Hey Friends,
Happy Friday! How was your week?
I can’t believe it, but yesterday I turned twenty-two! It’s been a great week so far… now for the weekend! 🙂
I’m really excited about this week’s favorites – I received a brand new book in the mail plus I’ve been enjoying some other “older” things as well. Let’s get started!
Friday Favorites {Week Two}
1. The Year of Living Happy: Finding Contentment and Connection in a Crazy World
This is a new book that I received in the mail this week. The cover is absolutely beautiful and I love the topic. Joy and happiness is something that we all desire to have – but most of us struggle to live it out each and every day. As Christians, it’s especially important to be joyful and Alli Worthington definitely points people to Christ as the Source of joy!
Here are a couple great quotes that I highlighted from the beginning of the book –
“As we seek the Lord and delight in all that He has for us (no matter our circumstances), we not only change, but we begin to change everyone who comes in contact with us.” – Alli Worthington
“As Christians, we are allowed to be happy: we just need to keep in mind that true happiness comes only from Him.” – Alli Worthington
When we choose to be joyful and happy Christians, we show the world that there is something different about us. We have a joy and peace that no one other than Jesus can possible give us!
All throughout this book there are spiritual and practical applications for living a happy and joy-filled life. At the end of every short “chapter” is a journaling box to jot down your thoughts + things you’ve learned.
I haven’t read through the entire book (yet) so I am sure I will come across some things that I will not agree with – however, the book has been great so far and I’ve enjoyed reading it this week. (Just a side note: the author does not stick to the KJV).
*I received a free copy of this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.
2. Yogi Tea – Cinnamon Vanilla
I believe I’ve mentioned these tea bags before – but they make such a delicious smelling (and tasting!) cup of tea! The weather is slooowly getting cooler here in Pennsylvania and it’s nice to enjoy a warm drink before bed while I enjoy a good book!
This tea is said to support healthy glowing skin… but my favorite thing about this tea is the way is smells. Even my husband thinks it smells like a cinnamon bun!
3. Business Boutique: A Woman’s Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves
Yes, I am including another book! I borrowed this book from my aunt a few weeks ago and I’ve been working my way through it – trying to digest all the good tips and information. I love that this book is written for entrepreneurial women – whether you have a business or want to start one in the future. This book is also great for women with tiny businesses like me – or even someone who has a stable business but wants to see it grow.
All the tips and suggestions in this book are excellent. There are goal setting tips, business planning advice and so much practical information for any woman with any kind of business – small or large!
If you have a side hustle business, blog, Etsy store, or anything of the sort – I would highly recommend this book!
P.S. I am not an advocate of women pursuing careers that take them away from the God-given responsibilities of homemaking, mothering, and loving their husbands. However, I am 100% supportive of women following the pattern of the Proverbs 31 Woman who want to be a financial asset and supplement the family income! (See Proverbs 31)
Final Thoughts
Those are my favorites from this week! What having you been loving? Share your favorites in the comments below!
With Love,