Hey Friends,
I have always been a “skirts” only girl.
Soon after my parents got married, they made the choice to set high dress standards for themselves and for their children. As a baby, my mom always dressed me in little skirts and dresses. Growing up, I wore skirts, dresses, or culottes for every and all activities (pajamas, snow pants, and swim shorts were the only rare exceptions… and they didn’t last long either).
Basically, I was always in a skirt or dress.
Unfortunately, when I was younger, I could never share a good reason for WHY I wore skirts all the time. When friends would ask me why I was wearing a skirt, I usually gave them a lame reason like, “well, it’s what they teach at my church.”
I knew why my mom and I wore skirts, but the standard wasn’t quite my own and I had a hard time explaining it to others.
Now, as an adult, I know that I need to have a Bible-based reason for every standard or conviction I have.
So now, I have Bible-based reasons for why I don’t wear pants, and I know how to share and explain them with others – including you!
Before I jump right in and share these reasons with you, let me quick explain a few things:
*Just because I don’t wear pants, does NOT mean I have a problem with those who do. Most of my friends and extended family members wear pants, and I am totally okay with that. Remember, I have been wearing skirts since I was a little girl, so it’s not uncommon for me to be the only lady wearing a skirt in certain settings – and that doesn’t bother me any more at all. 🙂
One more thing… what you are about to read, is an excerpt from my E-Book, Radiant Modesty: Embracing God’s Design for the Clothing We Wear. You can purchase a copy of that book right here.
Now, let’s get on with this post, and I will explain my reasons for not wearing pants! 🙂
4 Reasons Why I Don’t Wear Pants
#1: I am Not Convinced That Pants are Totally “Modest”
Think about the pants that most women wear. Most of them are tight, much tighter than the pants that any man would wear. Pants would cover my legs if I chose to wear them but because they are tight, they would reveal certain aspects of my body. Pants would emphasize my crotch, the size and shape of my backside, and the size and shape of my thighs. My goal in wearing modest clothing is to draw attention to my face not the lower half of my body. The size and shape of my thighs and backside is not something that I want to reveal to the people around me.
I know some great young ladies who wear loose pants that do not reveal the size and shape of their thighs and backside but those types of pants are few and far between. Besides, most women choose not to wear loose fitting pants because they are not stylish.
#2: Consistently Wearing Skirts or Dresses is a Distinct Christian Testimony to the World
If a woman wears a modest skirt or dress out in public, people will notice! They will also come to the reasonable conclusion that you are different. They might even come to the assumption that you are a Christian. Consistently dressing in modest skirts and dresses is a living, walking testimony to the world.
An old friend of my mom’s once used this illustration: If you saw two women walking down the street, one in a skirt and one wearing pants, but only one was a Christian, which one would you assume was the Christian? Most likely you would guess the woman wearing a skirt!
There may be absolutely nothing wrong with wearing jeans but I prefer an obvious Christian testimony over a stylish, up-to date pair of jeans any day!
#3: Skirts and Dresses are Distinctly Feminine.
Our world is totally confused about genders. Parents are letting their children grow up and choose whether or not they want to be a boy or a girl. Women are cutting their hair short and dressing in masculine styles. What’s next? Walking out the door and seeing men walking around in skirts?
Seriously, this world is totally confused when it comes to a person’s sexuality. I believe that what you are at birth is what you really are (in terms of gender).
When a woman chooses to dress herself in distinct, feminine clothing, such as modest dresses and skirts, no one needs to question her sexual identity. She is unmistakably a female. I am proud of being a female created by God and I want others to know that. This is why I embrace feminine styles and feminine clothing.
Our world’s extreme confusion about sexuality is all the more reason why Christian womenshould take a stand and embrace distinct and unquestionably feminine clothing!
#4: Pants Were Originally Male-Only Articles of Clothing
In Deuteronomy, God makes it very clear how He feels about men and women confusing
gender identity and adopting the clothing styles of the opposite gender. He says…
“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a
woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” Deuteronomy 22:5
That’s a pretty strong verse. Many people argue that we cannot apply this verse anymore because it was written in the Old Testament, however, the theme of men and women dressing differently is seen in the New Testament principles of modesty as well.
Obviously, our culture now accepts pants for men and women. However, pants were originally just for men. In the past, pants for men and dresses for women was a very clear distinction between the two genders. Even bathroom signs in public places still show a stick figure man and a stick figure woman in a dress.
I believe that pants for women are one of Satan’s subtle tools to blend the two genders.
Our culture no longer looks at pants as male-only articles of clothing but I still want to make sure that I obey the biblical principles of modesty and look as feminine as possible.
This is why I avoid pants.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, my Friend. These are some of the main reasons why I do not wear pants.
There are other reasons I could have added but these are enough for now. I realize that this is a sensitive topic (modesty in general can be a touchy thing) but I am not expecting you to read this and then immediately switch to wearing skirts all the time. However, I do hope and pray that this has shed more light on the subject and maybe (just maybe) this will even encourage you to reach for a skirt or dress a little more often.
Want to Learn More?
→ If you want to learn more about feminine clothing, modesty, and dressing to please the Lord, be sure to download your copy of my new E-Book, Radiant Modesty: Embracing God’s Design for the Clothing We Wear.
Before You Go…
This month is “modesty month” on my blog. Here are my previous posts on modesty if you would like to catch up:
- My Favorite Books on Modesty
- The Radiant Modesty E-Book is Here!
- Three Reasons Why Modesty Matters Today
- How to Dress Modestly in the Summer
I love hearing from my readers! Please leave me a comment and answer this question…
What do you believe about skirts vs. pants?
Please share you thoughts in a kind, thoughtful, and polite manner. I simply want to hear your thoughts, I do not wish to debate the topic. 🙂

Well said! My family became dresses/skirts only when I was five, but even before this, I hated wearing pants;) I think God was trying to use my insecurity to show my parents what He wanted for our family. Like you, we stand out quite a bit in public, but the Bible says we’re supposed to 😉
Thank you for sharing this post! It is such an encouragement to me to hear from others who share convictions!
Thanks for sharing – and yes, it’s always nice to know when there are others who have made similar choices.
I wore dresses as a girl,as was fairly typical. In the 60s-70s. I came to hate them and was happy to wear pants. Maybe I’m just a tomboy at heart. God made me,ask Him. My feeling is that God is more concerned with my soul and my relationship with Him than he is with our clothing or hairstyle. Something about “be not concerned with what you will wear”. If someone is watching my backside,frontside or whatever,that’s their choice. It’s not my job to keep others from sinful thoughts.
We are actually told to not do things that cause others to sin, like the example of not eating food sacrifices to idols because someone of lesser faith may see and become wakened. Yes, it’s their CHOICE but it’s our job as Christian’s to promote holiness, not sin. God bless and be with you!!
He cares enough to know the number of hairs on our head…If meat would make my brother fall, then I wouldn’t eat meat in all the world
I agree with you!
Hi, I’ve been wearing skirts and dresses only for years! Last week my husband said he does not think there’s anything wrong with jeans so I word them for him, I felt terrible! I can’t explain it but I felt like… I’m just going to say” sell out”, a terrible compromiser. Physically I wasn’t comfortable either. Also men kept eyeing me up and down so I felt dirty too.
Its SO important, God is never going to tell you that you’re TOO modest.
In a gender bending world be a lady:)
Of my 67 years of being alive I have to agree that dressing modest is important for women. I’ve seen my share of women bearing so much cleavage I don’t even want to talk to them because it makes me feel uncomfortable. Also clothing that leaves little to the imagination is a tempter to the opposite sex. We can say all we want that it’s their problem if they look but the truth of the matter is they wouldn’t look if we dressed modest. Satan had to make that Apple appear really enticing to Eve in order to get her to take a bite of it. Yes it is very important to make sure that our relationship with God is close and vibrant. However, if you would feel uncomfortable with Jesus standing in front of you dressed the way you dress, that’s a Surefire sign you need to make an adjustment. I don’t think Jesus wants to sit there and look at cleavage hanging out, slits up to the panty line, see through or tight clingy garments. The Holy One said, be ye holy for I am Holy.
We are equally responsible and sounds like you’re avoiding accountability as a woman. Why tempt a man then blame him for looking? It is absurd.
Mary Ann:
Thank you for your reply. I completely respect everyone’s choice on their religious denominations man’s-made rules and traditions. I choose to use good apologetics and biblical study in helping me interpret the Word. I write about the subject of women wearing pants and other subjects in my book titled “Christian Error Debunked” available now at a discount on Amazon. It is an easy to understand read packed with scripture that will help in your understanding. I wear “modest” clothing including pants. Again, all the ladies on here who do not wear pants, I respect your choices and beliefs. Walk in love, joy and peace! 💖🙏🏻🙏🏻. Many Blessings!
I think it is definitely our job to keep others from sinful thoughts. What would the world look like if we wouldn’t be helping each other and to keep each other from sins? Trust me, I know where you are coming from, but over the years I have learned from experience that it is better to be a blessing for each other than to be a reason for someone to be sinful. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that how you dress should be an excuse for someone to be sinful, but it does happen even when someone doesn’t want to. Are you sure you want to be a part of that?
I saw that your message was from 2018, but maybe this will be of help for others who read this.
This is very wrong thinking women dress seductively and say men should not look at them. The Bible says If you cause another person to stumble you are just as much in the wrong as them.
wow amazing type
on main opinion
I see nothing wrong in wearing a jeans I just feel that Jesus Christ is more concerned on my soul and the love you have for your neighbors and for him, cause I feel comfortable wearing jeans. I still got Jesus and proudly got him and preach about him and he has being answering my prayers, either u like it or not if a man See’s you as a subject of sex and he sees and he feels attracted to you if like wear heavenly gown he can still pictures anything his mind tells him. main just be holy most people that are victim of sexual abused it at the results of wearing skirt and dress that can easily be pulled off well holiness doesn’t come from your dressing is from the heart it what a man think in his heart that possesses his physical.
I can’t believe that I am not the only one going through this. This story is just like what happened to me and what is still happening. I usually felt like I was the one making the mistake. This is an encouragement to me. Thank you.
Well, this is a good post. I would love to wear day by day dresses and skirts, but when it is cold, is raining, is snowing, I can’t wear skirts or dresses for protect my health.
I wear pants because sometimes they are more confortable( ex. can you exercise in skirt? or riding a horse? working in a factory? climbing a mountain?) and they protect me from low temperatures. I use to go by bike or to walk where I need to go, and is very hard for me to wear something else then pants.
usually, when I wear pants, I take a cardigan or a coat or a longer blouse that covers my back, or I wear a mini dress for the same purpose.
Anyway, when we wear skirts or dresses, we have to pay atention how long is it and if it is molded, what colour is it, and for dresses we have to pay attention to the breast area.
If you see in Scripture, each culture had the own clothes… Jesus Christ and the jews didn’t wear pants, they had worn robes. Pants were worn only by priests of the Temple.
On the other hand, men have started to wear short pants that reveals their hairy legs, they wear pink and other feminine coloured clothes.
It is very difficult to wear only skirts and dresses, but I wish to wear only feminine clothes. Thanks for motivate me! I can’t wait for your next post!
Hi Adda,
Yes, cold weather and certain activities certainly bring along some challenges! For cold weather, I always wear a warm skirt with warm leggings underneath. Boots also help! 🙂 I have gone horseback riding, biking, hiking and running with a skirt. There are options available for those activities. Many stores and brands carry athletic skirts and you can actually find some modest ones. Personally I usually wear culottes or a skirt with leggings underneath.
Yes, certain dresses are tricky. But thankfully there are still modest dresses out there – they are just very hard to find!
The goal is definitely to remain modest and feminine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙂
Thank you for sharing this post in a careful, kind, non-condemning way, Rebekah. Unfortunately, I have read posts on this topic that are extremely pushy, black/white (basically screaming and sometimes almost saying flat out, ‘you’re a wicked sinner if you wear pants’), and unkind. It’s very upsetting and not convicting at all!
I personally think it is OK to wear pants/jeans (no skinny jeans though), but most days I wear skirts just because I like them and I’m a girly-girl!
I have had several experiences where a skirt has not been the most modest option however and this is why I hesitate with the skirts-only idea. When I was younger, someone repeatedly flipped up my skirt. In those situations, it would’ve been more helpful to wear pants so that wouldn’t be possible. Also, when working with little children, some of them try to hide under your skirt. So there are instances where I think pants can be more practical and modest.
Also, I like wearing tunics/short dresses with my jeans so they cover my rear and thighs. It’s a cute way to just add more coverage!
And a little side note — back when Deuteronomy was written, I believe everyone wore robes. 😉
Yes, I did NOT want to come across as pushy or condemning. I’m not trying to convert my readers into full-time skirt-wearers 😉 I just wanted to share my personal reasons for it, that’s all.
Haha yes, you are right! They did wear robes back in Deuteronomy. Although it’s interesting… the men actually wore breeches as well. The Bible talks about them in some of the Old Testament books. They were worn under the robes, and sometimes without the robes for certain activities. The women never wore these breeches as far as I know though. Just something interesting I learned while studying for my E-Book!
Thank you so much for the sweet, Christ-like way you wrote this post!! I was actually hoping you would write about this at some point…so happy you did! 🙂 I had similar answers when I was younger when someone asked me WHY I didn’t wear pants…as I grew older it was so wonderful to glean from God’s Word the truth of femininity. Your standard in this area is a blessing to me! <3
Well that is certainly of the Lord, because I was a little nervous about how to word everything. I always hesitate to write about certain topics simply because of their controversial nature – I don’t want my blog to become a place to debate certain standards, that’s not my goal or intent. However I did want to share my reasons for this standard. I am grateful that you are happy about this post ♥ Yes, it’s wonderful to learn about femininity from the Word of God! It’s one of my favorite topics!
Wow Rebekah! Thank you for such a gracefully written post! Sadly, this is the first “skirts only” post I’ve read (that I can remember) that hasn’t come across as hateful and snobbish. I’m thinking that if we all had this spirit of challenging and ENCOURAGING others when it comes to this area of modesty, we wouldn’t have so many people totally turned off to the idea of modesty and dressing like a lady. It’s sad, but I’ve actually had multiple people tell me that one of the biggest reasons they don’t want to be skirts only, is becaude of the awful attitude that so many skirts only women have. (I know that’s a warped way of thinking, but it’s the reality for them.) Thanks again!
Hey Cynthia, yes, unfortunately that kind of attitude shows up far too often. But whenever it comes to things like this, we must explain our beliefs with love + truth. We need both… but there is a tendency to lean too much to either side!! I’m thankful that everyone has been responding well to this post. Thanks for leaving a comment and sharing your thoughts!
Rebekah, what a wonderful post! Thank you so much for writing on this controversial topic! I agree with you completely. I’ve always been a skirts-only girl, though I do wear loose overalls and capris for farm work. Other than that, in my entire life I’ve never even TRIED ON a pair of jeans! I think it’s so sad how our culture has blended the genders. Thank you so much for sharing this in such a sweet, non-condemning way! Blessings!
Hi Aria! Thanks so much for reading and being an encouragement! Yes, it is sad to see the lack of femininity and masculinity in our culture. That’s why it is so important for us as Christians to be different!
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!
A lovely, well worded post! Thank you for your courage to speak on a controversial subject and for doing it so thoughtfully.
Thank you for the encouragement! ❤
This is a good post! You are brave for sharing! 😊 And I appreciate that you did! I only wear skirts + dresses for very similar reasons! ❤
Thanks for the encouragement, Tashia! ❤
Thank you so much for sharing this! I completely agree with everything you said and reading what you wrote helped clarify this same belief of mine and my family’s. Originally, my mom, sister, and I did not wear skirts–it wasn’t until after my parents had renewed their relationships with God that my parents’ mindset was changed by the Holy Spirit! It is truly a blessing to know that others feel the same way about this topic and share it with others! Not only that, but the whole “being different” concept and glorifying God in this way is awesome!
Hi Callie, thanks for sharing – it is nice to know there are others out there who have made the same choice in terms of dress! Yes, it is a privilege to be different so that we can better represent Christ!
Lovely article! It was a breath of fresh air!
I also wear skirts and dresses all the time and am an avid equestrian.
I have found that skirts don’t work for everything but for me, the things that I can’t modestly do in skirts tend to be things that I as a woman don’t really need to be doing.By God’s grace, I am learning to not merely accept my femininity but to embrace it as uniquely designed by God!
Thank you for your words of encouragement!
Hi Heather, yes, there are certainly some things that are more difficult in a skirt… and you’re right, some of those things we don’t always need to do! Learning to embrace God-given womanhood and femininity is a wondeful thing!
Very good post Rebekah. I’ve come to the same point you did. Why do I we’re skirts.
I actually we’re skirts and pants. Skirts aren’t very practical or always modest when it comes to farm work. Lol
I wore skirts in my home town with ease since many of my friends wore them , but since my family relocated I haven’t met many women who where skirts. And I’ve been really struggling, especially when people stare. This is encouraging for me. Thank you ❤️
Oh brother… Auto correct butchered my comment… Wear not we’re and where. 😂😬
I’m glad this post was an encouragement to you! I can relate to being in a new town where not many women wear skirts! I grew up in Lancaster County (Amish country!) so skirt-wearing women were common. Now, where I live, it’s not as prevalent!
Hi! Thanks so much, Rebekah! I just wanted to add to the conversation by pointing out that for horseback riding there are riding skirts that really look like and have the “fall” of long beautiful modest skirts yet are sewn together between the legs so that they’re separable, making it convenient for horseback riding. My friends just bought some from Etsy and reported that they work great, feel great, and that they love them. (KristysCustomSewing in Oregon – Etsy – they got the denim ones). Perhaps there’s a pattern for these too somewhere if someone was inclined to sew… God bless! 🙂
Hi Stacey, thanks so much for sharing! I don’t get the chance to go horseback riding too often… but hopefully this will help some of my horseback riding friends! Thank you!
Hi Rebekah!
I’ve been really curious about your reasons for wearing skirts/dresses only. Thank you for sharing! You had some good reasons, and Thank you for not writing it in a condemning or legalistic way.
Although I do wear pants (frequently), I hate wearing super tight pants. I find myself going a size larger than I am just so they don’t feel as constricting. 😉 But I love skirts/dresses in the summer because they are sooo much cooler than jeans!
Again, thanks so much for not writing this in a condemning way. Modesty is such a sensitive topic in Christian circles, and it is so wonderful to read posts on the topic that are not legalistic or condemning.
Hi Bethany,
Thanks for sharing! Yes, modesty certainly is a touchy topic, which is why I wanted to be careful how I handled this topic both here on my blog and in my E-Book as well!
Hi! I love your post, you’re a talented and thoughtful writer! I’m nearly 17, and my family is Christian (my dad’s a Pastor) and I’ve recently been thinking a lot about a skirts only lifestyle. But I’m afraid of what my family will think. (Church family/friends and family-family) I know we are not meant to let that stop us, but I know my family will laugh at me and think I’m weird or going through a phase. Even my pastor would think it strange. 6/10 women at my church wear pants on Sunday and I don’t remember the last time I caught any of them wearing skirts outside of church. I don’t think anyone would stop me, but they would laugh at me and think I’m being impractical. Advice on how to face this hurdle? Thank you!
Hey Anne,
Before making the switch I would suggest that you really study this out in the Bible, and spend a lot of time praying about it. You want to make sure you make the switch because you believe it’s what God would want you to do. If you come to the conclusion that God wants women (including you!) to wear skirts in order to be modest and feminine, then by all means make the switch and stick to it! As for family and friends… If you do make the switch, choose a biblical -yet short and loving answer for why you have chosen to wear skirts instead of pants. This could be something like “I decided to wear skirts all the time because I believe the Lord wants me to be as modest and feminine as possible.” Or “I believe skirts are more fitting for me as a Christian”. Of course you must share something like this very carefully and lovingly. You don’t need to announce your decision to everyone, but there will be questions from some people when you make the switch. Some people simply will NOT understand (that is to be expected). However, if you are absolutely convinced that wearing skirts is what God wants you to do, then God will give you grace when people just don’t understand. I hope this helps – please let me know if I need to clarify or explain anything further!
Somehow I missed this post when it was first posted, but I’m glad I found it! I’ve actually been coming across a lot of similar posts lately, and I have come to the conclusion that I am going to wear skirts/dresses all the time (when possible). I realize that I can do most things while wearing a skirt, but I’ve come upon one thing that my mom says I have to wear pants for- going spelunking. I’m not looking forward to it, and I’d rather try it while wearing a skirt, but we’re going to be crawling in a cave, so… :/ I’ll be wearing long, loose exercise pants for that.
Thank you for this post! I’m always encouraged when I read posts about controversial things. Thank you for taking a stand for what you believe. 🙂
Hey Leona,
I’m glad to hear about your decision! I have friends that have gone spelunking in skirts, but if your mom says you need to wear pants for that, then you definitively should honor her wishes!
I am curious where you have read other similar posts? I can never find good blogs even though I search for like-minded bloggers, they are not always easy to find!
It is quite eye opening the things people say and do so they can do, wear or speak what they want. If we actually are true believers than we walk as Jesus did, obey the instructions that are set out in the bible, regardless of how the world tries to justify behavior so that we are not resonsible for anything that does not feel good. Read your bible and pray and you would not question things.
Here’s the only thing about the “pants were originally a mans garment”. High heels were originally a mans shoe worn in special occasions such as court. Also, T-shirt’s were originally a mans garment.
Also the two women walking down the street and you choose the woman wearing a skirt as the one you would think is a Christian.
This encourages that the outward appearance is what determines if someone is a Christian or not. You can not and will not know if a person is a Christian until you see the way they act, speak and the joy they express. Men have no distinct garment to tell them apart from Christian or lost. Neither does women. Sure, you can take a wild guess if they are dressed like loose women or men. However, an average everyday outfit is not going to show who the Christian is. This is the problem with Christianity today. It’s all about who looks like a hristian. If they are truly a Christian they will ACT like a Christian, walk like a Christian, y’all like a Christian and dress like a hristian. Here is absolutely no detailed outfits in the Bible on what we should wear exactly. But more of guidelines…. BE MODEST! Main key!
Also in during the Bible times they ALL wore robes but the men wore a certain color and the women wore a certain color. S if pants are feminine and modest they r fine for a woman to wear . Deb deut 22:5
Now as for your first reason… I agree. Modest pants are hard to come by. I mainly wear pants with a long top to cover my backside and front… but I do it in a non grumpy way and modestly stylish 🙂
Hi Paige. This is Adam, Rebekah’s husband. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject. There are many things you bring out here but I will only mention a few. You are right in that modesty is the main goal but this is Rebekah’s whole purpose for sharing on the subject… To encourage ladies to stop wearing immodest pants and instead wear modest skirts or dresess.
Immodesty occurs when an outfit is short, low, tight, or flashy. Since 99% of pants on ladies are too tight (I know because I am a man) 99% of pants are immodest.
You are also right when you infer that Christian’s should focus on the inward heart. But what is on the inside comes to the outside. Everywhere you go ladies wear short skirts, low tops, and tight pants. Why is this immodesty so rampant…. Because ladies are ignorant of God’s principles of modesty and because their heart is not right with God. Rebekah explains the heart issue of modesty as well as practical explanations of modest principles in her e-book. I would encourage you to it. It will explain the issue in further detail.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.
Most days I am feeling more and more shocked an offended by the explicit wear. I went to a church recently and the pastors wife wore skin tight jeans with rips right across from her groin area of underwear line. The rips were all over her legs and I emailed and got whip lash for stating my truths. They would not respond with reason or make any reference towards my arguments from a biblical perspective. They just chose to insult me by telling me I was more concerned about fashion than what his wife was speaking about.
Hey, I’m a Christian young woman and I wear skirts and dresses on special/rare occasions. I am a runner and often run in leggings or shorts. Wear dress pants to church. Wear shorts in the summer when I hang out with my friends and swim in a one piece with shorts on top. I mentioned all this just to say that yes people can guess you’re a Christian by looking out your clothes, but most people assume I’m a Christian by hearing me speak and one time it was someone that saw me smile lol. But I love God so much for rescuing me from the gutter, I love the way I dress and who knows maybe one day (or as I get older) I’ll reach for skirts more often but for now I’m shame-free expressing myself through my Levi jeans. PS. This post was very nicely written.
Rebekah, thank you for this post! I have to say I can’t agree about everything said in it but you have surely inspired me to present myself in a more feminine and modest way! As a more liberal woman, some of your views conflict with mine, but I really enjoy your writing regardless and always notice that you speak from a place of love. I love learning about your perspectives even if they are somewhat different from mine!
Hi Victoria, thank you for sharing! You are right… We won’t always agree with everyone, but we can still learn from anyone! Thank you for reading ❤️
I have 4 kids under 4 and always wear leggings or pants with something longer on top to cover my back and I feel comfortable. It would be really hard for me to wear skirts or dresses all the time… I do wear dresses in the summer thou but still leggings with something longer on top is always the most comfortable with all that I have to do around the house. I seen some women wear skirts and when they go to the park with kids they would sit and you could see between the legs it’s embarrassing… I just feel that as long as I cover my back and my breasts it’s ok. I don’t feel convinced.
And it says we should be a light in this world that’s why I try to be different then the world and not copy all the stylish stuff the world comes up with.
I really agree on many of the point above, but regarding number 4. Men do wear kilts, is this not a type of skirt? Does hurt they’re masculinity or our femininity.
And do you wear high heels, they were first utilized by men..
Great points, Martha!
Actually, I have studied the history of both kilts and high heels, so perhaps I can answer your questions.
Yes, men wear kilts. No, kilts are not exactly skirts. The definition of skirt is, “a woman’s outer garment fastened around the waist and hanging down around the legs.” The kilt is a garment originally made for and worn by Scottish men. They were NOT made to be “a women’s outer garment.” (The arisaid is the women’s traditional Scottish equivalent of the kilt.)
Yes, I wear heels sometimes. Yes, they were first utilized by men . . . as a safety precaution while riding horses. NOT as a sign of masculinity. For many years, men and women both wore platform shoes to raise themselves out of the street filth. In the early 1700’s, high heels were a sign of nobility and wealth. After the French Revolution, high heels began to be seen as feminine.
So high heels were never seen as being masculine (even though they were originally utilized by men), but for centuries they have been considered feminine. Very originally, heels were made to keep the foot in the stirrup while riding horseback. Today, some heels still serve that same purpose. (For example, cowboy boots and riding boots.)
I hope this helps to answer your questions.
Hy rebekah. I am nana from indonesia.
In my community of prayer also tought it.
I am so happy read this article.
Lot of people don’t realize this. Thank you. You have remembered us about that.
God bless you.
Thank you for sharing your reasons, Rebekah!
When I was seven, I chose to stop wearing pants. It was a strong personal conviction of mine which I have held since then.
I also have friends and extended family members who wear pants, so I have gotten a lot of questions about why I don’t wear pants. I remember answering a cousin once by telling her that Jesus’ mother never wore pants. (It was the best answer I could think of at the time.) Usually, I just tell people that I believe that pants are not as modest as skirts.
Now, you have equipped me with some GREAT answers. Next time someone asks, I won’t act awkwardly. I will confidently share my reasons (and the Bible verse) as a testimony of Faith.
Thanks so much!
My father always tried to force me into dresses and skirts, but I realized pretty quickly how limiting they are. I have ADHD and always need to be on the move as I’m sensitive to medication. Tennis, football, swimming,hiking and martial arts are all things I participate in today because that’s what I’m used to, so I relate to your plight as well. But I can only cringe looking back to the days where I cried in my room over the frustration of not being able to play the way my body needed me too. Locked in a place surrounded by toys I never cared for when my bike was just a walk away and outside was perfect.
Think is such a wonderful post . Thank you so much . I only wear dresses and skip too. My mom taught me and my sister to only wear dresses and skirts when we were little. Your modesty and feminity postp(not sure if I spelled it correct 😊)are such an encouragement to me. I am dissapointed your not writing it anymore. Thank you so much I really appreciate your post. It is such a blessing to read godly post. God bless . Keep up the good work. 😊 .
My parents taught me to wear dresses and skirts when I was a little girl. I have grown up to like them now that I’m older. Thanks for sharing this post Rebekah. It is such an encouragement to me .
I’m so glad it was an encouragement to you! ♥
This is a very well written piece, and one I agree with wholeheartedly. I’m skirts only, and often have people look down on my decision to be. I usually ask them to keep in mind that I don’t judge them for their decision, so please don’t judge what God convicted me about. It’s nice to know there are other ladies in the world who can approacj this topic from a kind, non judgmental manner without compromising their standards. Thank you for the encouragement!
This is a very well written piece, and one I agree with wholeheartedly. I’m skirts only, and often have people look down on my decision to be. I usually ask them to keep in mind that I don’t judge them for their decision, so please don’t judge what God convicted me about. It’s nice to know there are other ladies in the world who can approacj this topic from a kind, non judgmental manner without compromising their standards. Thank you for the encouragement!
Hi Melissa, I’m glad you enjoyed this post – I hope it was an encouragement to you! ❤️ Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!
I love this! This could have been me writing this bc of so many similarities. Except I grew up wearing pants until I was almost 16, when I felt like I had a personal conviction to start wearing dresses and skirts. Yes, what a great time in my life to have to answer so many “why do you only wear dresses” questions And feel like you are a misfit in a public school since you decided to obey something from God you felt so strongly about. I’m almost 35 now, so I got over that lol… I am now a Pastor’s wife. Isn’t God good?! Thanks for sharing. This has helped me!
I am glad you enjoyed this post, Cindy! ♥ That’s amazing to hear how God laid this particular conviction on your heart! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for this post. I only wear dresses and skirts too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you don’t wear pants. I appreciate it so much . 😊♥️
I think wearing dresses and skirts is silly. I don’t want to wear dresses and skirts I only want to wear pants and I don’t want to get married or have any children. I think the reasons why you don’t wear pants are just ridiculous . If the Bible says I’m only supposed to wear dresses and skirts I don’t to wear them. I think wearing dresses and skirts is foolish.
🌮I agree with Alice. I don’t wear dresses & skirts either. I don’t want to have children. It’s not that I don’t love children. The reason I don’t want to have children is because I’ll have to lose my virginity to get pregnant & I don’t want to lose my virginity.
Thank you for making this post. I grew up with my Mom dressing me in pants and shorts, but was greatly influenced by my grandmother on my father’s side. She was Mennonite and so was often dressed modestly in simple dresses that covered. My husband grew up in a household much like my own but his grandfather on his mother’s side was Holiness (or at least that’s what we call it where we come from) and so he was often around women who dressed in modest skirts or dresses. When my husband and I were dating I still wore pants and shorts, but after we were married I felt the desire to surrender my life fully to God and so I made the decision to change my dress from shorts and pants to dresses and skirt among many other things I changed for Christ. It’s been a bit uncomfortable because my family doesn’t understand why I changed how I dress and recently I’ve just had a baby girl and have been uncertain of how to deal with people buying her outfits with pants and short. I don’t want to offend them or sound ungrateful but I feel disrespected when they fail to ask me what outfits I feel comfortable with for her or ignore the fact that my beliefs are not the same as theirs. I wish to be kind and polite when stating my convictions and this post has really helped me know how to speak to others about my beliefs. In fact, it would be even be easy to allow some to read this article since you’ve already stated most of my thoughts on the matter so eloquently. Thank you so much for sharing!
Although I wear skirts and dresses all the time and believe in most of your argument I do have two points.
One on the old testament and new trousers where not around except in parts of Europe. There was a distinction difference between mens and women’s clothing but trousers where not one of them.
Two, I live in the South Pacific and it is often the cultural norm for men to wear “skirts, often called Lava Lava” and these men as strongly Christian.
I think it is good to dress modestly and cover yourself appropriately, but trousers are not the only point
I just came across this article…and wanted to share some things…in love. I commend you for wanting to dress modestly …we Christian women should ALL have this same HEART to do so. I also commend you for standing strong in your “personal” convictions, absolutely we should all have the courage to do so. I would also say that you have every right to abide by YOUR “personal” convictions. I would also suggest that you read the Book of Galatians and others in the New Testament as it is full of the revelation that we have come into a new covenant. Jesus came to bring us this new “WAY” of living, and Jesus constantly battled against the Pharisees who had perfected religion and the LAW. When we study the Bible, I challenge us all to PLEASE stop taking one verse out of context and read the Bible cover to cover for its entire revelation, and read it in context of who was talking to who for what purpose, at what time, in what culture, and sometimes it helps to read it in the original language it was written. On that note…l just want to share what this verse in Deuteronomy 22:5 says. We read….Deuteronomy 22:5-The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth (means “armour”) unto a man (means “warrior”-Hebrew)….If we read this in the original language, it SAYS-“The woman shall not wear armor that is unto a warrior.” In the pagan culture, one form of worship to their false warrior goddess was to put on the armour of a warrior, and stand before her in worship of her(this false goddess)….THIS was the abomination in which this verse speaks of. I believe when you study the Bible you cannot take ONE verse out of context and you have to read the Bible as a whole, and understand that we lose some meanings of the words from Hebrew to English. For example if we simply look at the word “man” here in Deuteronomy 22:5 it means “warrior”, where in Deuteronomy 22:13 the same word “man” means “male”person. When you quote something from the Book of the LAW (Deuteronomy) you have to also consider in that Judaic culture they were still under the old covenant, and they had 613 laws in which to abide by. If we move to the New covenant which Jesus came to bring, we read in James 2:10-For whosoever shall keep the whole LAW, and yet offend (not obey it) in one point, he is GUILTY of all. So if your are going to take ONE LAW out of the Old Testament then you also are required to keep ALL the laws, and we know that there is not one man that is perfect or able to do this, ONLY JESUS, that is why God had to send Jesus….to redeem us. If we were going to be made holy ONLY by the laws we keep, there would be no need for Jesus to have come, (Mark 7:13-13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.) we are NO LONGER under the works of the law, but under the NEW covenant, through faith in Jesus Christ. (Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth NOT in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. 11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. 12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. 13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.). The LAW was our “schoolmaster” UNTIL the seed of the promise (Jesus) came. We are justified (made rigteous) by our faith in Christ. Galatians 3:23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. ). God does not look at the outside but at our HEART (1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the HEART.). My prayer for all is that you will no longer be under the bondage of the law, and that you will not be FALLEN FROM GRACE…(Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. 2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. 3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. 4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.). May the Holy Ghost give you a revelation of the Word of God….keep pressing in…we are ALL HIS daughters.🙏🏻🙏🏻💗
I am a Christian woman, but I tend to wear pants more often than dresses and skirts. But never do I feel like I compromised my femininity or status as a Christian in doing so. I’m not criticizing you in any way, I’m just saying my viewpoint on the subject.
I never thought about this like the way you explained I always wear pants matter fact I don’t like wearing skirts or dresses maybe dresses in the summer but other than that I wear jeans I feel comfortable I didn’t look into a biblical approach to this cause I didn’t think God would care as long as it wasn’t tight and show my “body” but at the same time my body type no matter what I wear my “body “ always got to show non-Purposely
The point is wether i am willing to obey God or My traditional convieniences ,my ordinances, my feeling,my own conviction of the cultures that I am living in. But just to trust His word and live By His life. Our explanations of many correct things are not true it is biased Just Obey Gods word and live. If our Heart is good then what comes out of our heart will be expressed in the outerpart of Body. Thankyou sister for sharing this very helpful
almost lost sight of the truth hidden in the perspective
I love how seriously you take your faith. God bless you. I personally wear pants (I’m the opposite of you growing up, I was never allowed to wear skirts or dresses really) so they are very uncomfortable for me, but I’m sure if I found some lovely, handmade( or made myself) and older styled pieces I would love them. The thing I make sure to do, as I do wear pants is to always wear very long undergarments and baggy sweatshirts. I do not keep up with fashion, only dress for comfort and security! I would love to expand to some dresses one day, and I have began having an interest in covering my head, and I’m really loving that so far! In a world that is all about showing it all off, I’m beyond thankful to see the rise of modesty again. I cant even take our son to the store without him seeing some young ladies something, and it breaks my heart.
I love the article I have had some really hurtful experiences at church, where I have been asked To step of the altar and not sing. But anyways! Thats not important I still worship God 😊 But I have had many daily struggles on what to wear. i work with kiddos that have intelectual disability’s and every time I wear a skirt they literally lift my skirt up and look underneath. It’s very frustrating. I redirect them, don’t make a big deal and explain to them that it’s inappropriate. But see no one wears skirts at my job and every time I wear them I feel very over dressed but yet I want to be recognized as a Christian everywhere. I feel very uncomfortable 😣 at work because I’m a teacher and where I live the temperature is always cold (like Canada cold) we live 4 hours away. So snow pants and recess duty is just a lot of work. Anyway I loved the article it’s super good!
Thanks so much for this post! I’ve tried to switch to skirts/dresses since I was little, but it never lasted long, wasn’t really thinking about what it meant. Then I met some new friends who’ve encouraged me in wearing skirts for most of the time. I’ve always been a jeans and tshirt type gal, but I’ve been convicted to switch. In this day and age, being ‘separate and unconformed’ is even MORE important.
‘Our clothes should be tight enough to show we’re a woman, but loose enough to show we are a lady.’ I’ll push this further as to ‘we are princesses of the King!!’
When people ask me, ‘Why are you wearing a skirt/dress?’ I say, ‘Why not?’
Thanks again, this was incredibly encouraging!
I have also been raised that christian wimen and men should dress modest and i agree with you that it does in alot of cases let ppl know that we stand for christ not saying that christian women who wear pants dint bc i have seen some dresses in christian women that are wuestionable but i enjoyed reading and its good to know that Hod speaks the same language to every one and we are not slone with the standards that we have
Thank you for this article! Absolutely love it! I have wore dresses or skirts since as long as I can remember. I was in Walmart shopping one day and the cashier was a young man man that was scanning my grocery items and he commented on the way I was dressed. He asked me why I dress like that and I simply stated the reason I dress like this is so that I didn’t give him a reason to think impure thoughts about me and he said that he was extremely grateful that I dressed that way and he wished that more young woman would dress that way.
I have a question – why is ok for a woman to wear pants or leggings under a skirt? Some of the more fundamental women in our church wear a knee length skirt yet wear skinny pants or leggings underneath for warmth. Yet, they are still wearing pants even though their crotch and backside are covered by the skirt. This seems to me to go against Deut 22:5, because they are still wearing pants. Many of us wear pants on occasion, but mostly dresses for Sunday morning service. I’m just curious as to the thinking on this.
Hoping that we can all learn to rightly divide the Word of God using good “hermeneutics”…this isn’t really taught a lot in certain denominations. In regards to properly exegete Deuteronomy 22:5 … here is a little info. I pray it helps bring clarity. God bless!👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
I just came across this article…and wanted to share some things…in love. I commend you for wanting to dress modestly …we Christian women should ALL have this same HEART to do so. I also commend you for standing strong in your “personal” convictions, absolutely we should all have the courage to do so. I would also say that you have every right to abide by YOUR “personal” convictions. I would also suggest that you read the Book of Galatians and others in the New Testament as it is full of the revelation that we have come into a new covenant, and we need the full counsel of Gods word. Jesus came to bring us this new “WAY” of living, and Jesus constantly battled against the Pharisees who had perfected religion and the LAW. When we study the Bible, I challenge us all to PLEASE stop taking one verse out of context and read the Bible cover to cover for its entire revelation, and read it in context of who was talking to who for what purpose, at what time, in what culture, and sometimes it helps to read it in the original language it was written. On that note…l just want to share what this verse in Deuteronomy 22:5 says. We read….Deuteronomy 22:5-The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth (means “armour”) unto a man (means “warrior”-Hebrew)….If we read this in the original language, it SAYS-“The woman shall not wear armor that is unto a warrior.” In the pagan culture, one form of worship to their false warrior goddess was to put on the armour of a warrior, and stand before her in worship of her(this false goddess)….THIS was the abomination in which this verse speaks of. I believe when you study the Bible you cannot take ONE verse out of context and you have to read the Bible as a whole, and understand that we lose some meanings of the words from Hebrew to English. For example if we simply look at the word “man” here in Deuteronomy 22:5 it means “warrior”, where in Deuteronomy 22:13 the same word “man” means “male”person. When you quote something from the Book of the LAW (Deuteronomy) you have to also consider in that Judaic culture they were still under the old covenant, and they had 613 laws in which to abide by. If we move to the New covenant which Jesus came to bring, we read in James 2:10-For whosoever shall keep the whole LAW, and yet offend (not obey it) in one point, he is GUILTY of all. So if your are going to take ONE LAW out of the Old Testament then you also are required to keep ALL the laws, and we know that there is not one man that is perfect or able to do this, ONLY JESUS, that is why God had to send Jesus….to redeem us. If we were going to be made holy ONLY by the laws we keep, there would be no need for Jesus to have come, (Mark 7:13-13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.) we are NO LONGER under the works of the law, but under the NEW covenant, through faith in Jesus Christ. (Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth NOT in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. 11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. 12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. 13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.). The LAW was our “schoolmaster” UNTIL the seed of the promise (Jesus) came. We are justified (made rigteous) by our faith in Christ. Galatians 3:23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. ). God does not look at the outside but at our HEART (1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the HEART.). My prayer for all is that you will no longer be under the bondage of the law, and that you will not be FALLEN FROM GRACE…(Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. 2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. 3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. 4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.). May the Holy Ghost give you a revelation of the Word of God….keep pressing in…we are ALL HIS daughters.🙏🏻🙏🏻💗
I’m a young, christian mother from Sweden who googled the phrase “Why I stopped wearing pants + christian” and that’s how I ended up here. For me it was very interesting to read your conclusions, because they are so similar to my own. As a citizen of one of the most feminist and gender neutral countries in the world, I have very few role models in this area of life so I’m happy I found your blog and I will definitely buy the e-book. Thank you! /Sarah
One of the things I pray for is for God to reveal to me anything that I do that is not pleasing to Him.I came across Deuteronomy 22:5 and saw how it’s an abomination to God for woman to wear male garments.Since God is the same yesterday,today and forever I’m sure His view on any abomination remains the same.We all will be held accountable on how we live our lives.I personally don’t want to purposely do a thing that I know the Lord hates that will In turn harden my heart for the things of Him.I desire to be led by Him and want to show Him my appreciation and willingness to obey His word.I just made the conversion to full time skirts even athletic skirts for the gym.It’s scary to stand out but I care more about what God thinks vs what others think or what I can reason in my head.I’m going to do what I know to do and let God handle the rest’Thank you for sharing.
From the point of view of an Anthropologist, Men only started to wear pants when they began to ride horses. Many male native animal herders in the Himalayas wear a cloth wrap that looks like a skirt. Most wear no shoes. Women wear skirts for convenience.
From a Jewish scholar I learned that Deut. 22:5 is a mistranslation.
I was recently saved and have been feeling oddly convicted about wearing pants… for so long I wasn’t able to find anyone who shared such convictions! I’m so grateful for this post—it surely encouraged me to ignore the judges of society and dress the way God wants!
Thank you! I have come to the same conclusions on my own (even without church or parental guidance).
so i would like to make certain of this, from the posting of this
blog, thou, as a woman hath never put on pants?
“What’s next? Walking out the door and seeing men walking around in skirts?”
men have worn skirts for centeries in history, there are men
who wear skirts to this day, and yet they are not sodomites
what is the problem.
but i would have thee to be ignorant of this thing, that it IS a sin
for a man to act effeminante, whether by behaviour, or by
making the effort to look like a woman (with wigs, makeup, blouses,
and God forbid body alterations)
but a man wearing a skirt is not in of itself is not a sin.
what is a skirt? a garment that is one tubed and hangeth from the hips
who’s edge is a circle. how is that woman only? now a dress or a bra
that is fashioned after the bodily shape of a woman, THAT is a garment
pertaining to a woman that men ought not to put on.
beside all this, let us take a moment to talk about the science
of a man wearing a skirt (long and modest, not short and shameful, nakedness revealing)
a man’s privy parts. is it right to constrict it? leave it so little room to
breath? vary little airflow? beside all of this, i found multitude of other
scientifically practical reason for a man to wear a long flowy skirt and NOT
a short skirt (because many of the things i have in mind could not be done in a short skirt, example of one, after heating up exeeding hot in the microwave, layer the
skirt for protection on the hands against the heat. practical things that are by NO MEANS sinful)
and the reason i say scientifically, and science is because
unlike the statemanet “Skirts and Dresses are Distinctly Feminine.”
which some are, but the way it is worded giveth the imression that
it is applied to all, which is not only true, but opinion based.
where as something while in bed, the feet are cold, (men get cold feet)
and to tired or what other reason to not get a blanket, tuck in
the legs under the skirt for inselating body heat to the feet for to
warm it up. which i have done. practical, scientific unbiased reasons.
not opinion and emotion.
one final thing, to any who wear skirts (and or dresses) and are of this
conviction to only wear skirts (and or dresses). at least do it right.
how? it is not enough to just wear dresses and or skirts, but to wear
them modestly. how? below the knees, ankle length.
else how is thy wearing of skirts and dresses any better
then an infidel which doeth the same?
i forgot to mention but i hope it is perceived by my previeous comment,
i am a man, washed in the blood of the Lamb, who the same, weaeth skirts (long, loose, and non restrictive)
if any have objection to what i believe i am doing is right or not sinful.
give scientific, infalible proofs, not opinions and biases. thanks
ps. i am not commenting to start debate but to
question traditions and really ponder on what truly is
Rebekah, I was and now still working in the military. I work in a warehouse and I do believe in the health message as it relates to the Bible and my Seventh-day Adventist teachings; but I do not know anyone who is in my faith and in the military. I also live in a very Cold climate up North; my question is what would you suggest for dress reform in my job and look professional as well as safe in the warehouse. I have nice dresses for church but I do not find the material suitable for my job. I also have to climb up equipment and ladders. On a side note what is your thought on make-up?
I grew up in the 1950, we had to wear skirts and dresses to school if it was really cold we could wear pants under our skirt. The other girls including my sister left their pants on all day. I took my pants off after I arrived at school. And put them on to go home. I liked wearing skirts and dresses, still do. However, I have some really good Christian friends who wear pants. It takes more than wearing a dress to make a good Christian
I grew up in the 1950, we had to wear skirts and dresses to school if it was really cold we could wear pants under our skirt. The other girls including my sister left their pants on all day. I took my pants off after I arrived at school. And put them on to go home. I liked wearing skirts and dresses, still do. However, I have some really good Christian friends who wear pants. It takes more than wearing a dress to make a good Christian
I wear skirts & dresses mostly… they are comfortable, and they feel right for church.
I was also brought up to wear them, and feel very comfortable in them. True, not everyone does, surely it’s a taste one must cultivate if that is not the usual style worn.
I do however wear different styles of pants, slacks and capris too.
If I decide to wear pants to church (which is not often) I wear a tunic top that goes below the buttocks or I tie a scarf or shaw around my waist in a stylish manner, so as to not distract in the manner you spoke of.
It is very important that at a gathering of saints that we dress in a modest manner.
I have seen men, and women also, get distracted by the size or curves of women, when their eyes should be seeking God.
It is also important to dress well any & everywhere we go.
If we walk in the Spirit we will be in tune with the Spirit. I know mostly Father looks at our hearts to see if we are turned towards Him.
It truly is Throne Room Worship & Intimacy He desires … and as we come closer to Adonai and fall in love, we will naturally change the outside to reflect the inner beauty. (and of course with helpful hints along the way from other lovers of God’s Glory).
I would like to sign up for your newsletter and any other stuff you can email me. Please and thank you. The sign up button for the newsletter to get on your mailing list isn’t working….
In my opinion dress style is your own choice and it does not matter if you dress like a guy or girl. I personally dont agree with that verse of the Bible. For me I wear what I want, mostly pants or shorts. People might call me a tomboy but maybe that’s who I am