Hey Friends,
How did the March to-do list go for you? I certainly didn’t complete everything, but I did make some progress on my goals! I will share more about that later.
In the meantime…. Happy Spring!
Even though it’s now Spring, we’ve gotten quite a bit of snow. At least it’s beautiful… but I’m ready for some real Spring weather!
This April, I am hoping to make a lot of progress on my Spring Project List, as well as accomplish some other little goals here and there. Are you ready to join me in completing the April to-do list? Let’s get started then. ๐
Study the Book of Proverbs (Esp. Chapter 31)
I realize that Proverbs is an incredibly familiar book… but it’s so full of wisdom! Since I was reading through the book of Psalms the past few months, I took a break from the book of Proverbs. So, I am ready to get back into it… and focus on Proverbs 31 for a refresher. I am planning on reading a couple books to help me get even more out of my study.
Here are the two books I will be reading: The Extraordinary Woman and Virtuous.
Will you join me in studying the book of Proverbs? Here are some quick tips:
- Pray for clarity โ ask the Lord to help you understand this sometimes-confusing, wisdom-filled book!
- Read a good study guide or commentary. (Such as this one)
- Read through Proverbs using a study Bible. (This will also help you understand the book better! I use this one.)
- Write out any/all verses that jump out to you.
- Journal what you learn.
- Ask the Lord to help you apply what you learn.
Find True Joy in Christ
Have you noticed how many people in this world (including Christians?) are so troubled? So discontented? So unhappy? We as sinful humans are looking for joy and happiness in all the wrong places! As a result, many people are living miserable, troubled lives, instead of the joyful, fulfilling lives God intended.
After seeing so many people struggling and making a mess of their lives, I am purposing in my heart to find my true joy, happiness, and satisfaction in Christ. I don’t want to mess up my life because I am seeking joy and happiness in everything but Christ.
How do we find our joy and satisfaction in Christ?
- Cultivate a close walk with God.
- Follow the Lord’s commands.
- Live out God’s will for your life.
By following the Lord’s will for out life and walking with God the way we are supposed to… we will find true joy and contentment in Christ! We need to stop seeking joy and happiness in temporal things, and find our true joy and happiness in God.
Read a Book on Joy
Obviously, I am really excited about โjoyโ this month. I love that little three-letter word! I hope this month you will choose to read a helpful book on the topic of joy. Next week, I will be sharing a list of my favorite books on joy.
Spring Clean!
Have you made your Spring cleaning list? This month it’s time to take your list, and you plan and get cleaning. Whether you have a whole house to clean, or just your bedroom, this is the month to do it! There is nothing like having a clean house to enjoy!
Host a Girl’s Night/Bible Study
This month why not gather together with some younger girls (or close friends) for a girl’s night? Whether it’s a night of fun fellowship, games, and snacks, or a Bible study… plan something with other sisters in Christ! As fellow Christians we desperately need the friendship and encouragement that other Christian ladies can provide. Why don’t you be the one to get something started? Even if it’s only a one-time thing?
If you’re not ready to host a get-together at your home, why not invite a couple girls or ladies to meet you for coffee and just chat?
Keep it simple. But make time for fellowship with your sisters in Christ.
Get Outside
Now that it’s officially Spring, we should (hopefully) get nicer weather very soon. Even if it’s still chilly outside, bundle up and get outside. Go for a walk, plant a some flowers or a garden, attend a local sporting event (outdoors) or walk your dog. Whatever it takes to get outside and get moving, just do it! Your body and your mind will be grateful for the fresh air.
Flourish with Joy
Joy is choice. Be sure to make the choice to be joyful this month. When you choose to be joyful, you will flourish. Choose joy!
Looking Back…
Now, about last month!
I really enjoyed studying the book of James. The class my husband and I have been taking has definitely been a help. I didn’t take the time to read any commentaries or study books on the book of James since we are taking the class. As I mentioned above, I did manage to pray a little bit on most days, but distraction is still a big problem for me! We were able to have a family from church over for food and games which was a lot of fun. The first day of Spring we went out to lunch with some family members and we got some snow! So, much for Spring!
How About You?
What did you accomplish in March?
Before you go… Here is a graphic to help you remember this April To-Do List!

Thank you for sharing this, Rebekah. I’m really enjoying these to-do-list posts ๐
I didn’t get much done on my goal list for March, but I did try 2 new recipes like I was hoping, and then after this week I’ll have 2 videos put up on YouTube in March (hopefully will get the second one out by/before Friday). I also got another video filmed (along with plenty of bloopers!), started a Women of the Bible series on my blog, did some things that stretched me way out of my comfort zone, and more.
I think for April I’m going to finish up my study on prayer (but will have to do Proverbs soon sometime soon too! ;), make dinner twice, continue pursuing a healthier lifestyle (something I worked harder at in March), and read a book. I’m still not sure what else I’m going to add to the list, but I do plan on adding more ๐ I also am taking Drivers Ed and the ACT this month, so… we’ll see how those go ๐
Hi Grace,
I’m so glad that you have been enjoying the to do list posts. They are fun to write ๐
It sounds like you have some great goals for the month of April… Thanks for sharing!!
Hey, Rebekah! I enjoy a lot your posts on your blog and I also got your Radiant tools. I love all your work!
It would be amazing if you would do something with the posts on blog in order to not show the whole article… because it takes a lot to scroll down and read the whole post instead to be shown only the title and a little part of this. Please, make easier our blog explore.
God bless you!
Thanks Adriana!
I will definitely consider changing the layout of my blog…. although I have the current layout so it’s easier for everyone to see which post they would like to read. But thanks for the input, I will definitely keep that in mind!
Hi Rebekah,
I came upon your blog searching Pinterest and am so happy I found it! I have been reading a chapter in Proverbs each morning. I also purchased The Extraordinary Women and have found it to be very uplifting.
Thank you for sharing your love of family and God through this blog.
Gods blessings for your ministry,
Hi Kris,
I am so glad that you are enjoying “The Extraordinary Woman”! It’s a simple book but I enjoyed it very much. I’m also glad you were able to find my blog, I hope it continues to be an encouragement to you!
Thank you so much for this post! I really appreciate reading about your monthly goals. They are so inspirational! I plan to study Proverbs in this new month, and am looking forward to delving deeper into this wonderful book. Thank you again! I always enjoy reading your posts. ๐