town and just started a church, reaching out to the people around me is on my mind a lot – I’m just not always sure how to go about it. This book encouraged me and defintitley gave me some great ideas! I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads.
Final Thoughts
Looking back over this list I’m honestly surprised. I never imagined I would fit this many books into a busy month! It’s amazing how much one can read just by fitting it in here and there.
Did you read any good books this month? I would love to hear about them! Please share in the comments below!
Previous Posts From This Series:
Until Next Time,

I would love to know how the process works of you and your husband reading together! I have read most Leslie Ludy books, but I still haven’t read that one. I have heard great things about it! And that fiction series sounds good. I actually added it to my to-read list and may pick it up from a library in the future! I love a good fiction book, but like you, don’t like the way unrealistic or sappy ones..ha!
Hey Elizabeth! It’s nothing formal – really. Just after Daniel goes to bed, we try to wrap up whatever we were doing and then we sit down to read our Bibles together (but separately). Sometimes we stop after reading our Bibles, sometimes we will continue reading in our own books of choice. It just depends on the evening, how late we got started, and if both of us are in the mood to read.
Leslie Ludy is a really great author – I definitely like some books more than others, but I have enjoyed most of them!
Marilyn is reading the 6th book in The Mitford Series by Jan Karon. They all are lovely reads. There are 14 books in the series. Joan just finished the 3 part The Buggy series. It is about the Amish. Marion is reading book 4 in The Everstone Chronicles by Dawn Crandell. Enjoy your reading. Thank You for the list of books you read. God Bless.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn
How do I find you on GoodReads I would love to see your books on there. I love finding a good book!