July Goals (A Peek Into My Powersheets)

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July Goals | A Peek Into My Powersheets

Hello Friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day! It’s always so much fun to celebrate the birthday of our great nation. We enjoyed lunch with my family and spent the rest of the day talking, hiking, and eating ice cream. We also got to watch some fireworks – from our bedroom window! It’s one of the pros of living in town. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This blog post is a couple days late, but I’m excited to share my goals with you nonetheless. As I’m writing, my husband and I are currently staying at a house/prophet’s chamber in New York. We have a meeting scheduled with a church in the area, so we’ll be here for the rest of the weekend.

Niagara Falls

Yesterday, we went up to Niagara Falls and I finally got to cross that destination off my “bucket list”. The Falls were absolutely beautiful – such an amazing part of God’s glorious Creation. I will hopefully share more pictures later this month, but you can always hop on over to my Instagram account to see photos from our trip!

Related Post: Where We’ve Been

I have some down-time this morning, so it’s the perfect time to give you a peek in to my Powersheets and share my July goals. Let’s jump right in!

July Goals (A Peek Into My Powersheets)

(This month is going to be rather busy – we are traveling this first week, plus there’s Vacation Bible School at our church. We are also hoping to purchase a car and start looking at some of the houses we’ve been watching online – not to mention my husband is filling in for another pastor later this month. It will definitely be a full month but I’m really excited about the fun things coming up! Because of the busyness, I’m simplifying my goals!)

Monthly Action Items:

Blog When Possible – I’ve started working on several blog posts in advance, but with our summer schedule being so busy, I decided to go easy on myself and just blog when I’m able… like today. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Survive (and enjoy!) the Missions Trip – As soon as we leave New York, we are heading to Harrisburg to meet up with a mission’s team from church. There we will be helping a church plant with a Vacation Bible School. I’m really excited… but I also know it will be a tiring week. However, there’s nothing like serving the Lord, even when it’s physically exhausting. He certainly give us strength when we need it most!

Send Out More Deputation Packets – We are still contacting churches to set up deputation meetings. We have a busy Fall, but we still have Sundays available in November. We also need to start scheduling more meetings for the Spring. Prayers appreciated as we contact churches and hopefully set up more meetings! โ™ฅ

De-Clutter the House – With a possible move happening anytime in the next year, de-cluttering the house has been on my mind. It’s amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over time. I’m pretty good about moving things out of the house, but it’s still something that needs done on a regular basis. I want to simplify things before we move so that’s why de-cluttering has made it to my list!

Work on my Blogging Editorial Calendar – I have sooo many blog post ideas, but I need to add them to my editorial calendar and reorganize my posts for the rest of this year.

Weekly Action Items:

Weed the Garden(s) – With all the rain we’ve been having, our weeds have been getting out of control. I’ve been trying to weed each “garden” at least once a week just to stay on top of it all!

Get Together with a Friend – Since becoming an adult and moving to a new area, I’ve learned the hard way that making new friends isn’t always “automatic”. However, there’s no denying that building a community and cultivating deeper friendships is so vital! This month, I’m making it my goal to get together with at least one friend each week. This could be a neighbor, a family member, or close friend – and it could be for something as simple as a walk, a phone call, or a cup of coffee!

Finish Reading One or Two Books – No explanation needed! Here are a few of the books I’m hoping to read/finish this month:

Click here to read my full 2019 Book List. There’s still a ways to go!

Go Swimming – I’m trying to fit in more “fun” exercise this summer. So, my goal is to visit our grandparent’s pool at least once a week when possible!

Call or Text a Friend – Being intentional with my relationships is a high priority right now. Calling or texting a friend once a week is doable.

Daily Action Items:

  • Devotions
  • Exercise
  • Read
  • Take my Vitamins

Final Thoughts

Well, there you go, my friends. Reading back over this list, my goals don’t really sound all that “simplified”… but I plan to do my best this month and see what I can get accomplished. In spite of the busyness, I’m sure there will be extra pockets of time to work on my goals.

How about you? What are your July goals? Please share them with me in the comments below! I love hearing what you’re up to! ๐Ÿ™‚

Until Next Time,

Rebekah Joy (2)

4 thoughts on “July Goals (A Peek Into My Powersheets)

  1. Niagara Falls! I’ve been to New York but not the Falls yet. It’s on my bucket list too. ๐Ÿ™‚ It sounds like you’ve got quite the busy month and having simpler goals might help to eliminate stress if you can’t do everything. Goodness, I know what you mean about decluttering! My clutter is mainly books. ๐Ÿ˜€ Speaking of books, Pride and Prejudice is a favorite of mine! If you end up finishing it this month, you should watch the BBC 1995 adaptation. It’s literally like seeing the book on screen and very good.

  2. Niagara Falls has been on my bucket list since I was 10! I haven’t been there yet, but I get there some day. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The fireworks were awesome on Independence Day! I went outside to watch them and ended up getting quite a few mosquito bites. (Rather unpleasant)

    This month, I’ll try to get in some more time for reading, writing, and photography.

  3. My month has been good so far but I need a vacation. Lol! This month I want to write more books!๐Ÿ˜Šโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ

  4. I think I phrased that wrong. I should have said I want to write more books this month! Am I right???

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