Hey Friend,
This week it seemed especially fitting to share 75 Ways to Love Your Man. I realize that not all of you are married, or even in a relationship (yet) but I know you can still learn from this post.
For those of you who are married or in a relationship, I hope this post will give you lots of ways to love your man well… both now and in the future. While this list is the most applicable for wives, lots of these ideas can be applied to dating/courting relationships. Use your discretion, try some of these ideas, and save others for after the wedding. π
The following list has been broken down in five sections: ways to love your man with your words, your actions, your time, your touch, and your gifts. These 5 categories are based on The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. If you know your man’s love language, feel free to skip to that category first, then go back and read the others.
Remember: It’s important to know and understand your man. Things that make my husband feel loved may not mean the same thing to your husband. Make sure you learn his love language(s) and work hard to truly understand how your man best receives love from you. If you’re not sure what love language your man speaks, consider reading the book, The Five Love Languages.
In the meantime, let’s jump right into this list! β₯
75 Ways to Love Your Man
Love Him with Your Words

- Pray for Him β Perhaps the very best way to love your man with your words, is to pray for Him. Ask the Lord to strengthen him spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc. Ask God to help your man with his particular weaknesses and struggles, thank the Lord for your man, and pray specifically for him. Prayer can make such a big difference in our lives and the lives of others, so make it a priority to pray for your man.
- Say I Love You β This is obvious right? But how often do we forget to say these simple (yet meaningful) words. Verbally tell your man βI love you.β
- Talk about His Interests and Hobbies β Football might bore you to tears, but if your man loves it, then let him talk about it. Listen, ask questions, show a genuine interest. If your man loves something, make an effort to talk about it from time to time.
- Call Him β Make your man feel special by calling him during his day to say βI love youβ or see how he’s doing. If he doesn’t answer, leave a message for him to listen to later. He’ll feel loved knowing you called and were thinking of him.
- Send Him a Thoughtful Text β This is so easy, but even this simple gesture can say a lot. Send him a quick but meaningful text to let him know you’re thinking of him, praying for him, missing him, or looking forward to seeing him.
- Write Him a Letter β Hand written letters are becoming a thing of the past, but a traditional love letter is still so special. Write your man and letter and tell him how much you love him, why you love him, and what you appreciate about him. Mail the letter to him or leave it in a place where he will find it.
- Leave Surprise Notes for Him to Find β Write little notes on cut-out hearts or on sticky notes and leave them in fun places for him to find. You could place them under his pillow, on the mirror, in his coat pocket, in his car, in his shoes, on the fridge… get creative and surprise him with notes that he’ll love.
- Encourage Him with a Bible Verse β Does you man need some encouragement? Text him a Bible verse or jot it down on a note and give it to Him.
- Give Him a Pile of Letters to Open Later β This is such a fun idea that your man will love. Write a bunch of letters for him to read at different times. You could write a letter for him to open when he’s missing you, a letter for when he’s sad, a letter for when he’s happy, a letter for when he’s made a mistake, and the list goes on. Simply write the letter and put the instructions for when he ought to open it on the outside of the envelope. Click here for 153 Open When Letter Ideas!
- Give Him a Jar Full of Compliments β Jot down (on slips of paper) things you love about your man. Put the slips of paper in a mason jar. Give the jar of compliments to your man and instruct him to read one compliment each day.
- Use Terms of Endearment β Do you have any special nicknames for your man? Use them! If not, think of some loving terms of endearment you can use for your man (ones that he likes) and use them!
- Slow Down When You Talk β This is something many of us ladies struggle to do (I’m nodding my head!). Sometimes I talk too fast and my husband has a hard time understanding what I’m trying to say. For the sake of communication, slow down when you talk so your husband can understand what you are trying to say.
- Compliment His Strength β Men love to be complimented on their strength. When you notice the strength of your man, say something!
- Say You’re Sorry β Don’t be afraid to say you’re sorry. If you’ve done something wrong, admit you were wrong, and be willing to say you’re sorry.
- Say Thank You β Our men do a lot for us. Let’s not forget to say βthank youβ. Express your thanks verbally or write your man a heart-felt thank you note.
- Ask Him About His Day β Be thoughtful, ask you’re man about his day and be willing to listen.
- Let Him Know You’re Proud of Him β Does your man know that you are proud of him? Be sure he knows that you are proud to be his girl. Verbally tell him, βI’m proud of you!β.
- Talk Highly of Him in Public and in Private β Avoid talking negatively about your man. Use your words to speak highly of him when you’re in public and in private. Even if he’s not around, speak highly of your man.
- Don’t Criticize His Friends and Family β You may not like your man’s friends and family as much as he does, but that doesn’t mean you should ever criticism them or put them down. Love your man by loving his friends and family too.
- Tell Him When You Miss Him β If you miss your man when you’re apart… tell him! Your man will appreciate knowing that you miss him when he’s not with you.
Love Him With Your Actions

- Learn to Speak His Love Language β Do you know your man’s love language? If not, read about The 5 Love Languages and learn how to love your man the way he receives love best. Knowing your man’s love language makes such a huge difference!
- Dress up for Him β Men love it when their ladies take care to look their best for them. If it’s been awhile since you’ve gotten dressed up for your man, then choose an outfit he likes and dress up for him!
- Greet Him Happily at the Door β Show your man that you’re happy when he shows up at your house for a date, or when he comes home from work. A joyful welcome will make your man feel loved and appreciated.
- Wear Something He Bought for You β Has your man bought you a special piece of jewelry or an outfit? Make him happy by wearing it when you’re around him.
- Let Him Choose the Movie β Men typically have a much different taste in movies and TV shows. Be sure to let him choose what he wants to watch instead of insisting on your favorite TV show or chick-flick. Better yet, find a few movies or TV shows that you both love!
- Pack His Lunch β A packed lunch that was put together with love will mean a lot to your man. If he typically packs his own lunch, take the time to put together a lunch for him. For bonus βpointsβ stick in a surprise love note.
- Smile at Him β Your man needs to know that he makes you happy. Make sure to smile at him and for him… he loves your smile!
- Make Him Feel Special on His Birthday β Your man will love it if you treat him like a king on his special day. Make sure your man knows he is special and loved… especially on his birthday. He won’t soon forget it.
- Surprise him on Special βAnniversariesβ – Remember special dates like the anniversary of your first date, the anniversary of your engagement, the monthly anniversary of your wedding date, and even special βnational daysβ like Sweetest Day.
- Give Him His Space β If your man needs some time alone, or time with friends, respect that. Give your man some space from time to time.
- Bring Him Breakfast in Bed β This would make anyone feel incredibly special. Get up early enough every now and then to make a special breakfast and bring it to your husband in bed.
- Make Eye Contact β When you’re talking or listening to your man, look him in the eyes (don’t be busy on your phone). He’ll be glad to know he has your full attention.
- Let Him Finish What He’s Saying β Let your man finish his thoughts and sentences without you interjecting and trying to finish his thoughts for him. Let him speak without being interrupted.
- Wear Perfume β Your man will love it if you smell nice. When you’re around your man, wear some perfume.
- Let Him Lead β Show your man that you respect him and his leadership. Instead of taking charge and dominating your relationship, learn to step back and let your man lead.
- Take Care of Him When He’s Sick β If you’re man is feeling under the weather, take care of him! Make him tea, give him some time to nap and rest, bring him water, check up on him… just take good care of him.
- Don’t Forget to Take Care of Yourself β You man will appreciate it if you do your best to stay healthy and take care of yourself for him. This means getting your rest and taking good care of your body and health.
- Wear Matching Outfits, For Fun β It’s fun to wear matching outfits with your man. Invest in some matching hoodies or matching t-shirts. Or just have fun coordinating your outfits so you compliment each other.
- Style Your Hair the Way He Likes It β Is their a particular way your man likes you to style your hair? Show him you value you his opinion and style your hair that way from time to time.
- Follow His Advice β Our men appreciate it when we listen to them and follow their advice. If your man is trying to help you by offering his advice, don’t get offended, instead, consider taking his suggestion.
- Be His Biggest Fan β If your man is reaching for a goal, working hard at his job, or studying hard to further his education, be his #1 fan and cheerleader, and makes sure he knows it!
Love Him With Your Time

- Listen to Him β When your man talks, take the time to truly listen. Don’t just listen enough so you can respond, but listen so you can truly understand his heart.
- Make Him Your Priority β When your man needs you, or simply wants to sit and talk, make time for him. Make sure your man knows he is your priority.
- Surprise Him at Work β Surprise your man at work by joining him for lunch, bringing him coffee, a favorite food, or a special dessert. Even if you don’t bring a thing for him, your man will be happy just to see YOU!
- Work Together β If one or both of you has a project that needs to be completed, then work together. Help your man with any chores he needs to get done, or ask him to join you on a project.
- Plan a Special Date for Him β Let’s not expect our man to plan all the dates for us. Take a turn yourself and plan a fun date for the two of you.
- Watch Sports with Him β If your man loves sports, then be willing to sit and watch a game with him. Knowing you’re there, taking an interest in his interest, will mean a lot to him.
- Go for a Walk Together β Going for a stroll with your man is an excellent way to spend time together, get some exercise, and enjoy some laid-back conversation.
- Play a Game β Playing a game together can be a lot of fun. Just make sure it’s a game your man enjoys β be willing to let him choose the game.
- Plan a Picnic β If the weather is nice, pick a day and plan a picnic. Pack a basket with his favorite foods and snacks and find a nice spot to enjoy a picnic lunch together.
- Try Something New Together β Find something that both of you have never done and give it a try. You will have fun trying something brand new together.
- Plan a Romantic Dinner–Plan and cook a fancy dinner. Don’t be afraid to use fancy dishes, light some candles, and get dressed up for a romantic evening.
Love Him With Your Touch
- Give Him a Back Rub β Your man will especially appreciate this after a long day of work.
- Hold Hands β It’s still a sweet gesture no matter how simple it is.
- Give Him a Big Hug β Sometimes your man appreciates a big warm hug just as much as you do.
- Kiss Him a Lot β enough said.
- Give Him a Squeeze on the Arm β Just so he knows you’re there and you love him.
- Make Time for Snuggling β If physical touch is his love language, he’ll you making time to snuggle.
- Sit Close to Him in Church β Let him know you’re there and you truly want to be close, even in church.
- Give Him a Surprise Hug β Come up behind your man and surprise him with a quick, yet meaningful hug.
Love Him With Your Gifts

- Buy Him His Favorite Snacks β Whether it’s candy or his favorite snack food, treat him with his favorites from time to time.
- Cook His Favorite Meal β Any man will appreciate the loving gesture of his favorite, home-cooked meal.
- Make Him a Scrapbook or Photo Album β Put together a simple scrapbook or photo album with pictures of the two of you. It will become a sweet keepsake of special and memorable moments.
- Give Him a Framed Photo of You β He’ll love having a special photo of you next to his bed or on his desk.
- Write a Song or Poem just for Him β If you’re good with words or music, put together a song or poem just for him… from you.
- Make His Favorite Dessert β Your man will appreciate His favorite sweet dessert made by his favorite person.
- Give Him a New Book β If your man loves to read, he’ll appreciate a new book to add to his collection.
- Buy Him a Souvenir β The next time you go away on a trip without your man, bring home a special souvenir just for him.
- Bring Him Some Coffee β Or buy him another drink that he loves.
- Give Him a Gift Card to His Favorite Store β Your man will love being able to pick out whatever he likes at his favorite store (or restaurant).
- Get Him a Personalized Gift β Look online for special, personalized gifts you can give your man such as a personalized tie clip, key chain, bookmark, coffee mug, etc.
- Keep a List of Gift Ideas for Your Man β Create an Idea List on Amazon, or a page in a special notebook, where you can collect gift ideas for your man.
- Bring Home a Special Treat From the Grocery Store β This could be as simple as a his favorite drink, his favorite fruit, or a container of his favorite ice cream.
- Surprise Him With a Little Gift Once a Month β Choose one day a month to surprise your man with something special. It could be on the date of your wedding anniversary, or on the first or last day of the month. It doesn’t matter what day it is, just choose one day each month to surprise your man with a little something special.
- Give Him a Special Card β Whether it’s a thinking of you card, a get-well card, or a βjust becauseβ card, make your man feel special with heart-felt cards.
Final Thoughts

Well Friend, I hope this list of 75 Ways to Love Your Man will give you lots of good ideas for now and the future. Bookmark this list, pin it, or even print it out if you need to. I hope this list will be a good resource for you to turn to again and again for little ideas on how to love your man and show him how much he means to you.
Remember, never be afraid to be the one who loves the most. The Lord will reward you for how well you love your husband. You won’t regret the time and effort you put into loving and investing in your man.
Was this post helpful to you? Please share it with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or E-mail.
I Would Love to Know
What’s your favorite way to love your man? Please share with us in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear from YOU!

So lovely and helpful this post! π Thanks, Rebekah!
I love to pray for him, to listen to him, to spend time with him, to walk in beautiful places and make fruit salads for him.
(We are engaged β€οΈ)
As someone whoβs been married for 24 years, Iβve needed some reminders & ideas on how to love my man well! Thanks for the great list! I will be putting some new ideas to use!
A really good post π ty so much! Gave me great ideas!
Glad to hear that… Thanks for reading!
Wonderful. Thank you Rebekah!
Thank you for your outpouring of information regarding our “man…Godly Man”. He wouldn’t be married to us if it’s not something worth fighting for and keeping a love connection. Yes, it can be challenging because we have different personalities and perspectives. We know that we are his “good thing” and what God has called us to be a help meet.
God Bless you!