Hello Friends!
When I shared my last blog post in January about my one word, quiet, I never intended for this blog to sit “quiet” for so long! But here I am, returning briefly to share a bit of an update with all of you! I have missed blogging, but life has been full, and busy, and wonderful, and hard, and everything in between! Here’s what’s been happening in our life this year…
Our Family is Growing!
At the very beginning of February, we found out that we were expecting baby #2! As excited as we were (and are!) discovering that I was pregnant forced me to adjust some of my expectations for this year. The first trimester was a bit rough both physically and emotionally, but now here I am, already in my third trimester! We are thrilled to be adding another little BOY to our family this Fall! I have had so much fun preparing for another baby.
Our son Daniel is growing a maturing so much. He has been THRIVING since his 3rd and final heart surgery last November. He adds a lot of joy and LIFE to our home!
We’ve Travelled Quite a Bit…
As many of you know, we are a church planting family in Eastern Pennsylvania. This year, we decided to take some time to re-visit some of our supporting churches and give in-person updates on what the Lord is doing at our church plant. We also wanted people to be able to meet our son, Daniel, since many people have been praying for him since his birth!
Much of our traveling was done locally (in Pennsylvania) but we also traveled to Virginia a couple times and went up to New Hampshire and Maine (two states I had never visited before!). As much as we enjoyed our travels (we made some great memories!) we are glad that our travels have slowed down so we can focus more of our time and energy right where we live!
(The photo above was taken in Portland Maine at the Portland Headlight. We stopped there for a couple hours of sightseeing while passing through Portland on our way to Northern Maine.)
Our Church is Growing
Our little church has been growing steadily. It is amazing to watch the Lord build His church. We have our faithful crowd of people and the Lord continues to bring visitors for us to minister to as well. Ministry is a lot of hard work, but it is so rewarding when the Lord brings a Harvest! We’ve seen several people trust Christ as their Savior and follow the Lord in Believer’s Baptism. There’s nothing more exciting for us than to see people make the decision to follow Christ!
I’ve Been Nesting Like Crazy!
This pregnancy has brought with it a very intense desire to NEST and spend time at home preparing for the new baby. I have a master to-do list of everything I would like to get done before our baby makes his appearance. I’ve been tackling house projects, completing photo books, scheduling appointments, and trying to get as much done as possible in preparation. There’s a lot left on the list, but things are getting crossed off little by little!
I’ve Been Reading… a Little
There has not been as much time for reading this year and it makes me sad, but I realize that 2023 has been very unique and it’s just a season. However, I have read a few really good books, so I figured I would share some of my favorites from this year so far!
Create a Better Brain Through Neuroplasticity: A Manuel for Mamas by Debi Pearl
I do not agree with the Pearls on a lot of things, but this book was SO interesting and helpful. Primarily for mamas, this book explains how the brain works and what we can do to help foster healthy brain development in our children (from babyhood and beyond). I learned a lot from this book and found many takeaways for both myself and my children. The chapters on autism were also insightful. This is definitely a book to re-read from time-to-time and I would highly recommend it to my fellow mamas!
The Lord of Luserna: A Novel of the Waldensians by D.J. Speckhals
This is book #2 in the Witnesses of the Light series (I read book #1 last year). It took me a little while to get through this one, but the story was excellent. As a Baptist, I have heard about the Waldensians for a long time, but have only known a little bit about them. This series has helped to bring them to life for me and gave me a glimpse of what their life and culture may have been like. The story was both intriguing AND challenging to me!
The Fruit of Her Hands: Respect and the Christian Woman by Nancy Wilson
This book was AMAZING. Most of the content was regarding marriage and submission, but some homemaking and child-rearing topics were mixed in as well. I wouldn’t say I learned a lot of new things, but I finished the book feeling very much encouraged and challenged in regards to being the best wife and homemaker that I can be. I highlighted a lot of things and will definitely return to this book from time to time.
(If you’ve read any excellent books this year, I would love to hear about them in the comments!)
Looking Ahead…
Our calendar is still full with church events, baby prep, and more. I’m so excited for what the rest of the year has to hold – if only time could SLOW DOWN a little bit! Now that I’m in my 3rd trimester, I can feel my body craving more rest (something I am not very good at!). This blog will probably remain fairly “quiet” in the next few months as we finish out the summer, finish preparing for baby, and then adjust to being a family of four. I look forward to introducing our little one when he arrives, but until then… have a wonderful summer, my friends!
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
Please don’t forget! I have lots of blog posts and resources for you to enjoy here on my blog. Be sure to check out the top ten posts, peruse the products in my shop, and check out my list of recommended books. Also, be share to follow me on Instagram… these days it’s bit faster and easier for me to share content on there! 😉
Until Next Time,

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I completely understand that blogging is not a priority right now, and that is just how it should be! However, I do appreciate the update. Praise the Lord for the additions to the church! May God continue to bless and direct you.
I enjoyed reading your update 🙂 Congratulations on your new little one arriving soon! I love Waldensian/Baptist history, so I’m excited to hear that there are good fiction books on that little-known time of church history. Have a wonderful rest of your summer!