On Tuesday I wrote Becoming a Woman of Strength Part 1. In this two-part post I am sharing “traits of strength” we can learn from the life and story of Queen Esther. If you missed the first part feel free to click the link in the title above or click here. Now for part 2… 🙂
5) A Woman of Strength Prays
As soon as Esther’s decision was made she and her maidens, as well as all the Jews in Shushan, fasted for 3 days and nights (4:16-17). Some believe there was no prayer, only fasting because the Book of Esther never mentions prayer. Many, (myself included) believe there was prayer included in the fasting. Esther was a Jew and fasting always included prayer. What would fasting alone accomplish without any prayer? With that being said… Prayer should be first in our plan of action just like Esther’s. Before she went to the King there were three whole days of fasting! A woman of strength prays first.
6) A Woman of Strength is Always Respectful
Esther showed her husband respect even though he wasn’t exactly worthy of her respect. We see her calling him King and making her requests with respect and grace. We already know she respected Mordecai and Hegai. A woman of strength is always respectful… Even if respect is undeserved.
7) A Woman of Strength Doesn’t Rush – She is Patient
Esther waited three days before going to the King. She also waited to make her request until at the second banquet she held for the King. Esther did not rush into the King’s presence the first time and she did not hurry her request either. A woman of strength know how to wait.
8) A Woman of Strength Finishes The Job Completely
After securing her own life, Esther went for the King a second time to make sure her people could be spared (8:3-6). She risked her life not just once, but twice! The second time she risked her life completely for the sake of her people. She wasn’t thinking of herself, she was thinking of her people… She wanted to be sure they would be spared. A woman of strength finishes the job completely, no matter how difficult it may be.
I so enjoyed studying Esther. My study is over now but I won’t forget what I have learned. I hope you have gleaned a few things about strength by joining me in looking at Esther’s life. May we always remember that our strength is found in God and given to us by Him. The above “traits of strength” can only be displayed in full when we first turn to Him for His strength.
I Would Love to Know
Which of the above traits do you need to work on the most? This time I think all these traits need to be cultivated more in my life! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below 🙂
Would You Like to Know More?
During my study of Esther, I used a few books to guide me (besides the Bible of course!). My favorite while doing this study was the book: Becoming a Woman of Beauty and Strength by Elizabeth George (affiliate link).
Also, be sure to check out my Books to Read page for more reading suggestions.
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Thanks a lot! The lessons were really helpful 🙂
You are welcome – I’m glad you found them helpful! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing. This entire page can really put things in perspective for me! Now I would love to say more, but I have a lot of work to do!🙏😉