Hey Friends,
This week my blog turns 4 years old! It’s hard for me to believe that More Radiance Blog has been in existence for this long!
I still remember the very first blog I started about 5 years ago… For some reason after creating that first “free blog” I got really scared. The thought of having my own words up online where anyone from around the world could read them totally frightened me. So one night I made a rash decision and completely deleted it! Thankfully, there hadn’t been very much time or effort put into that particular blog, but it was still a learning experience nonetheless!
My second blog lasted several months, maybe even a year. After so many months of faithfully posting on that free blog-spot blog, I finally decided I wanted to blog for the long haul. So, I bit the bullet and spent the money to purchase a self hosted website and domain name. I remember the price hurt a little bit (considering 17 year old’s make very little money!). But I don’t think I’ve looked back since.
I love blogging and I am so grateful for everything it has taught me. It’s one of the few endeavors in my life that truly “stuck”. The blogging process is so much fun and it’s so nice to have a special place to share everything that I am learning with others. It’s also been amazing to meet new people and make new friends along the way. There’s still a lot to learn, and my blogging journey isn’t always where I would like it to be, but I’m not giving up anytime soon. The lessons learned are invaluable.
Speaking of lessons learned, today’s post is about six simple (yet important!) things I’ve learned throughout this blogging journey. It’s amazing what God can use to teach us new things – about life and about ourselves. Here’s what the past 4 years of blogging has taught me.
6 Things Blogging Has Taught Me

You will stick with something when you invest in it.
As a 17 year old, investing hard-earned money into this blog, I was determined to make the blogging endeavor work. Since that time, I’ve not only invested money in this little place, but also my heart and my time. Because I have invested so much of myself into this space, I want to continue investing in it. It already amazes me to see what God has done with this blog! He certainly deserves all the honor and glory!
You WILL reap when you sow.
There have been moments of wondering, is this blog worth the time it takes? Should I just give up and put my energy into something else? But then I receive a message, or an email, or a text, from someone thanking me for a particular post, or the blog as a whole. I’m not trying to pat myself on the back, but it’s in those moments that I remember why I blog. This blog was created to encourage Christian women to stay focused on living the Christian life, following Christ, and living a radiant life for the Lord. Making just a small difference and encouraging just a few women to continue in their walk with the Lord, is definitely worth the time and effort required!
Writing has become a passion.
When I was younger, I would try to write fictional stories…. and even some non-fiction books for kids. Those stories and book ideas never amounted to anything, but I was certainly on to something as a kid…. writing was enjoyable to me! Even though I dabbled with writing as a child and teen, I still never really thought of myself as a writer. Blogging has certainly changed that, because it’s revealed a true love for writing. It’s not only a hobby, but it’s become a passion as well – something that fills me up and brings me joy. Blogging has also been a fun way to improve upon my writing skills (at least, I sure hope it has!). ๐
To be good at something, you must keep learning!
When I first started blogging, it was like a whole new world – and it was so confusing! There were moments when I had no idea what I was doing. Google felt like my only friend in the beginning! But thanks to a sincere desire to learn, the convenience of google, and all the many books, online courses, and podcasts I’ve devoured since then, the blogging world is no longer as scary and confusing. I haven’t mastered blogging yet, but now I have the confidence to tackle new things in the blogging world, because of the hurdles that were jumped in the beginning!
As Christian bloggers, we must know what we believe and why.
It’s amazing all the questions, comments, and emails that can throw you for a loop, especially when the people sending those messages are challenging your beliefs! As Christian bloggers we must truly study the Word and know what the Bible teaches.
Blogging and sharing my beliefs and convictions with others has forced me to dig deep and make sure of my beliefs. Thankfully, the result has been a better understanding of what the Bible says. It has encouraged me to keep standing strong. I’ve certainly changed my mind on some things, grown in my understanding of others, and have finally made sense of many of my own questions about the Bible. Looking back, it’s amazing how this blogging journey has strengthened my beliefs and taught me so much more about God, the Bible, and the biblical principles that God’s Word teaches.
The darker this world gets, the brighter we can shine.
The world has always been dark and full of sin, but in recent years it seems to have gotten significantly darker – especially in the online world. This blog was started to encourage Christian women to shine as bright and radiant lights for the Lord… and that’s still my desire. I hope that as this world continues to get darker, that this blog, and those who read it will stand out even brighter. This world is a dark place, and so is the internet. May this little blog be a light in the darkness.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Final Thoughts
I just want to say thank you to those who read my blog, leave comments, and encourage me with your thoughtful messages. This blog is here to encourage YOU! No matter how long you’ve been reading my blog (whether this is the first post you’ve read, or you’ve been here since the very beginning) thank you for reading!
My blogging journey has been such a learning experience and blessing to me! I hope that in turn, my blog has been a blessing to you as well!
With Love,

Your blog is very inspiring! You have a unique style to share the truth and I read with pleasure all your posts.
You have particularly inspired me in the area of modesty and now I am passionate about teaching girls about it.
God bless you! ๐
Thank you for the sweet words! โค๏ธ I’m so glad you enjoy the blog – I’m so happy to have you as one of my readers!
Happy Anniversary Rebekah! I appreciate all the work you have put into your blog. I always look forward to new posts and am grateful for your perspective.
Thank you, Megan! โค๏ธ
I didn’t know it had only been four years! Not that that’s not a long time…it’s just that I can’t remember *not* following your blog..ha! So I must have been following from close to the beginning ๐ I love reading your blog and all that you stand for! It’s one of the very few that I follow ๐ I also agree with you completely about how blogging will challenge your faith and make you really dig deeper! It can be intimidating but it’s also good.
Yes, I think you’ve been following along since (almost) the beginning! Which is so neat – how did you find me anyway? I’m glad you enjoy this blog – I am so glad to have you as one of my readers! โฅ
You know, I’m not sure! I remember around that time, there was a Mennonite blogger I was familiar with, and it seems like she wrote a guest post for you or you wrote a guest post for her or something like that. But I don’t even remember her or anything! I just remember that for a while, I assumed you were Mennonite too lol I really can’t remember!
Ohhh… Was it Tashia? She was one of my first blogging friends! Come to think if it, I think I did guest post on her blog a long time ago!
Oh my goodness, yes, that was the one!! I don’t know how I would have found her blog or anything, but I’m pretty sure that’s how I found you ๐
Oh that is so neat – it’s amazing how one thing can lead to another sometimes!
I love your blog! Thank you for sharing!
Happy Anniversary by the way!๐
Thank you, Kiara! โฅ
Your blog has been such an encouragement to me over the past year! Thank you so much for being willing to share what is on your heart and what the Lord is teaching you! It is such a blessing! ๐
Thank you for the sweet words, Madelyn! โฅ I’m glad to have you here!
My daughters love your blog! Thank you for being an encouragement to them over the past few months! Keep shining for Jesus and being an encouragement to others! Jesus will help you!๐ In Christ, Melissa
I’m encouraged to hear that your daughters enjoy the blog! โฅ Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
You’re welcome! Happy anniversary!๐
I really enjoy your blog.
Thank you Rebekah, for following after Jesus and sharing with us.
I am always encouraged when I read your posts, truly they are a sweet light…
Cheering you on ๐