Hello Friends,
I got the idea for today’s post while working on next week’s post. It’s funny how that works sometimes! π This post seemed so much more more important and necessary so that’s why I am publishing it today!
There’s a popular Pinterest quote I see every now and then that actually has some truth in it… You may heard it before:
“If more females would sit down and be ladies, then more males would stand up and be gentlemen.”
Like I said, I do believe there is some truth in this quote! We as young women have more influence on men than we may realize. This is not something to use for our gain, but for their good and our’s as well.
More important than any Pinterest quote, is God’s written Word. There are many verses in Scripture that teach us about our influence on men as well as God’s desire for us to be true, godly, ladies. So, here are three key attributes of a true lady…
3 Key Attributes of a True Lady
A True Lady Will Let Men Lead
“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3
“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” 1 Timothy 2:12-13
There is a principle in these verses that we can learn and apply to our own lives. Adam was created first, then Eve was made to be his help meet. These verses are not saying that a woman can never teach, or lead in any way, however, men are supposed to the primary leaders and teachers (especially in the church!). Clearly, from this verse, we as women are not supposed to be expressing authority over the men in our lives, but allowing them to be the leaders, or as the Bible says, “the head”.
In our culture, women are encouraged to stand up and take charge. Women are becoming the pursuers, leaders, and bosses. As a result, a lot of men are sitting down and becoming passive. Even a lot of Christian girls have fallen prey to the idea that women are better leaders than men. That’s totally against God’s original design! God created men to lead and women to follow. We were created to be help meets, not “boss babes”.
We as young women (and older women!) need to step down and let men be the leaders they were created to be.
Putting It Into Action…
If you are single, let a young man take the lead in pursuing a relationship. He was created to be the pursuer – not you!
If you are married, you must learn to allow your husband to lead in your marriage and decision making. This will not make you miserable. The wife who chooses to submit, is also choosing to trust the Lord. Trusting the Lord always results in joy – not misery!
If you are a woman in the working world, don’t exert authority over men unless it is already your position to do so. And when you must take leadership over men while on the job, do so with meekness and grace, like a true lady.
A True Lady Embraces Her God-Given Purpose
“And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18
I have written a whole post about this (you can read it here) but it’s worth repeating again. First and foremost, you were created for God’s glory! As a women, you are not less important than men, nor are you more important. Males and females were created differently, yet equally, and have each been given a different job to do.
God’s original purpose when He created woman was for her to be a help meet. Eve was created to help Adam do the job God had given him to do. She was also created to be his loyal companion and friend for life.
I have to smile sometimes at how helpless men seem without their wives… they are not completely helpless on their own, but they honestly seem lost without them at times. That is because their wives are their helpers. God designed it that way! With a loyal, submissive, respectful, and helpful woman by their side, men are then enabled to do what God created them to do, and to be the leaders they are supposed to be.
Putting It Into Action…
If you are single, be willing to help out your mom, dad, or brothers. The role of “help meet” is given to all women regardless of marital status. You can be a helper right at home.
If you are married, strive to be the best helper you can be for your husband. Only you know how to minister to, and help your husband in the best way possible. And, if you are unsure…ask him!
If you are a woman in the working world, do the best job you can do – your employer (man or woman) needs your help and best effort.
And last but not least….
A True Lady Strives for Godliness
“Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning… But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” 1 Peter 3:3-4
“Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
The key to becoming a true lady, is becoming a godly lady. In God’s Word we find stories of countless women. Some who followed God’s plan others who did not. For those that strove for godliness, they found blessing and joy.
If you and I want to become true ladies, we will seek to be all that God wants us to be. We find God’s will for us in His Word, and by walking with Him daily. The life of a godly woman is simple, although not always easy. It starts with focused determination to meet with God each day, and discover in His Word, what His desire is for each one of us.
This is not just the end of my list, but it’s really where it all starts. When you and I strive for godliness, we will gladly embrace the roles of a true lady. We will gladly let men lead, and we will joyfully embrace God’s plan for us.
Final Thoughts
To break it all down… if you and I want to be a true lady, we must sit down and allow men to be the leaders. Then we must be reminded again of our God-given purpose… that of a help meet. And last but not least (where is all should begin) we must strive for godliness. A true lady understands these key attributes and seeks to live them out in her own life. Will you do the same?
Leave a Comment
- As a woman, sometimes it’s hard to let men lead! Have you ever struggled with the urge to take charge and be the leader?
- Who in your life is an excellent example of a true lady?
I would love to hear your answers – feel free to leave a comment below! β₯

Amazing post! β€
I think that this topic is very important today, in the age of emancipation of women. In my country, one famous child poet wrote a poem about purpose of women and men. And one sentence has broken down a storm of anger and madness from the upholder of women’s rights.
“Why are girls in the world? To be mums, which love their children, to be mums, which smile at you when you are small.” – that’s a translation. And many people demand to ban this poem because of the “gender inequality”, because “it say that girls are here only to be moms and second-rate helpers of men”… It was terrible. Girls ARE here to be moms and helpers – they are equal with men, but have totally different purpose! I was sick about this. This happens when people forsake God’s perfect purpose for us and His flawless definition for both genders.
I think that being true lady is so much important! We must support men to act like men. We must let them to be leaders. To be gentlemen.
Titus 2:5
“To beΒ discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”
P.S. Sorry for mistakes… I hope it’s understandable! π I’m not very good in writing.
I understood it perfectly!! Thanks so much for sharing!! What you said is very true!
Older siblings get some leadership responsibilities whether they like it or not (one of those “mixed blessings” π). A huge part of leading graciously is to balance the reminders/orders with enough smiles and praise. And, to be realistic!! I often have to adjust my expectations by remembering what I was like at 8, or 11, or 13… and that we’re all still growing π
Time does change a lot β several of my brothers are in their teens now, so giving orders is usually WAY less effective than giving maybe one quiet reminder and setting an example myself. It’s an adjustment, but it’s neat to realize that we’re training for our God-given roles!! π
Yes! I don’t know that girls always realize the influence they can have over a guy! And sadly, the ones who do realize seem to use it in a bad way. Sometimes I do doubt if I’m encouraging guys or not, but I still do what I do for God, and at least He’s being glorified!
I am the oldest of three and have always been in control , so it’s hard for me to just let my husband lead because I’m a leader and my husband is so laid back. But I’ve been learning to always ask his opinion on things and not just assuming he doesn’t care and just doing what I want to do. My grandmother is a great example of a true lady. She is such a real woman and she is godly. She is the type of person that will have fun with you lead you guide u with her head held high. You can see God in her life
Thanks for sharing!
It sounds like you are learning how to let your husband lead – keep it up! I’m glad you have a godly grandmother to look to as an example. π