Okay Friends.
You know I love books. You know I love to read and I love talking about the books that I read. But what about you?
Do you love reading but wish you could find more time to read? (I have been there and I know the struggle!)
Do you wish you could get into reading but you just don’t know how? (I’ve known people who have taught themselves to become a reader – it’s possible!)
Did you ever stop to imagine all the things you could learn, or all the ways you could be inspired if you could simply read a few books? (Just THINK about all the great things you could learn if you made reading a priority in your life this year!).
I am passionate about reading. It’s one of my favorite things in the world. I am so grateful for the privilege to read and own lots of books. Today, I want to pass on a little of this passion of mine to you… and share some amazing ways you can read more this year than ever before. No matter how busy you are, it is absolutely possible to carve out some time for reading. Reading books will enrich your life, teach you new things, and provide a wonderful way to escape into another world from time to time.
Are you ready to read more books this year than ever before? Then read on my friend. I can’t wait to share these tips with you!
How to Read More Books This Year Than Ever Before
1. Know WHY You Want to Read More Books
First of all, what is your WHY?
Why do you want to read more books this year (or start reading, if you’ve never really been into the whole “reading thing”)? Is it because you want to learn how to manage your time better? Take your blog or business to a new level? Learn a new language? Maybe you just want to find time to read for fun, so you can go to bed feeling relaxed and refreshed after reading a few chapters of a really good book.
Identify why you want to read more books and keep that “WHY” in mind as we move onto the next step.
(My personal WHY for reading so many books each year is because I love learning and being inspired! When I make time in my life for books, I feel inspired on a regular basis, I’m charged up with new ideas, I’m spiritually refreshed and encouraged, and I just plain love to read so it’s also a fun and relaxing hobby for me. All those things are my WHY. I love the way I feel when I prioritize reading in my life.)
2. Set a Reading Goal Using Goodreads
In order to read more books this year you need to have a specific reading goal. Saying “I want to read TONS of books this year” isn’t very specific. You probably won’t get too far with that goal because it can’t be measured.
Instead, come up with a measurable goal such as, I am going to read 12 books this year (one book per month) or 24 books (two books per month).
The reason why I love using Goodreads is because it allows you to set a yearly reading goal. Once your goal is set, Goodreads will keep track of the books you’ve read and let you know how you’re doing. I love watching the progress bar grow every time I finish a book!
Want to know another reason why I love Goodreads? Several of my friends and blog readers are on Goodreads too. That means my friends can see my reading goal. Knowing that others are aware of my goal helps to keep me accountable and pushes me to finish my reading goal by the end of the year!
Not to mention, using Goodreads is just plain fun!
(I would highly encourage you to downloadย the Goodreads app and set a reading goal for this year. This is the #1 thing that motivates me to read and I love using this app!).
3. Make a To-Read List
This is something new that I did this year. I went on to Amazon and created an Idea List. Then I thought about all the books that I want to read in 2019 and added them to my idea list. This allows me to have greater focus and clarity when choosing a book to read.
All the books on my 2019 Book List have been added for a specific reason. Either it’s because I think the book will teach me something I want to learn, or because the book has been sitting on my shelf for far too long, or any number of other reasons.
So, next week or next month when I don’t know what book to read next, I can review my 2019 Book List and have a selection of books to choose from that have been chosen for a reason.
I am so excited to see how this 2019 Book List works for me. I am sure I may not read all these books, but it will be fun to see by the end of the year!
4. Read Books that Genuinely Interest You
If you pick up a book that looks incredibly boring and you really don’t have an interest in the topic…. then why are you reading it?
Yes, sometimes we need to read books for work, for school, or because someone asked us to… but if you can help it: readย books and topics that genuinely interest you.
If you look at my 2019 Book List, all of these books look and sound interesting to me. There is a reason why I want to read them – I’m interested in the book and it’s topic.
If you love being a homemaker then read some books on homemaking, cooking, home decor, time management, etc. Do you love blogging – like me?ย Then pick up some books about blogging.
Read books that genuinely interest you. You can always make time for other books that will stretch you… but you can get to those later. Just start reading first!
5. Listen to AudioBooks
Okay friends, hear me out on this one.
Are you wondering how in the world you can make more time for reading? Well friend, you need to give audiobooks a try!
The wonderful thing about audiobooks is that you can listen to them anywhere. Thanks to our phones, we can have access to audiobooks while driving to work, washing dishes, cooking dinner, watching babies, washing the car, folding laundry, or dusting the house.
Some forms of multi-tasking just do not work – but this one does! You would be amazed at how many books you could “read” if you simply decided to download and listen to the audio version of the book instead.
Amazon has a special program for people who love audiobooks, it’s called Audible. (If you haven’t noticed, audiobooks are pretty pricey.) Thanks to Audible, you can listen to audiobooks for just a small monthly fee. Better yet, you can try Audible for 30 days FREE and get two free audiobooks!
6. Download the Kindle App
Some people love reading books on their phone or tablet. I personally prefer reading from an actual book but I have read my fair share of Kindle books.
If you use a tablet and don’t mind looking at a screen, then you will probably enjoy reading Kindle books through the free Kindle app.
Amazon has yet another program for fans of Kindle books called Kindle Unlimited. Once again you can gain access to over 1 million titles through this program. To give this program a try, you can get 30 days of FREE access to Kindle Unlimited right here. You can cancel your trial at the end of the 30 day period. I would highly encourage you to at least try the 30 day trial and see if you enjoy reading books on Kindle.
(You do not need to own a Kindle in order to read Kindle books. You can download the Kindle app on your smart phone or tablet.)
7. Hang Out At Your Local Library
I love our local library. Whenever I visit, I always come home with new books to read and DVDs to watch with my husband. Being at the library always inspires me to go home and read. It also allows me to read certain books that I can’t afford to buy.
I would encourage you to take a visit to your local library – or visit a different library in your area, just for fun. Most libraries are set up to encourage people to stay and read, so settle down in a quiet corner, in a comfy chair, with a stack of books to read or browse.
Try visiting a library once a month and see if it doesn’t motivate you to read more.
8. Join (or Start) a Book Club
This is something I have never had the chance to do… but the idea has always intrigued me. Do some research to find a book club in your area that fits your taste, or ask a group of friends to join you for a monthly Bible study or book club. This will encourage you to read more as you go through a book together and discuss what you learn.
A book club doesn’t need to be anything fancy. It could even be a one time thing… Just meet at a coffee shop or at your home for cookies and tea as you discuss the last book you each read.
9. Carve Out Little Moments to Read Each Day
It’s hard to “find the time” to read. But with little creativity we can all make more time for reading. Here are some little ways to carve out time in your day for a reading:
- Read one chapter in a Bible study book after your morning devotions.
- Listen to an audiobook on the way to work.
- Read a book on your lunchbreak.
- Take an afternoon break from housework to enjoy a cup of tea and a good book.
- Establish a quiet hour during your homeschool day for quiet activities and reading.
- Listen to audiobooks as a family.
- Read for just 10-15 minutes when your little ones go down for a nap.
- Leave a book in the bathroom. ๐
- Read one chapter each night before bed.
Many times, once you really get into a book… you will do whatever it takes to make time to read it. Just look for those small moments during your day when you can carve out a little time for reading.
10. Read Books with Your Spouse
Every couple is different. What works for one couple won’t necessarily work for another. My husband and I have tried to sit down and read a book together, but it usually takes us a really long time to get through the book. What works better for us, is when we each read the same book, but we read it at our pace, on our own time. This way, we both learn what the book has to say and we can discuss it together.
It’s not at all uncommon for me to read a really good book, and then my husband begins reading it over my shoulder.
It’s always fun when we read the same book, whether we read it at the same time or not. I would encourage you try reading a book or two with your spouse, but don’t push it if your spouse truly isn’t interested.
Here are some books we have enjoyed reading and discussing together:
- The Pursuit of Godย by A.W. Tozer
- Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne Mack
- The Right Romance in Marriage by Cathy Rice
- The Twelfth Imam Series by Joel Rosenburg
- Unbroken (a historical biography) by Laura Hillenbrand
Want to Know More?
Here are some helpful resources to help you read more books this year then ever before! Before to check out the resources that interest you and give one or more a try:
- Click Here to Join Goodreads – and set your reading goal!
- FREE 30 Day Trial of Audible – you will get two free audiobooks!
- FREE 30 Day Trial of Kindle Unlimited – give it a try and see how you like reading Kindle books.
- The Best Books for Christian Women – my personal favorites ๐
- How to Become a Readerย – plus get a FREE printable book list!
- Gifted Hands Movie – every time I watch this movie I feel incredibly motivated to read more books. You’ll know why when you watch it!
I Would Love To Know
How do YOU plan to read more books this year? What are your tips for making time for reading? Please share with us in the comments below!

Thanks for sharing all these tips, Rebekah! I am a booklover too. Now, it is a little difficult for me to read as much as I want because I have to study for exams. Some other tips I have are: I carry a book in my school bag and read some pages in break times, I turn off the social media after I checked it and I enjoy 15-20 minutes reading. Sometimes I read before going to bed. I borrow 1 or 2 books from a friend or from library, so I get pushed to finish it (if the book is my own, I think I can read whenever I want, as much as I want, you got the idea!)
I will try the idea with audio books. I am not used to listen because I like to read, take notes, underline or sometimes highlight. ๐
Those are some great tips you mentioned… I have a friend who reads on her lunch break at work! Little moments of reading can really add up.
Yes, I prefer physical books over audio’s as well, but it’s great for biographies and sometimes even novels.
Ah, but once you’re addicted to reading, how do you stop? (Just kidding, I would really rather not stop altogether. ๐ I love your suggestions, and I appreciate the book recommendations. I have a question, though. Do you have any favorites in the visual entertainment department? You once mentioned a television series called Sue Thomas: FBEye. Since you talk about movies so infrequently, I just had to look it up. I am now irrevocably hooked, as is my family. Thank you for that- the show is like a breath of fresh air. I’ve seen Gifted Hands and enjoyed it immensely. Are there any others you’re fond of?
Haha I agree. I am addicted to books too! Especially shopping for them… Which can be dangerous as you can imagine!
Hmmm… Sue Thomas F.B. Eye definitely made it to the top for us and it’s been hard to find anything that beats it. Some movies and series we enjoy are: OctoberBaby, The Love Comes Softly Movie Series, The Walton’s, Little House on the Prairie, The Christy Series (it’s just one season unfortunately), and all the movies by the Kendrick Brothers (Facing the Giants, Fireproof, etc). I’ve also seen the first season of When Calls the Heart by Hallmark, but once it got to the second season it did start to turn into a soap opera of sorts. Although one day it would be nice to finish the series. I hope that gives you some ideas!!
Ha! You should have seen me at our monthly library book sale… I could barely carry all the books I purchased! (In my defense, half of the weight was from lengthy historical tomes for my brother and five other books were for family members also. Still, I may have lost a little control. But they were 25 cents each!! ๐
I’ve heard of October Baby but never seen it. Thank you for the suggestions! I felt the same way about When Calls the Heart and haven’t seen many, but I am so happy with Sue Thomas FBEye. Now that I’ve seen them all I have to content myself with showing them to friends and family. ๐ We are fond of the Kendrix Brothers films too, as well as Little House on the Prairie. I haven’t seen Christy in a long time.. I’ll have to see if it’s still in our library system!
Oh my goodness that sounds like so much fun! Our library growing up had a yearly book sale. It was usually right around my birthday in October! Unfortunately, I don’t think our library here has a book sale. Although last year my husband and I did find a book sale near by that was fill a bag for $5! That was way too fun for me!
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you very many movie suggestions that you haven’t seen already… It really is hard to find good movies and TV shows these days. That’s partly why I enjoy reading so much… Good books are easier to find!
Hi Rebekah.
I love to read as well.
About the library, what books sections do you look in for good books to read?
Whenever I get to the library, my mind goes blank, and I cant think of any titles, authors or genres that I could look up! ๐
Do you have some ideas for me?
Thanks! ๐
Hi Audria!
Great question. I often go to the library looking for specific books. I get a lot of book suggestions from Goodreads and also from some of my favorite bloggers. However, sometimes I just like to go to the library to browse. I usually browse the cooking and health sections and look for anything that catches my eye. Sometimes you can find interesting books in the religion or self help sections but you need to be careful with most of those books. I don’t normally borrow a book unless I know the content is going to be relatively solid or if I know of the author. I don’t read a lot of fiction, but I occasionally enjoy reading a historical fiction by Joel Rosenberg or a love story by Kim Vogel Sawyer, Jannette Oke, or Sarah Sundin. Dee Henderson has written some good suspense books. I read a wide range of books so I just have fun browsing and I look at the books that catch my eye! If you don’t enjoy browsing, just try going to the library with a small list of books you want to look for. Hope this helps!!
I love the tip you gave about knowing why you want to read more books. Because if I just say “I love reading and want to read more books”, I may or may not prioritize it lol However, if I really think about why I love to read and the benefits to me, that really motivate me much more! So far I have been reading a lot more this year! I am taking some time in the late afternoons to just wind down and read a chapter or two. And you know what? I’ve been saying I was going to get a library card for so long now! I used to have one a LONG time ago but have to get a new one. I know that would open me up to more books, plus it would encourage me to finish them since they’re not mine! lol
Yes, the “why” is always so important… No matter what the goal is. I’m glad you’ve been reading more this year – that’s awesome!
Oh yes, you should definitely get a library card. It really helps!