Hey Everyone,
Happy August! It’s the last full month of summer – some things are speeding up, others are winding down. I am really looking forward to the slower months of Autumn… but first, there’s still August and September. ๐
There is definitely a lot on the to-do list for August – both big things and little things. Work will be slowing down for me now, and wedding to-do’s will probably pick up. There will just be a lot of last minute things to take care of yet.
But instead of me just randomly jabbering about this new month… why don’t I just share my goals with all of you? Here they are….
My Goals for August 2017
- Spend time with family and friends. Even if it’s not a lot of time, I want to enjoy little snippets of time with my family and friends before I move away. My best friend and I have been getting together at least once a month for little shopping outings and such. They’ve been a blast and I am so going to miss them – and her!
- Pack up all my stuff. I won’t be packing everything this month – but definitely a lot of it. I really need to decide what is going to stay, what’s going to leave, and what is going with me! Books and craft supplies will be the hardest things to decide on.
- Relax. It’s going to be a busy month. But I want to take time out to just relax and enjoy. Whether by reading a book, taking a longer shower, making cards or doing something I just plain enjoy… I want to take some time to relax this month.
- Spend more time with the Lord and in prayer. I know my walk with God has definitely been affected during this busy time. However, as I am making more time for God each morning, it’s been such an encouragement to my heart to spend more time in the Word. My pastor has been preaching some excellent messages that have really spoken to my heart… and they’ve been putting a thirst back into my heart.
- Finalize more wedding details. Those last minute details… there are so many. Cake toppers, place cards, lists of responsibilities for the attendants, programs, the marriage license… there still work to be done. But it’s all coming together.
- Finish up my little projects. I’ve been working on a few projects – for fun and for a purpose. I need to get those finished up and ready to go.
- Take care of my little succulent. Do you remember me saying that I do NOT take good care of plants? Well, I have this cute little succulent that is supposed to “thrive on neglect” (so they say). And it is indeed thriving – thanks to my sister in law. She’s been checking up on my cute little plant when she visits, keeping it alive while I’m off somewhere neglecting the poor thing. Thank you, Ani โฅ I will try to keep it alive when I move away!
That’s About It
Those are my goals for this months…. what about you? What do you want to accomplish? What are your plans? I would love to hear what you will be up to doing the month of August!
A Verse for the Month
Last month, my pastor preached a great message out of Psalm 62. The message was a big help and encouragement to me… and I am still thinking about the one verse that he talked about. This verse has been helping me the past few weeks… and I want to continue meditating on it for awhile. Here it is:
“He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” Psalm 62:2
Focus on that last phrase: “I shall not be greatly moved.”
Can you say that?
Sometimes in the middle of a day, or week, or month, something comes up and we get all worked up. We feel “shaken”. Well, if God is our rock, if we are focusing on Him… we don’t have to be greatly moved, or shaken, when things pop up. If our hearts are firmly planted on God and His Word, we shall not be greatly moved!
Just a little thought for your month ๐
See you next week!