Hey Friends!
It’s been a few months since I’ve been able to update my blog. Life has been a constant stream of “busy week after busy week”. I finally had some extra time this week to sit down and write, so I thought I’d share a little update with all of you… Here’s what’s been happening in our lives!
We’ve Moved!
Back in June, my husband and I purchased our first house and moved just two weeks later! It’s been a lot of fun setting up house all over again. We’ve been changing things up as we go… painting the upstairs and making some other updates throughout the house. It was bittersweet moving out of our first home and moving to a new area, but we are adjusting well and it feels more like “home” every day! Thankfully, Daniel has adjusted well to our new home too. He’s young enough he hardly seemed to notice. 😉
Less than 3 Months to the Church Plant!
As many of you know, my husband and I have been on deputation to start a Baptist church in Pennsylvania. Our deputation is about over and the preparations for the church plant are well underway. We recently completed the web page for the church plant and we’ve had groups here to help canvas the area with Gospel tracts and information about the new church. My husband is diligently searching for a building we can use this coming September. It’s very exciting to see God answer prayers as the plans for this new church plant come together!
My Baby is Going on 6 Months!
It’s hard for me to believe, but by the end of this month, my baby will be half a year old! Since his first heart surgery, Daniel has been doing SO well. His “stage two” heart surgery will be coming up soon… We aren’t looking forward to another heart surgery and hospital stay, but we know this surgery will help him continue to thrive!
If you’re wondering why my baby has had heart surgery and needs another one… let me quick explain. Daniel was born with a congenital heart defect called “Tricuspid Atresia”. This heart defect required a heart surgery when he was 8 weeks old and he will need at least two more heart surgeries to help correct the issue. In spite of his heart condition, Daniel is a very happy, healthy little boy and we love him so much. ♥ He brings so much joy to our lives!
Bible Studies, Goal Setting, Books, and More…
Throughout this busy time in our lives I’m thankful that a friend and I have been doing some Bible studies together. We choose a devotional or Bible study topic and then we share what we are learning and help keep each other accountable. This month I am studying the Fruit of the Spirit and I have been learning so much!
As for goal setting… most of my goals have been related to our new home and helping my husband with the church plant. As always, I’ve been using my Powersheets goal planner to help keep everything straight with so much going on in our lives. Last month I managed to complete just about every goal on my “tending list” for the month! Whoop, whoop!
Reading books doesn’t happen as often as I would like right now… but I’m still slowly plugging away at my reading goal!
Here are a two books I recently finished that I LOVED:
- Veiled in Smoke – This is a fictional story based around the event of the Great Fire in Chicago. This book was a delightful mix of history and mystery with just a little bit of (clean) romance.
- I’d Rather Be Reading – This little book has been on my to-read list since it was first released. I finally found a copy at my local Ollie’s and I snatched it right up! Being an avid reader myself, I could relate so much to (almost) every chapter in this book! Anne Bogel definitely understands “the delights and dilemmas of the reading life.”
How About You?
That’s just a real quick summary of what we’ve been up to lately. I do hope to have more time for blogging in the upcoming weeks/months but I am not making any promises… my family, home, and ministry are my top priorities and they must come first before this blog! However, when I get the chance to start posting regularly again, I will be sure to do so! ♥
What have you been doing and learning lately? I would love to hear! Please share with me in the comments below!
Until Next Time,

Thanks for the update! I have been praying, and I’m glad to hear that Daniel is doing so well! I’ve been reading two books on prayer: Receive the Power of Prayer by George Muller, and The Joy of Answered Prayer by D.L. Moody. Both books have challenged me to greater faith and more prayer!
P.S. Ollie’s is a great place to find books…
Love and prayers,
Well, I’m so glad to hear how wonderful things are going for you all!! Praying for baby Daniel too ♡♡♡
Since you last posted, I’ve started a very serious courtship! God’s timing is always perfect and things are going so well!
Keeping y’all in my prayers!
So glad to hear y’all are doing well! You have been in my thoughts and prayers.
I’ve been doing a lot of cooking, writing, sewing, and spending time with my family. I’ll have to keep an eye out for “I’d Rather Be Reading.” It sounds like an enjoyable book. 🙂
Hi Rebekah, It was so nice hearing from you. Glad you and yours are settling into your new home. Congratulations on the house. It is hard to believe that Daniel is almost 6 months old already. We have been busy doing things around the house. They are things that should have been done long ago. We have reading a lot,too. Joan is reading book 4 in “The Blessings” series by Lauraine Snelling. Marion is almost finished with “America’s First Daughter” by Laurie Kamoie and Stephanie Drey. It is about Thomas Jefferson’s oldest daughter Martha[Patsy] Jefferson Randolph. I am reading book 2 of “The Heirs Of Acadia”. There are 5 books in the series. I have read all 5 books in the first series “The Song Of Acadia” The first series was written by Janette Oke and T.Davis Bunn. The second set was written by T.Davis Bunn and Isabelle Bunn. Will keep Daniel in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless.
Joan, Marion and Marilyn
I hope Daniel’s surgery goes well. It was nice hearing an update!