Hey Friends,
Emotions can be a tricky thing. Some days we feel happy and on top of the world, the next day we feel sad, and “down in the dumps.” This can be a normal part of life (there are always highs and lows). But sometimes our emotional roller coaster can get a bit out of control. Thankfully God created us with emotions, and with His help, and resources that we’ve been given, we can learn how to manage our emotions in a God-honoring way.
In the past few years, I’ve seen myself go from “rarely emotional” to “very emotional”. However, with some helpful resources and a bit more knowledge about how my body works, my emotions are rarely out of control any more. 🙂
I know what it’s like to have your emotions controlling everything you do, and not knowing how to change it. That’s why I’ve written this post. I’m confident, that these simple tips will help you get your emotions back in control – the right way!
How to Get Control of Your Emotions – The Right Way
Spend Adequate Time with God
Many times, our emotions get out of whack because we are spiritually out of whack (so to speak). When we purposefully set aside time each day to read our Bible and pray, our life and our emotions will benefit! Spending time with God in His Word will reveal areas in our heart and life that need to be made right. God’s Word gives direction and clarity. It brings peace and joy to our hearts, it will stabilize you for the day ahead, and so much more!
When we stabilize our hearts by spending adequate time with God, this will go a long way in stabilizing our emotions as well!
>>> Related Article: 6 Tips for Daily Devotions and Bible Study
Prayer is a powerful tool in getting control of our emotions! If we struggle to control our emotions and mood swings, then we must take it to the Lord in prayer! God is the Creator and designer of our complex female emotions. He knows how out emotions work because He designed them! Emotions aren’t all bad – in fact they are very good. We just need to learn how to keep them in check and not let them get out of hand. So, before we let out emotions get out of hand, lets pray about them!
→ Add “emotions” to your daily prayer list and make it a habit to pray about them daily.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep and emotions are very closely related (trust me, we don’t need to be doctors to know and understand this one). If we are lacking sleep, our emotions will suffer. We all know that if we had a bad night of sleep we could very easily feel grumpy and irritable all day long. I don’t know about you, but if I’m really tired, I am a LOT more likely to get overwhelmed and give in to tears.
Knowing that a lack of sleep can negatively affect our emotions, we must be careful to guard our “sleeping time”. Getting the proper amount of rest will help not only our emotions but our bodies as well.
Balance Your Hormones
Uhg, hormones. Those things we can’t see but we certainly know they exist! If our hormones are out of balance, then our emotions will likely be out of balance too. Learning how to balance our hormones, and taking the steps to do so, will help us keep our emotions in check. Last year I was struggling with the all-too-common PMS symptom of being incredibly emotional. Then, a friend of mine introduced me to a wonderful little bottle of essential oil. This oil has been so incredibly helpful during “that time of the month” that I have to share with all of you!
Endoflex Essential Oil – This little bottle of essential oil is a lifesaver for me (and many of my friends too!). Endoflex helps to balance hormones and {mainly} supports the endocrine system (you can learn more about endoflex here). I don’t completely understand how it all works, but I DO know that applying this oil every day has done wonders for my emotions! If you don’t believe me, just ask my hubby! 😉 I’m going to risk sounding sales-pitchy by saying that I think every woman should use this oil (I’m serious) it’s just that good!
Whether or not you decide to invest in endoflex there are still other ways to balance your hormones. Do a quick google (or Pinterest) search on how to balance hormones and you will find lots of tips and articles with simple and practical advice.
If you get your hormones back in balance, then your emotions will follow suit!
Take a break
If you find yourself in the middle of a long day, and your emotions are getting out of check… simply take a break! So many of us think that we need to go, go, go all day long. But really, we are doing ourselves (and our family members) a favor when we allow ourselves to take a break. During this time we can pray, drink a some tea or water, take a walk, sit and think, and clear our minds. Taking a break will help you get your bearings and give you a chance to get your emotions under control.
Get Moving
Sometimes getting a little bit of exercise is the best way to clear our mind… and help to balance our emotions! Exercise always produces good kinds of hormones and can be a simple way to release pent up energy. I always feel invigorated after a walk or a quick workout.
Maybe you enjoy walking, running, stretching, or strength training? Take 10-20 minutes to get some exercise and it may be just what you need! Just try it! 😉
Talk it Out
Whenever I feel rather emotional, it often helps me to talk it out. Usually that means chatting with my hubby and sometimes my mom. Both of them are great at listening, offering advice, and comforting me if I’m upset. There’s something freeing about getting things off your mind and heart.
So, the next time you feel emotional, find your “go-to” listener, and talk things out. If you don’t have someone you trust with your thoughts and feelings, turn to God instead
This may or may not be a help to some of you… but another great way to get your emotions back in check, is to write out all your thoughts on paper. Kind of like talking things out, journaling allows you to get things “off your chest” and onto paper instead. If you’ve had a rough day, journaling can be a very helpful way to settle your mind and heart before going to bed.
>>> Related Post: How to Use a Journal During Your Quiet Time
Give it to God
Last but not least, if all else fails, and you still feel troubled… give it to God! This can be hard to do, but 1 Peter 5:7 says that we are to “cast our cares upon him”. We may need to do this several times in the same day, but if you feel overwhelmed and out of control when it comes to your emotions, then give it to God. Ask Him for help. Surrender your emotions to Him…. He will help you “carry” the burden of an emotional day or week. Give it to Him!
Final Thoughts
Emotions can be a tough thing to deal with – especially for us ladies! Thankfully, emotions are a good thing (God made us with emotions!). God is willing and able to help us manage our emotions in a way that glorifies Him. It’s okay to feel sad, tired, overwhelmed, or “down”, from time to time. That’s normal! We just cannot allow those feelings and emotions to control us. We can take action and learn how to manage our emotions – so let’s do our family member a favor and learn to control our emotions, the right way!
Before You Go…
Have you learned a helpful way to manage your emotions? Please share it with us in the comments!
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- Come back on Monday for a new post!

This was so incredibly helpful!! Thank you SO much, Rebekah! I’ll have to look into the endoflex oil…. sounds like it would be extremely helpful.
One way I have discovered helps me control my emotions is to memorize scripture. Last year when I found out I had to have immediate oral surgery (just one week from when they discovered the problem), I was SO emotional. I literally cried each day of that week. Finally, on Friday, I turned to scripture for comfort and proceeded to write out and commit to memory all of Psalm 46 (in one sitting). I saw an incredible change in my emotions after that!
Hi Grace, glad it was helpful! Endoflex is great… I would obviously recommend it very highly!
Yes!! Memorizing and meditating on Scripture is also great… God’s Word is especially stabilizing – even for our emotions!
This was just what I needed to read today; thank you, Rebekah! I have been realizing that, like you said, when I neglect spending time with God my emotions completely get out of control. I want to purpose to put God first every day so that his love will radiate through me throughout the day.
I have never heard of this essential oil Endoflex; it sounds amazing! I’m going to look into it.
Hi Grace, I hope this was helpful! Yes, a lot of things will be “fixed” when we spend the right amount of time with the Lord…. But practical things can always help too! ☺️
Journaling “works like a charm” for me! I have a journal where I write about everything. It is so freeing because I know that no one will ever look in these notebooks, so I can vent and just spill it all without worrying about others judging me for it.
I constantly struggle with emotions. This was super helpful! I loved that you gave us the advice to pray and read God’s word, but also gave practical things like Journaling, endoflex (i may have to check that out), sleep and exercise!
Thanks for posting!
Hi Bethany, I am so glad journaling work for you… Since it helps, keep doing it! We can all struggle with our emotions, so you aren’t the only one. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve never tried (or even heard of) Endoflex. I may have to try that. Thank you for all these wonderful suggestions🙂
Endoflex is pretty great! I am actually using/wearing it right now 😉
Thanks for reading & commenting!
Love this post. thank you.
love this post . thank you.