Hey Everyone,
I remember as a young teen girl wondering what it would be like being engaged and preparing for marriage. In my mind many years ago, I thought I would be really nervous and slightly freaked out knowing I would soon be getting married.
To be honest, the thought of marriage is not scary, nor do I feel “freaked out” as I once thought. Most days, we both feel that our wedding day simply can’t come fast enough (unless I am stressing about the wedding plans!).
So, this week, I am going to be sharing my perspective on our engagement… and next week, Adam will be sharing his perspective of our engagement. (I am just as anxious to read that post as you are! ) ๐
Engagement: What It’s Like From My Perspective
- It’s oh so sweet. I seriously have the sweetest fiance’ ever. Since we’ve gotten engaged, it’s been one sweet thing after another. Bouquets of wildflowers and peonies, love letters, chocolates, dozens of texts and loving reminders throughout the day, late night phone calls, surprise dates, … everything he does for me is always oh so sweet.
- It’s busy, busy, busy. It amazes me all the little (and big!) details that go into planning a big wedding. From the fancy little cake topper to “how in the world do we fit that many people into the church building?!?” It’s been a challenge for me to juggle everything in my mind. I am not used to planning big events and I stress out easily. Bad combination. But I’m surviving. ๐
- Time goes by really fast, and oh so slow. I know this sounds contradictory… but to think that we’ve been engaged for 6 out of 7 months is so crazy! And yet, there are days when it feels like our wedding day will never get here!
- It can be very emotional. Sometimes, everything gets a bit overwhelming. At other times, I feel sentimental about leaving home, or family, or my church… whatever it may be, there is definitely a lot to feel sentimental about. And then… there are the extremely happy emotions of joy, anticipation, and love. โฅ
- When we’re apart, we miss each other a lot. The days feel especially long when we don’t get to see each other. Adam is pretty much finished with his summer internship, but for awhile we communicated a lot through text and phone calls. We still got to see each other at least once or twice a week… but trust me, our time together never feels like enough.
- We are counting down the days and weeks. We do the math every week or so to see how many days we have to go. People always chuckle when they ask me “how many days?” and I give them an accurate answer. What can I say? We are really excited so of course we are counting down the days! ๐
- It’s a lot of fun! Shopping for wedding rings… going for razor rides… planning our honeymoon…praying together… going out for ice cream… meeting far away family members… choosing the best spot for wedding pictures… on and on it goes. Every date we have is a lot of fun – even if it’s just staying at home to hang out. We have so much fun together! (We also take a lot of selfies ๐ )
- We have to think about things we’ve never thought about before. There are a lot of issues we had never considered before, but needed to. It’s been interesting learning new things together. Whether it’s making up a budget or thinking about meal plans (my department ๐ ) or even discussing how we will raise our future children… That’s just scratching the surface of all the new things you need to think about when preparing for marriage.
- I love soaking up marriage material. I haven’t read a whole lot of marriage related books recently… but I really enjoyed Strengthening Your Marriage (our pre-marital counseling book) and I do enjoy browsing other marriage related books and articles.
- A lot needs to get crammed in. Whether it’s hanging out with my best friend while I can… or trying not to forget about certain promises or commitments I’ve made, there’s a lot that can’t be forgotten and still needs to be crammed in somewhere!
- I feel lost if I don’t wear my ring. Since I work in a warehouse, I often leave my ring in a safe place at home. Although, I’ve gotten so used to wearing my ring that it feels so odd with out. My hand just looks empty when it’s not there. When I’m not working I’m wearing it (almost) all the time – sleeping included. ๐
- I can’t stop thinking about him. Adam is never far from my mind. My family has even commented that I seem to be in my own little world. Honestly though… Adam makes me so happy, it’s hard NOT to think about him. ๐
- The anticipation just builds. I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to get married. From the honeymoon trip, to setting up house, I can’t wait to start our married life together!
And so much more
There is so much more I could add… but I won’t bore you with any more details. It’s certainly a fun and exciting time. It’s not scary or “freaky” as I once thought. It feels completely normal with the exception of a lot of added “to-do’s”. Yes, there are a lot of changes soon taking place, but I am so ready for them! ๐
Next week, Adam will be sharing his perspective on our engagement. I am super excited to read what he has to say as well… He’s such a wonderful guy! ๐
See you next Thursday!

awwww, this post was so sweet!! I loved reading it! <3