Goals should be made and written down in January. There are so many things to do that if we don’t set goals and plan well, they won’t happen. This year I got even more detailed in my personal goal setting. Below is my list of 150 Goals for 2016. I hope that by sharing these goals, you will be inspired to make your own list for 2016. You don’t need to read the whole list, but hopefully it will give you ideas for your own list.
Spiritual Goals
- Spend time in prayer daily (several times a day)
Start a prayer journal for prayer requests and written prayers(Completed 2/20/2016)Clear out a distraction-free space in my room for a “prayer closet” {Matthew 6:6}(Completed in January)- Record answered prayers
- Read 6 books on prayer ♥
- Listen to at least 3 sermons on prayer + take notes
Spend time in prayer with othersCreate a file for the things I learn about prayer(Started a file box on 2/10/2016)- Do an in-depth Bible study on prayer
- Study a woman in the Bible who prayed: Hannah
- Memorize 100 Bible verses (two verses a week)
Study/read more hymns (review one hymn during my devotions – using this book)- Start a girl’s Bible study (even if we only meet quarterly)
- Finish watching Quieting a Noisy Soul and take notes
- Put out 52 gospel tracts (one per week)
Bring a friend to church- Go on a missions trip
- Lead someone to the Lord
- Start a file system or binder to keep track of my personal Bible studies
- Go through the A-Z discipleship program
Mentor a younger girl
Health and Fitness Goals
- Start running
- Go for a run with my brother or sister (even if I can’t keep up!)
- Drink water first thing in the morning
- Drink a total of 64 ounces of water a day -that’s two of these
- Avoid snacking after supper
- Become more flexible (stretch 2 times a week)
- Improve my posture (even if it means purchasing a posture brace)
Switch to all natural makeup and beauty products- Limit desserts/sweets to 2x week and special ocassions
- Eat more fruits and veggies (eat these first before other foods)
- Eat five small meals every 3 hours
- Start following The Trim Healthy Mama Plan for breakfast, lunch, and snacks
- Workout three times a week
- Exercise 20 minutes a day (5 times a week)
- No technology after 8 pm
- Aim for a 10:30 pm bedtime (probably the hardest goal on this list!) 🙂
- Wake up by 6:00 am
Drink more tea (this is my favorite tea)- Have my brother teach me how to use a foam roller
- Do a 30 day challenge
Read two or three fitness books ♥
Blogging Goals
- Post quality blog content within a reasonable schedule
Create a re-occurring theme/column postWrite two+ guest postsHave a guest post on my siteCreate an ongoing list of post ideas and add to it oftenSend out at least two emails a monthReach my first 1,000 email subscribersDefine and refine my brand and blogging style- Host several giveaways!!
- Create a blog add and advertise my site on other blogs
Gain another 1,000 followers on Pinterest- Organize my Pinterest boards and pins (delete some)
- Read 6 blogging books
No blogging on Sundays- Spend one day a week working ahead on blog posts
- Create templates for all my blog images
- Offer more freebies and printables
- Keep my computer documents organized
- Add more information to my blogging binder
- Spend time “mind-storming” for blog ideas
- Have business cards made for my blog
- Write 12 book reviews for blogging for books
Create a recommendations page- Interview someone for a blog post
- Create a FAQ page or Q and A page
Personal Growth Goals
- Use my planner daily (always have a to-do list for the day)
- Spend 15 minutes on Saturdays or Sundays to plan the next week
- Read 100 new books (you can follow this goal on Goodreads)
- Re-read 12 books (one per month) ♥
- Listen to 5 audiobooks
- Take notes from the books I am reading (inside the book or in a separate notebook)
- Read more blogs (3 articles a week)
- Write in my journal one or two times a week
- Write down my top ten goals every day before bed
- Continue answering the daily questions in my Q and A Book
- Take an art class
Continue to build my personal library- Go to a class at the library
- Write an eBook (is this crazy?)
Finish a 1,000 piece puzzle- Take two online courses (there are lots of free ones out there)
- Spend an evening or Saturday morning at the library once a month
- Continue taking voice lessons for the rest of the year (and beyond -hopefully!)
Continue singing specials at churchStart taking piano lessons again(Started lessons on 2/18/2016)Play piano somewhere (even just a nursing home)- Learn the basics of another instrument (violin or flute)
- Be able to site-read any hymn in our hymn book
Read a book on teaching (I plan to read this one)- Learn to teach effective lessons for my 3 and 4’s class on Wednesday nights
Come up with devotionals to use at camp- Get work done while using the treadmill (memorize or read Scripture, listen to audios, watch helpful YouTube videos, or write blog posts)
- Try as many new foods as possible
- Try as many new things as possible (even if it scares me!)
- Learn how to play five new games (So far I’ve learned: Chromino, Othello and Spy Alley)
Financial Goals
- Start investing
- Work for my brother’s business as much as possible
- Save $X amount a month
- Have a yard sale
- Start another side job
- Read 2 finance books
- Add X amount to my savings account
Start caring for two babies at home (this will double my income)- Start following a monthly budget
- Keep on top of my tax information, checkbook, and bank statements
Homemaking Goals
Learn several all natural cleaning recipes (I’m planning on purchasing this book)Fill up my hope chest- Cook once a week (approximately)
- Start a binder for collecting recipes
Experiment with using more spices- Make two new recipes a month
Complete a sewing project (a skirt?)- Catch up on all my mending and hemming projects
Read a homemaking bookSpend an afternoon with a stay-at-home mom and homemaker- Tend to a plant and keep it from dying (for once)
- Help out in the garden this spring/summer
Spring clean my bedroom- Change up my bedroom decor each season
- Keep my room neat and clean (pick up once a day)
Other Goals
Work at a camp this summer- Go skating once every quarter
- Buy my own pair of skates
- Learn how to skate backwards without falling
- Go on every roller coaster at Hershey Park that I haven’t been on yet
- Go zip-lining
- Go horseback riding
Visit Harper’s Ferry with my siblings- Visit Gettysburg with my siblings
Go hiking- Get a manicure with a friend
- Contact one friend each week via text, email, Skype, letter, or phone call
- Visit or call my grandparents once a month
- Finish a game of Monopoly (Completed 1/3/16 – I beat my brothers and sister-in-law!) 🙂
- Take at least 10 photos a month
Buy a good camera or get my old one fixed- Document my year with photos from each month
- Compile photos at the end of the year in a video, photo book, or scrapbook
- Add three new sketches to my sketch pad (I have this one)
- Paint ceramics
- Go to a Penn State game
- Go to football games with my brother in the Fall
- Start a scrapbook, smash book, or digital photo book (combine this goal with #18?)
Make a dream/inspiration board for my work space(Completed in January)Re-do my bulletin board- Make my own thank you notes and birthday cards
- Learn how to give better massages
- Do one project a week with baby
Okay it took way longer to write that list than I thought 🙂 But it was worth it! People who write down their goals and share them with others are much more likely to complete their goals. I would encourage you to do the same! If you write goal list for this year I would love to see your list! You can email me at moreradiance{at}gmail.com.
So, how do I plan to reach my goals? First of all, these are just goals. I am aiming for them. If I don’t quite make it to each goal (and I probably won’t) that’s okay. At least I still know where to aim even if I don’t hit the target every time.
There are four words that will help me reach my goals this year…
Pray ♥ Plan ♥ Prioritize ♥ Proceed
{I Would Love to Know} Do you have a goal setting tip to share? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Wow!! I totally needed to read a thorough list like yours 🙂 So many things I haven’t thought of. One thing I’ve found with goals-ones that are relatively easy to achieve-is just to do them! I know, sounds simple, but I waste so much time thinking, “I don’t feel like doing that,” that I could have had it done 🙂
From your last post about the January challenge, my three words I want to be known as are: humble, loving, and bold (in the truth).
Yes!! I can be the same way… Setting goals is fun but actually doing them is a different story. It’s amazing how little things often don’t get done even though they aren’t hard. That’s one reason why I posted this list… All of my readers can keep be accountable to them 🙂
Those are three great words!! Thank you for sharing them!
You’ve got some great goals! If I made that many, I would be so overwhelmed! lol I really hope your blog continues to grow! And if you do a guest blog post somewhere else, be sure to let us know about it! 🙂
Yes, it is a lot but I know if I plan well and discipline myself to follow my plan, they can be completed 🙂 I will be sure to let everyone know when I have my first guest post 🙂
When I first read your list, I was like wow! It made me think of things I didn’t think of . It gave me some ideas, but also encourage me to have new goals. I like your new look and your ideas for the New Year.
Yes I think that was my mom’s reaction too 🙂 I’m glad it gave you some ideas!! Thank you for commenting and I’m glad you like the new look! 🙂
These are awesome!!
Thank you!
I haven’t thought about doing a list of all the goals I plan to acheive for this year! I probably should though! 🙂 I really enjoyed reading your list! 🙂
It’s really fun to think up and plan goals for the year! I’m glad you enjoyed reading the list 🙂
I love your list! You’ve inspired me to start one! The one where you want to document your year with photos for each month.. do you think you’ll do that on your blog as a summary for 2016?! Btw, how many followers do you have so far, if you don’t mind saying? 😀 It makes me all excited to see your goals! Please keep us updated as you achieve some of your goals! 🙂 I haven’t yet discovered a goal-setting tip that works for me, but as for achieving, you definitely need a lot of patience and persistence!
That’s awesome! If you make a list I would love to see it :). Yes, I would love to share a photo collage/video at the end of the year!! At this point I have 30 email subscribers so I have quite a way to go for 1,000. However, that’s only 2 a day which is very possible. If you find my blog helpful and could share it with others I would really appreciate it :). However, it’s a lot less about the numbers and more about the community and quality of my posts – if my blog grows and improves in other ways without growing a huge following, that is fine by me 🙂
Thanks for commenting, I love hearing from you!!
I’ll definitely be sharing your blog around!! 🙂
Thank you, Olivia! I’ve been blessed with some very special blog readers… I’m so thankful for each one of you! 🙂
Okay, I’m working on it! 😀 That would be awesome! Ah, okay. Well, I’d like to share your blog on my blog sometime. I have about 24 followers. Would you be interested in a guest post? 🙂 I know what you mean.
I would love it if you could share about my blog! I would definitely consider writing a guest post. Feel free to shoot me an email :). I may not begin guest posting this month yet… I need to adjust to blogging three times a month now, it’s a lot of writing!
Sure, okay then. I’ll email you next month! 😉
Sounds good!! 😉
Wow. Your list is amazing + inspiring!! 💙
If you get a chance to go to Gettysburg, let me know! We don’t live far from there. We could meet up!! 😀
Thanks, Tashia!!
Oh wow that would be awesome!! Be sure to let me know if you are ever in Lancaster county too… 🙂
Oh my goodness friend! 95% of this list could have totally been taken right out of my mind/journals/Powersheets for 2016! I can’t wait to see where the Lord takes you with all this.
Oh, for the treadmill one – I recently started listening to podcasts while I’m jogging or talking a walk. I love the ones by Jess Lively, Mavenly and Co and Glambition radio. Download them to your phone if you can and then they’re ready to go (and they’re usually just long enough for a work out!).
Also, LOVING your blog so much. God is using you to do great things, Rebekah!
Really?! That is so neat… We should keep each other accountable then 😉 Are those the PowerSheets by Lara Casey? I am about to finish reading her book!
Yes, doing stuff on the treadmill is my favorite way to multitask!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words! It means a lot…. and thank you for visiting and following my blog!
Thank you for re-posting! 😊
I am sure you can mark as checked several goals, for example… you wrote an e-book! 😊
I would like to see what books do you have in your library. I am sure you have lots of useful books and I want to add some more to my library too.
Yes! I should totally update that and make it more applicable to everyone – and you’re right, I am sure there are several things I could cross off!