Hey Friend,
Growing up, I always dressed modestly. My dad was (and still is) an assistant pastor at a Baptist church. Our Pastor, my teachers, and my parents taught me how to have high dress standards based on the Word of God. However, even though I complied to those standards, I didn’t always comprehend why modesty matters.
Now that I have done the research and study needed for my new E-Book, Radiant Modesty, I can say whole-heartedly…
YES, modesty matters!
And it matters a great deal.
Modesty matters much more than you realize.
Our culture is constantly getting farther and farther away from the Bible and the commands and principles we find there. As the world gets farther away from the Word of God, Christians are following suit.
The standards of modesty that most Christians have today are far from what they used to be. More and more Christians are looking just like the world in terms of style and dress.
This is not what God intended!
As Christians we are supposed to be a peculiar people, salt and light, and unspotted from the world! However, many Christians have lost sight of the true value of modesty. They no longer know why modesty matters.
Because God’s Word says that modesty still matters, this is the very first topic I cover in my new E-Book, Radiant Modesty. In that first chapter, I talk about 5 different reasons why modesty matters according to the Bible.
Today, I want to share the first three reasons with you. Let’s begin!
Why Does Modesty Matter?
Reason #1: God is the Ultimate Clothing Designer
Once Adam and Eve sinned, their eyes were opened to their nakedness. They realized they had sinned by disobeying God and they felt shame because of their sin and nakedness. They were naked before God and each other.
In a feeble attempt to cover their shame and nakedness, the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve made themselves aprons out of fig leaves. They thought they were adequately covered but they thought wrong.
God replaced their pitiful aprons with something better β something that adequately fit God’s standard of modesty.
βUnto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.β Genesis 3:21 (Emphasis added)
An apron was only enough to cover their private parts, but God replaced Adam and Eve’s aprons with coats instead. These βcoatsβ were more like robes that covered most of the body.
In his book Dressing for the Lord, David Cloud says that βGod provided robes that covered their chests and thighsβ.
It wasn’t until that point that the Bible says they were βclothedβ. Man’s original attempt at modesty was a flop – they failed. God (not man!) is the ultimate authority of what is genuinely modest and what is not.
Modesty matters because God is the ultimate designer and judge of modest clothing.
Reason #2: God Calls Christians to be Holy and Separate from the World
β…for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: and I will receive you, And I will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.β 2 Corinthians 6:16 – 18 (Emphasis added)
βBut as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy, in all manner of conversation [living/lifestyle]; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.β 1 Peter 1:15 – 16
Separation from the world is not talked about much anymore but it’s still in the Bible and every Christian is still called to be holy and separate from the world. More and more, Christians are looking just like the world in the way that they talk, act, and dress. We are buying and wearing the same fashions as the world.
The clothing we wear will always identify us with someone or something. Many Christian young women are wearing brands and styles that identify them with the World and not with Christ.
Dear Friend, the Bible clearly shows us in Scripture that we are supposed to be different from the world. The message we send with our clothing should be unquestionably βChristianβ.
God calls us to be different from the world, to βcome out from among them, and be ye separateβ. This is a very clear command!
Modesty matters because God calls every Christian to be holy, and separate from the world.
Reason #3: God Has Purchased You and Dwells Within You
βWhat? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye were bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit which are God’s.β 1 Corinthians 6:19 – 20
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, went to the cross and shed His blood for your sins. His blood was the βpriceβ that was paid for you.
Your body was bought with an extremely high price (the blood of Jesus) and it is now the temple of the living God! Because Jesus Christ bought your body with His blood, it is no longer yours. God has purchased βthe rightsβ to your body.
Since our bodies belong to God, we must choose to put on clothing that will honor Him.
Not only were we purchased with the precious blood of Christ, but when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, then the Holy Spirit took up residence within our hearts and now dwells within us. Our body is His temple. Only clothing that is suitable for the temple of God should be worn on our bodies. We should strive to make sure that He is glorified by whatever we are choosing to put on His temple!
Modesty matters because God purchased you with a price and now dwells inside you β your body is His temple!
There You Have It
There you have it my friend – those are three reasons why modesty matters today. Each one of these reasons should be motivation for us to clothe ourselves in the modest apparel that pleases our Heavenly Father.
But There’s Still More….
There are still two more reasons why modesty matters:
- Reason #4: God Specifically Calls Women to Dress in Modest Apparel
- Reason #5: God Wants Us To Avoid Fornication and Adultery
I talk about all five reasons in my new E-Book and I also go into more detail on each one.
You may now be wondering what true biblical modesty looks like in real life – like…
“how am I supposed to dress in modest apparel according to the Bible?”
Don’t worry, that’s all covered in my E-Book too! Make sure you grab a copy today so that you can continue to read and learn all about this topic.
Before You Go…
It’s “modesty month” on the blog. Here are the previous modesty posts for you to read:
The Radiant Modesty E-Book Is Here!
Now, I am really curious to find out more about YOU – my reader.
So, I have a simple question for you to answer in today’s comments. Here is your question:
Were you taught about modesty growing up, or is this a whole new topic for you?
I want to get to know you better, so please share your thoughts in the comments. I can’t wait to hear from you! β₯
With Love,

Hi Rebekah!
As a new Christian, these standards of modesty are new for me. I’m so happy you decided to make may “modesty month ” – your posts are so clear, and help lay the foundation for a very (overwhelmingly!) broad topic. I look forward to learning more about this from you. Thank you!
Hi Hannah,
I hope these modesty posts will help bring clarity to the subject. The E-book explains things in much more detail as well. β€
I really enjoyed this post! I, like you, have always been taught about modesty, but I still didn’t think about all of the things you mentioned in the post (the first point was the newest for me).
Your e-book sounds very good, and I’m thinking about getting it. Are you hoping to get it published in paperback at all? When books are in paperback I am more likely to read them; too much time on the computer hurts my eyes. π
I would love to get it published into a paperback book… but that probably wont be for quite awhile. Hope you enjoy the modesty posts this month βΊ
I am so glad to see your passion for modesty! This is seen as an old-fashioned concept by the girls of our generation.
Your work is so lovely! Keep going!
P.S. You had on blog a post with 159 goals for 2016. I wanted to re-read it, but I can’t find the post. It was really inspiring for me.
Sorry, I meant 150*
Thanks Adda – it definitely is a passion of mine and I really want tp share that passion with others!!
Yes I did! I was cleaning out old blog posts recently, I didn’t think anyone read that one anymore! I will get it back up for you soon βΊ
o, thank you so much!!! And please don’t delete posts, they all are so lovely and inspiring!
God bless you!
You are too sweet β₯ It’s back up on the blog!
What do you think about wearing jewels?( According to 1 Peter 3:1-6. )
I have another request, if you don’t mind… to give back to the blog two articles:
β‘ 5 ways to boost your creativity
β‘ a personal growth list for christian woman
I pinned them and now I can’t access them. π
Sure thing – they are both back up! I will try to update them sometime in the future as well! π
Great question! According to these verses, I believe we are being told that a woman’s priority should be her heart (and having a meek and quiet spirit!). I think Peter understood a woman’s tendency to adorn herself on the outside, and is gently reminding us that our heart is more important.
Also, take note of something in the following verses:
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. (1 Peter 3:3-4)
If this was saying it is wrong to wear jewelry, then it would also mean it is wrong to wear clothes (!!!!) because Peter is saying our adornment should not be plaiting our hair, wearing gold, or putting on apparel! Obviously, we know it is not wrong to wear clothing (we NEED to wear clothing!). Therefore I think we can conclude that Peter’s admonition is to focus more on our heart than our outward appearance. I don’t believe it’s wrong to wear jewelry, rather I think we should apply the same concept of “modest apparel” to the jewelry we wear. We should be careful and adorn ourselves modestly (1 Timothy 2:9-10). Does that make sense? π
O, I agree with you! π
Unfortunately, there are a lot of believers who think that wearing jewelry is something sinful or is a sign of pride.
It is very important the moment and the location for wearing jewels.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! God bless you! π
You are welcome!
I thought I saw a link to a modest clothing website on this post, but I may be wrong. I re-read through it and couldn’t put my eyes on it. Maybe I just imagined it. HA! If there’s not one, is there one or more that you know of? I’m aware of The Skirt Outlet, but that’s about it. I like a more plain style of clothes, not frilly and lacy and overly girly (pink, pastel, ruffles) LOL. Also, I appreciate this post. I grew up in a modest household and am trying to pass the same values to my daughters.
Hi Amy, sorry I didn’t include any modest store links in this post. I share several in my Ebook. One that comes to mind is the Main Street Exchange. Also, stores like Kohl’s, Ross, and even walmart occasionally have some decent pieces available.
Hello Rebekah! Iβve been enjoying reading your blog for a few months now. Modesty month has really caught my attention because I have been raised to dress modestly. I too did not fully understand the importance of dressing modestly. I am certainly learning more each day the part that it plays in our lives. Thank you for the blog.
Love and Prayers!
Wow. Great post . Thank you!!!
This is such an encouragement to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about modesty . I appreciate it so much!!!π
Great content. A woman that is dressed in a classy way is a beautiful thing–it is a different kind of beauty that brings respect as opposed to lustful thoughts.
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