Hey Friends…. Happy June!
Wow. I just had to take a big breathe after typing that. How can it be June? Already? I go through this every month don’t I? 🙂
It’s about three and half months until our wedding day. The closer we get the more excited I get. Although, time seems short when I think of all the things that still need to fall into place. Things are coming together though… and we are very much on top of things.
A lot is happening in my life besides the wedding plans. So, before I share my goals for the month of June, I thought it would be fun to share with all of you what I am currently doing. Both right now as I write, and right now at this point in my life.
So, here is what I’m currently doing in life right now…
- Weathering… life changes. My fiance’ is soon leaving for a summer internship, I’m adjusting (once again) to a new work schedule, and I’m preparing to get married and move away from home in the Fall. It’s a very exciting and sometimes overly-emotional time in my life.
- Listening… to the song “I Am With You” by Chris Anderson. My fiance’ and I are practicing to sing this song as a duet (eventually). But in the meantime, it’s become one of my favorite songs to listen to as I get ready in the mornings.
- Reading… The Choice is Your’s by Terrie Chappell. It’s taking me awhile to re-read this book. But every now and then I sneak in a chapter during the evenings or during a longer car trip.
- Eating… in moderation. I’ve been trying to eat healthy, high fiber foods during the week. But I do cheat during date nights and go for my favorite indulgences of french fries and sometimes ice cream.
- Drinking… plain old water. It’s boring, but it’s healthy and just hits the spot at the moment.
- Wearing… an old skirt and t-shirt. And my ring of course… it just gets prettier and more special as the time goes on. I can’t wait to add the wedding band. 😉
- Feeling… very unproductive. I have been writing blog posts for awhile and haven’t gotten too far. I’m easily distracted!
- Wanting… to be with my fiance’. Days without him are long and boring. Whereas days when we’re together go entirely too fast!
- Needing… to get more things done. This week’s to-do list is only partly completed, and there are some projects that need started and finished.
- Thinking… about meals to make. I will soon be putting together a honey garlic chicken recipe for the crock pot. I also need to think about this week’s date night dinner. It will need to be another crock pot meal since I will be at work during the day.
- Enjoying… planning our wedding and our future home. My wedding registry is just about complete, and the search for housing will begin once my fiance’ begins his summer internship.
- Wondering… what our first home will be like. I can’t wait to begin decorating and turning an empty place into a cozy home.
- Loving… my wonderful man. He treats me so well and takes such good care of me already. He shows me how much he loves me in so many little (and big!) ways. I feel amazed and so grateful when he goes above and beyond so often. I am so thankful for him and all that he does for me! ♥
There is so much more I could add… life is wonderful and a bit challenging all at the same time. But I am learning so much right now. I am just soooo very thankful for a wonderful fiance’ who stands by me and helps me in so many ways. We have an awesome relationship and communicate very well so preparing for marriage with him is wonderful.
I can’t believe the summer months are upon us already. The summer always goes so fast and our wedding is in September. So, wedding plans are a big part of my goals for this month. Here is my list of goals for June. 🙂
My Goals for June 2017
Decide on Wedding Invitations – This is one of the next “big things” I need to decide concerning the wedding. I was going to make my own (because I love designing things like this) but to simplify everything, I will probably just buy them.
Find my Wedding Shoes – My dress and veil are almost finished. The bridesmaid dresses are ordered and being made. The bridesmaid’s shoes are all present and accounted for… now I just need to find my own shoes! I went with super glittery gold flats for all my girls… and I would love to find a similar pair in white. Unfortunately, most glittery shoes are either gold or silver, not white! So, this month I will hopefully find my shoes!
(Pssst…. if you want to have a sneak peak at the bridesmaids’s shoes… click here! 🙂 )
Order all the Flowers – Now that we have the attendant’s outfits all picked out, I finally decided what flowers I would like. I am planning to do a mix of real and silk flowers. So, basically, it’s just choosing the exact flowers/bouquets and getting them ordered ahead of time.
Stay Sane While Working – I am now working full time outside of home… which is not my preference, but I am actually really enjoying it. The only struggle is staying on top of blogging, Sunday school lessons, and wedding plans. So far, so good. Thank goodness for evenings and holidays (Memorial Day was great for catching up!). As long as I plan things out, I should be able to juggle everything pretty well.
Start Planning for VBS – Our church has Vacation Bible School every July, and I’m teaching one of the older classes. I’ve slowly been gathering decorations and a few prizes here and there. But I need to pull out the lesson book and start planning the actual lessons. Plus, I need to gather a lot more prizes!
Continue Planning Our Home – I recently finished compiling a wedding registry which was a lot of fun. We decided to use Walmart and Amazon for our registry. Thankfully, we finally know where we will be living, so we can start looking for housing now. 🙂 I am having a lot of fun planning for our future home… deciding what color schemes I like, and how I plan to decorate. I will be sharing a post about this in a few weeks.
Well that’s about all for this month… other than staying on top and getting ahead. I would love to know what you’ve been up to and what you plan to do during the month of June!
Leave your thoughts, plans and goals in the comments! I love hearing from all of you!

Wow, you’ve been so busy! I can’t imagine juggling such a full schedule like that! Question…do you think you’ll keep up the blog after you’re married? It’s so awesome to see you with such an amazing guy and being so happy! I’ve been keeping busy by fashion blogging, doing treatments for my Lyme, and helping my sister plan her wedding. It’s fun to be busy sometimes!
Hey Elizabeth! Yes, I will continue to blog after I get married. Adam is extremely supportive of my blogging endeavors and wants me to continue with it ☺️
I hope it’s a good kind of busy!! And I hope your treatments are helping!! Thanks so much for commenting!